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Lusobowl - 26-27th May - Lisbon (Portugal)

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 12:20 pm
by montanhas18
Note: I'm not part of the organization team, just passing the information. The website has a form for questions, but I'm obviously avaliable to answer anything through PM or forward it to the organization team.

All the information in the event website:

Portuguese National Championship - NAF sanctioned event.

The tournament will hold a maximum of 54 players, and registrations are opened until 54 signups, or the 1st of May.

Although it’s the Portuguese National, players from all the corners of the world are most welcome to participate and enjoy one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, while playing one of your favourite games in a ranked tournament.

Re: Lusobowl - 26-27th May - Lisbon (Portugal)

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 9:38 am
by montanhas18
The tournament was this weekend. 22 players, with the following distribution:
4 Orcs
3 Dwarfs
3 Humans
3 Wood elves
2 Dark elves
2 Union elves
1 Chaos
1 Norse
1 Skaven
1 Slann
1 Ogres

Some photos from the organizer's FB post: ... 300986981/