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Tiptoe results

Post by Princelucianus »

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Post by Grumbledook »

I see norse has his painting point.

Though how come woody is doing so well and whats the deal with longshots goblins.

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Post by Dave »

Grumbledook wrote:I see norse has his painting point.
nope :lol:

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Post by Dave »

small and quick match reports of my first day.

Coen (bluedevil) and I came in even before most of the other dutch guys.

The draw was made (and can be seen completely on the net lucy, trust me, I haven't looked) and I was facing doubleskullz for the first match

I play norse, 6 line, 2 catch, 1 throw, 3 blitz, 3 RR and 4FF and he played human. (I think 3 catch, 4 blitz, 1 throw and 4 line)

Ian recieved first and all the bad weather seemed to have been drawn to the tables around us but with us it was nice.
He moved some players (catcher and blitzer) into a scoring position and I forgot to move one of my players to the one I couldn't blitz... he took his chance and scored in the second turn. After his kick off my thrower couldn't get the ball under controll. immedeately he put the pressure on and I was in big, big trouble. I made one silly move, he blitzed my ball carrier, down, scatter ball straight into the blitzers hand.. Next turn I block the blitzer.. double pushback.. reroll :pissed: :pissed:

he scored 2 - 0

The second half was kind of a mess. I failed to score in 2 consecutive turns and he failed the last GFI tfor 3-0.

Score: 2 - 0, cas 2 - 4 (that was okay, all his catchers off around turn 2:1)

second match, TIM; Chas dwarves (6 CD, 4 Hobs, 2 BC)

Again I lost the toss. big scrap in the middle, he scores at turn 3.
He kicks, I get the ball, manage to score in turn 8 after not making a GFI needed for the TD.. funny thing was that a lot of players spend a lot of time facing the pitch this match both his and mine.
I recieve the 2nd half and Duck up big time. He manages to stop my offence, and all I could do was swap sides. Needed a long pass. 3, RR :pissed:
Made several attempts using blitzers to get the ball free, failed dodges twice but couldn't keep him from the winner.

Score 2 - 1, cas 2 - 2

Third facing Thadrin. Skaven (2Blitz, 1Thro, 3 GR, 7Line)

Thads was in a good mood. Won one, lost one but played like a baby (his very own words)

He started off well, scoring the 2nd turn with a GR. I started for the TD but managed to mess things up a little. Meanwhile I messed things up, I kicked some Ratty Buttom. One of my blitzers managed 4 cas in the first half. Breaking point was him fouling my Ag4 Blitzer, KO-ing him but getting send off. I managed to score, after him fumbling a pass the previous turn, at turn 8

Only 6 rats faced me 2nd half. scored in turn 2. He attacked again but I stunned his ball carrier. I thought myself safe till hit only blitzer that was on pitch made a 4+ dodge, 3+ dodge, blitz oen tz down, 3+ dodge, 3+ pick up, GFI, GFI TD. Not much you can do about that really.

Again I scored in two turns and a riot ended the match.

Score: 2 - 3 (wohoo) cas: 0-4

Lotsa fun and really cool to get some faces behind some names. Thads makes more noise than Norse, only norse peaks better. Better even to see some of the women behind the players.. and hear Thads speak fluent Swedish.

At the moment I am at the 8th position. and got some fun skils.

Sure Hands, Accurate thrower
Pass Block, Strip Ball Lino
Ag4 Blitzer
Guard Blitzer.

Gonna sleep now, wanna win some more tomorrow. :zzz:

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Post by Indigo »

so looking at the site, it appears Tim won?
Some day 2 reports please!!

and pics!!

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Post by Longshot »

Time to report now....

Round 1 against Bluedevil-Lizardmen

Well, ive done all the kind of running cage to go to my first TD as Lizardmen were only able to push me...
Second half, a missed block from coen put him in trouble very soon, and dodgy gobbos succed in scoring again!!!!
Afterthat a good and lucky defence had close the way to my endzone
2/0 and My Troll Tawny Tim and My Ogre Drunk Deatwing have done 1 casualtie each.
5 Tourny points(Max)
Skill: Frenzy on my Drunk Deatwing Ogre (double)
and side step for my Lashy Lucy Goblin.

