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Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2002 9:02 am
by shaniepoo
They cant do that!....can they?
That will mean that i cant take my Weres' ive been playing with :(
Longfang, im trying for the next mupets film as Gonzo. If i paint my self blue and put my hair up you can hardly tell the difference :wink:

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2002 9:53 am
by Deathwing
I doubt they'll do that. If I don't decide to persue my flirtation with High Elves, I may take an all Beastman line-up based on Balrog's successful roster. If I do, they'll be represented by the new plastic WH Chaos Marauders. GW don't have any problem with that kind of thing, as long as the figures are identifiable and GW made.
Of course it all depends on the format, and whether stars are in or not.
( Check out the 'Res-my take' thread which I'm just going to put into archive.)

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2002 10:01 am
by shaniepoo
I might have to go and have a read of that in a minute :P
Any pics on that thread? Wounder if there are any of me(and 1s were iv not got a hand, book or other stuff covering my face, or the back of my head for that matter)

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2002 4:27 pm
by Venomous Breath
Well I'll don't think I'll bother to come...

...just kidding..come on..I'll take you all one..the trophy will be mine again...hahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaa

*takes medication*


see you there...

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2002 4:31 pm
by Ancalagon
Venom: this time you won't be the only lizard coach... I see you at the final...

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2002 4:35 pm
by Grumbledook
Not if you play each other, or Sputnik if he takes lizards again. ;]

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2002 5:07 pm
by Puggy BaconBreath
I've seen 40k tournaments where they've disallowed any unit that wasn't from the current range.
Really that is extremley harsh, sounds like GW in full money making mode.

Only problem i've had was at an Epic touney 4-5 years ago, when jervis grilled me over my use of a non-GW mini as a Eldar bomber.


Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2002 5:10 pm
by Anthony_TBBF
On the topic of GW models only, do they mean GW BB models only or are they quite happy to see teams converted from other GW ranges (especially WFB plastics as thats my Skaven team I want to take).
If anything conversions are encouraged, I had a bunch on my team and look what happened ;)

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2002 5:52 pm
by GenoNBBL
Looks like the Nurgle's Rotters mini's are coming out just in time for me to take a freshly painted Chaos team then.

Can't wait to go to this event, let's see just how good/bad I really am at BB!

Still, a night in Bugmans is good enough an excuse on it's own to go :D

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2002 6:44 pm
by Thadrin
You'll never guess what I'll be playing....

I tole my wife months ago I was going to be there, hell or high water.

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2002 6:44 pm
by Longshot
i ll try to dring some other French Coaches to give the French touch to this tournament 8)

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2002 7:21 pm
by Deathwing
Anthony_TBBF wrote:
On the topic of GW models only, do they mean GW BB models only or are they quite happy to see teams converted from other GW ranges (especially WFB plastics as thats my Skaven team I want to take).
If anything conversions are encouraged, I had a bunch on my team and look what happened ;)
I have my doubts whether a certain 'St Bernard Apoth' was made by GW at all...could be wrong though! :P :P

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2002 7:52 pm
by Anthony_TBBF
Hehe, actually he is from the Mordheim Witch Hunter warband! ... ls&Cookie=

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2002 11:19 pm
by Zy-Nox
Puggy BaconBreath wrote:
I've seen 40k tournaments where they've disallowed any unit that wasn't from the current range.
Really that is extremley harsh, sounds like GW in full money making mode.

Only problem i've had was at an Epic touney 4-5 years ago, when jervis grilled me over my use of a non-GW mini as a Eldar bomber.

I think I remember that bomber..........
Didnt we play at that tourny. I had a dark angels army?

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2002 3:29 pm
by Puggy BaconBreath
I think I remember that bomber..........
Didnt we play at that tourny. I had a dark angels army?
Yeah, I remember playing a dark angels army, did we play in the first game, you had a lot of Land Raiders and Terminators?

It was one of tournaments they held at Leicester uni, it would have been 1996 or 97?

I hope you weren't offended by my use of non-GW minis :wink: , I remeber the judges weren't to happy :pissed:

That was my first Tourny, I must have only been about 16, stoped collecting a few years after that but have been sucked back in by Blood Bowl this year :D .