2nd Round against Daan and Dwarfs :puke:

All went pretty well for me!!
Fist block from My Troll=>casualtie against a longbeard.
Second turn: foul his troll slayer=>casualtie
Third turn My Ogre Push one of those Fuc...g dwaves outside for a crowd casualtie!
Running TD as i like them againt some dwarves far away :p
Daan manage well on his attack and succed a runner dodge for a TD and to equalize.
Then, he kicked to my endzone, and made and i had 5 turns....
But , by luck, i have a 5-turner in my team 8)
missed the last extra square but succed it with a reroll.

2/1, 1 casualtie for both of my Big Guys
5 Tourny points
Skills: ST+1 for Litup Longfang
and diving Tackle for my gobbo Tackle Thadrin.

3rd Turn agaist Lucy and his Amazones.
Putting a amazone catcher to the reserves is not always a good thing!
first turn for him, he injured my Ogre (10/10) and my Apo was useless!(1)
And my troll KO at the third turn...now i am in trouble
Well,the game was played in only few squares: the middle!
But nobody scored cos Lucy had soap on his hands! (failing all his picking up in first half)
Second half, bad kick from me, so lucy dont need to pick it up!
but the ball carrier missed a dodge and all my goblins went around it to annoye amazones!
The game was amazone pushing goblins, missing to pick the ball, and then goblins going inside of the battle again.
I finnally scoed at turn 6...i could have wait 1 turn but it was a little risky (we never know..and it was the really first time that i could have scored! i was also thinking that i could stp him from scoring.
Well i put his catcher down, ball free...A blitzer succed in dodging, picking up the ball!!!!!(next to the sideline) pushing my diving tackle but he had to follow him...dodging from him with a 6 (diving tacle useless ) 2 extra and score.
1/1 2 casualties for my LitUp Longfang st3 gobbo and 1 TD.
draw: 2 Tourny points
Skills:gobbo LitUp Longfnag got blocl (double)
And gobbo Tiny Trambi got sidestep

Turn 4 against Tim and his Cahos dwarves! (was he allowed to play them??!! he shouldnt, this is his favorite team)
well, sunday wasnt my day this time...
i receive first half, blitz for him.
moving one gobbo just around the ball, trying to block with my Tawny Tim Troll: Doubleskull!!
TD for Cahos dwarves..
I receive...he blitzed me again.
i had about 5 casualties already and 4 KO.
Before the half i tryed to throw a goblin but he lands on a Cahos dwarf helmet!!! funny move.
Second half was still bad, and all was quite the same.
He had 3 MB on his team but useless...he only made armor rolls up to 8!
i ve done 14/15 KO recover rolls, but only succeed 2...
0/4 2 casualties (Ogre and Troll) for only
1 tourny point (this point make me second in the best sunday downfall! just behind Ian who was 2 after Saturday, i was 3 after saturday).
skills:Diving tackle for Barrel Benja
and Catch for Napalm Niels

Last game against Sputnick and undead
Started wrong with my Ogre injured twice in the first 3 turn (inj, apo succeed, inj again) My Troll went on KO...mummies dont need Piling on if you only roll up to 9 !
he scored and i was 1 down at halftime.
11 goblin on the field, receiving the ball...
going deep left as his defence wasnt on the sides and not that deep.
I was thinking i could score and loose probably 1/2.
tacle zone everywhere, ball carrier standing 3 square to the endzone, my 2 diving tacle around...sounds good.
Sputnick had only one thing to do to stop me...and he does it, dodging with 2 5+ rolls , and Powing me (another injurie..) and catching the ball on the bounce...succed in blitzing her with My LitUp LF but missing a dodge. Ball still free, he picked it up, running in few turn to my endzone for the second TD.
2 turns to go, 7 goblin on the field, perfect defence for him...
Ball was free in my endzone, 2 goblins in front of it. He blitzed one and pushed him on the ball=>crowd to crow pass action (on the right) and then a short pass of the public close to an other wight. Ghoul running to the endzone, pass from the wight...
0/3 i ve done nothing in this game.

i am 8, so everybody can blame on the 10 coaches behind me!!!!And on Lucy for his tie, so 11 players to joke about, isnt it great?

I just change my sign up now!

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Post by Princelucianus »

Wellllllll. Lucy: Amazon team.

First round; Benja (France) with dwarves... Win 2-1
Well, A bad first round draw. But being able to stay away from most dwarves, it ended 1-1 after the first half, with 10 players for the second half. Benja caged slowly forward, but could blitz the ballcarrier in the 5th turn, the ball kept bouncing until my blitzer got it. Run away and scored a 7th turn 2-1.....

Second round; Gorbad with Darkelves... Lost 2-3
Again a 1-1 halftime score. I got a blitz and my blitzer caught the ball. He POW'd my blitzer one a 1D blitz, but couldn't pick it up. I regained the ball but got POW'd again. In the third turn I just had to blitz a darkelf next to the ball, but failed the dodge. He then quickly scored twice (with a blitz for him) and I got a 8th turn 2nd TD.

Third round; Longshot with Goblins... Draw 1-1
Well, he had won twice, so I was a litlle nervous :roll:
All went well in the begining. He frenzied my catcher in the crowd, I BH'd the frenzying Ogre (see Longshot's reply). 2nd turn I Ko'd his troll.
So, only goblins left, I thought I would have a blast.
But until the 5th turn of the second half, it went something like this.
He organised goblins near the ball, I pushed them away and don't pick up the ball. After another failed attempt in the 5th, he suddenly scored really quickly and I made a lucky draw.....
Strange (and I must admitt, frustating) game....

Fourth round; Longfang with Skaven...Win 2-1
Pouring rain made me nervous to make a pick up attempt. He capitalised quickly and scored 1-0 on my receiving turn.....
Then things we're going downhill for poor Longfang, I already Got the Ref and his Kick player got hit by a rock. All block went reasonably well and my DP had a ball.
He could only field 5-6 skaven the whole match which gave me an easy 2-1 win.

Fifth round; Daan (Holland) with Dwarves... Win 2-0
Well, A developed MB/Guard Dwarves team wasn't my idea of ending the tournament, but he rolled a Pitch invasion, with 2 KO'd dwarves, 2 injured and 2 stunned. Things became easy after that. 1st block was a casualty, fouled 2 players out before being send off and the crowd injured a trollslayer. Desperately tried to get a 2nd casualty to end 3rd but didn't, and Dave got his 2nd casualty in the last turn (different match) so he became 3rd.

Enjoyed it again.
The Germans ruled it again......


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Post by Gorbad »

I wanted to be original and took Dark Elves... and now I know why that was so original.. they _suck_ in a 100TR tournament :) (or I suck, but let's ignore that, right?)

Anyway, I did have good fun, and it was good meeting the faces behind the avatars. Here's a short write-up of my games.

First match against Thadrins Rat 'n Roll:
A fun game, where most of the casualties came from the crowd, a pitch invasion crippled a Gutter Runner, an elf got shoved into the crowd, as did two rats, but only one of them got injured.

The Dark Elves managed to KO 5 rats, but alas, they all came back, while the skaven managed to inflict somewhat more permanent injuries.

It was a rather tight game, but as time got short, the elves resorted to desperate tactics to tie, and dropping the ball meant an easy 1-3 victory for the skaven. Result.. one TD, one Cas, i.e. 0 points.
Skills were rolled on two blitzers, +1 AG, and Strip Ball.

Then came Lucy's Lustrous Saints, and again the elves went on a knockout spree, and a whopping 7 amazons made visits to the KO box, but as they didn't get so lucky as to come back, a 3-1 lead was established, with the amazons pulling one back in the final stages of the match. Result, again only one cas, 2+ TD's, so 4 points. Skills this time, a blitzer took Sure Hands, a lineelf took Kick.

Final match of the day, ianwilliams and his Erengrad Castle humans. A bad match this... mainly due to the fact that he clearly was the superior player. I made two mistakes in the first half, and got punished for 'em. 0-2, on my receiving half. Second half didn't get much better, the humans took their time walking down the field, made no mistakes, and made their third TD.

Again only one cas, no TD, no points. But the 5 KO's made the Dark Elves the KO-kings of day one, with a grand total of seventeen KO's. Skillselection, tackle on the Sure Hands blitzer, Dirty Player on a lino.

Day two, and full of hope, facing Daan and the Bouncing Beer Bellies Lite. The dwarves weren't mucking about. Even the loss of one Troll Slayer, and the KO of the other (DP->foul->sent off->coach sent off) didn't phase them, and they dutifully proceeded to clear the field of Elves. The BBB lites scored in turn 6, giving the elves a clear opportunity to level the half, but a carefully orchestrated riot put those hopes to rest... 0-1, and only 6 elves to setup for the second half, things were looking grim. Well.. I'm not going into detail about that second half... 3 elves left at the end, and an 0-2 disgrace. Two cas, so gained one point to go to 5 points, and the very bottom of the pack. Skillswise, yet again two blitzers, both took Dodge, as I wasn't facing another dwarf team again.

Last match, I met Dave, with his FeYeNoOrd Norse, and the game was tight indeed. Noone could keep the ball for long, and even though Dave had incredible luck with his armour rolls (around 90% were 10+), he evened it out nicely with failing to roll over 5 on the injury. Net result? 0-1, and elves receiving for the second half. This time offense went smoothly, and in turn 2 the score was levelled, at 1-1, and only one elf injured. Dave had some problems scoring, and some hairy moments at the sidelines, with about 6 players eligible to be pushed off the pitch on both sides, but miraculously, everyone managed to avoid that dreadful fate (no mean feat with those Norse blitzers), and when one player broke free, he had no trouble making it 1-2 for the Norse. Plenty of turns for the elves to get a draw atleast, but having to pick between being passblocked with no rerolls, or just tossing it over the norse catcher (two shots at a 6+ int), I picked the wrong one... INT for the Norse! And well, end result, 1-3. But this match wasn't over yet! We both needed one more cas for the point, and setup was just one giant line of players, and I promptly skulled out on my first block, leaving him 9 elves with sudden wet stains in their pants.... It did take some encouraging and shouting, but he got one down and out!!! This one point got him into shared third place with Lucy, so there was much rejoicing and beer.

I had a lot of fun, but vowed to never touch Dark Elves again, they just don't suit me that well, and I haven't quite figured out how one should play them properly. The irony of it all was ofcourse that my 'prize' for being dead last was..... a Dark Elf model!

Anyway, many thanks to Marcus for not showing up, so I could take his place ;)

And many thanks to the organizers and players for making it into a great weekend for all, congrats to Tim, the deserved winner, and congrats to Longshot, for being in the running for a victory with his goblins, pretty amazing!

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Post by Princelucianus »

After my draw against Longshot's goblins, Doubleskulls proclaimed:
"I thought you were supposed to be good" with a big grins on his face....
Well, sunday wasn't Doubleskulls day so

I did better than the ECBBL representative, you Cylon :lol:

Great you could come dude.... 8)

Also big thanks for all the other foreigners who came over and for my A'dam friends, who let you all win 8)


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Post by Indigo »

post more pics!
Were the final results the ones on the site or are they from the end of day1

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Post by Longshot »

yep, thanks for the draw mate 8)

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Post by Princelucianus »

Indigo wrote:post more pics!
Were the final results the ones on the site or are they from the end of day1
The pics were made by....
Several who haven't had a chance to come online yet.

The final result was this one indeed:

All matches can be seen here


We're still the only tourney to have all results online in 30 minutes after each round :P :P :P :P


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Post by Indigo »

lol that's an impressive record
wish I'd been there :-(

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The Sunday Meltdown

Post by DoubleSkulls »

First of all a big thanks to all those involved in organising the tourney. I had a really great time and am already looking forward to next year.

All the pics are available here

Erengrad Castle - Humans
4 Blitzers, 3 Catchers, 1 Thrower, 4 Linemen, 3 TRR, 1 FF

Game 1 Dave Norse
3 Blitzers, 2 Catchers, 1 Thrower, 6 Linemen, 3TRR, 4FF
Norse was not a nice team to play against 1st up. Block across the board could make life very messy indeed. I elected to receive, hopeing I could do a bit of damage - which didn't really happen but I made a 2 turn TD instead.
In the next drive Dave left a gap for me to blitz his thrower an with a 1 die block I sent him crashing to the floor, my blitzer followed into the heart of the cage and caught the ball on a 6. :D Then disaster for Dave as he blocked the ball carrier, rolled a push and rerolled double skulls. With the route cleared I ran downfield for the 2nd TD.
A blitz in the 2nd half ensured that the Norse offence bogged down and I was just unable to convert for another TD. Still a good start.

Game 2 - Daryll - Wood Elves
1 War Dancer, 1 Catcher, 9 Line elves, 1 FF, 2TRR, Apoth
An extremely tight game that could have gone either way. In the 1st turn I fouled the War Dancer and got a casualty which the apoth healed meaning that I ended up getting rid of a lot of line elves. Daryll failed 2 passes into the endzone, either of which could have stopped me winning but in the end my rolling offence just managed to hold the war dancers off and I pulled off a very tight 3-1 win.

Game 3 - Gorbad - Dark Elves
4 Blitzers, 7 Line elves, 1 FF, 2 TRR
Gorbad made a couple of mistakes early on - he chose not to reroll failed dodges - which allowed me to blitz the ball carrier and take a comfortable 2-0 lead at half time. The second half was dominated by pouring rain and I failed to pickup the ball in 2 consecutive turns. In the end I dug it out and managed to roll out for the 3rd TD. The only downside to the game was no casualties but I'd still picked up 14/15 points on the 1st day and was in 2nd place. :D

The Sunday Meltdown

Game 4 - Trambi - Humans
3 Blitzers, 6 Linemen, 2 Catchers, 1 Thrower, 3 TRR, 1 FF, Apoth

Trambi was one of the few other unbeaten coaches, so I due I was in for a tight game. Trambi elected to kick. First block, double skulls, reroll double skulls. $%^&$£! At least Trambi couldn't get to the ball. 2nd turn I needed to make a 1 die block 1st to recover my position (everyone was marked) skull, reroll, skull. Now I was really in trouble as Trambi got hold of the ball. 3rd turn I managed to knock the ball loose but couldn't do anything with it. 4th turn I finally managed to get the thrower onto the ball, picked it up and passed downfield to at least give me some breathing room to reorganise my team. Interception and score.
Next drive I started off with rolling double skulls for my first block again - and no rerolls to burn. Even so I managed to get myself into a desperate position to score but the pass went astray an was caught by one of Trambi's linemen who made the short pass for the 2nd TD.
Second half I managed to turn Trambi over (thanks to Perfect D) and score in 2 turns, but I couldn't stop his next drive for 3-1 and a comedy of errors prevented any further score. The game I lived up to my nickname.

Game 5 - Deathwing - Amazons
2 Catchers, 2 Throwers, 3 Blitzers, 5 Line women, 4 TRR, 4FF

Well I still had a decent chance at 2nd place and the game started brilliantly - I kicked short, got a blitz and a catcher caught the ball. The blitz came in with a push, reroll double skulls. In runs the catchers and I'm 1-0 after 1 turn.
After that it all went pear shaped. I rolled Get the Ref and DW's dirty player took out 2 casualties in the rest of the half. I got one of my own sent off fouling a guarding blitzer, another one pushed into the crowd and a couple of blocking casualties and KOs. I was down to ~5 players. The next kickoffs were pitch invasion, throw a rock and blitz - all went against me. Even so I held him to only 2 TDs.

I knew FF 1 was a risk and it came back to haunt me big time.

I ended up not getting a single point on Sunday compared to only dropping one point on Saturday.

All in all it was a great tourney to play in - the game against Daryll was particularly hard fought - and I got to play 5 coaches I'd never played before.

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Post by DoubleSkulls »

Princelucianus wrote:I did better than the ECBBL representative, you Cylon :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

:roll: Nuffle robbed me.

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Ian 'Double Skulls' Williams
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