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Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2002 12:19 am
by Trambi
I can see that you have a lot of fun. :cry:
DW: This time, you can be the last cos I'm not in Reading ;) tourney thread.

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2002 6:35 am
by Deathwing
TBBers kick ass so far!
Zynox wins all 3 games and leads the field!!!! :o Kudos!!!
Marcus running 3rd....W2 D1
Longfang running 4th... W2 D1
Marcus and Longfang met in game 1, resulting in the above draw.
Longshot W1 D1 L1..midpack..
Spyke W1 D1 L1..midpack...
Deathwing...erm...near the arse end..D1 L2...(the opening draw was v. McDeth... )...bad day today...
Not sure offhand how others are going..too busy kicking my 'lucky' Amsterdam hat around the hall to check... :roll: :P

So with one game to play before the semi final/the rest split, TBBers are looking good so far with only one exception dragging the side down.... :oops:

Try and get some pics up later, beer and pizza first..

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2002 6:55 am
by Deathwing
..just looking at Longshot's video....
best quote so far..Marcus pre-tourney..
" I'm just praying I don't draw Del first off..."

You gotta laugh.... :D

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2002 7:14 am
by Longshot
So here is my reports:

Fun all aroud. And meeting some TBBERs i never seen in real life.

1 round againt Jay and his skaven,
i manage well amd won 4/0 :wink:

2 round against Rob and his amazones...
it was 1/0 for him when he gets a blitz and the turn after my thrower has done a fumble...1 Pass skill 1.... :roll:
2/0 for him , i score but after that he protects the ball carrier for 3 turns with all his players around.

3 round against Geoff and his Undead
i score after some difficulties midtime 1/0
then i was only 7 on the pitch then 6.. he scores 1/1 all
Rain coming....i was missing her...
pitch invasion for me with FF1...
so playing at 6 against 8 undead and a mummy with pilling on.
i manage my offensive way and throw the ball...roll a 2 for the catch...but it is rainny. :puke:
in the last turn i try to pick up the ball to score under a tacle zone...
roll a 3...but it is still rainny so fail and we ended with a draw.

for the momemt i have 23points and i am 21st so in the middle and will surely not play the playoff but i will do my best for the last 3 games and enjoy a lot...

c ya all timmorrow or when i will be back or later or...nerver
:lol: 8)


Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2002 8:32 am
by woodmeister
Just wanna say thanks to the BBers who made me welcome even though I just came and observed. I took the plunge and joined NAF so anyone looking for easy points you know where to find me...

Some memorable highlights:

1) Pete's halflings showing that the little guys can surprise when taken for granted, especially if the Treeman can be bothered to turn up. In their first game the big guy no showed and an unsightly pitch invasion rather spoiled the first half, and despite the Treeman lying down on the job for most of the second when he was set upon by a gang of Skaven, they only went down 2-1.

2) Buoyed by the first game the second game for the Stewdrinkers, also against Skaven, was a different story. The hilariously named Treeman Paul Oak n'Field remembered this time to turn up and still smarting from his earlier Skaven related beating took vengeance and killed or injured most of the opposing side. Not to be out done some of his team mates felt the Skaven deserved no better and sent a few of the rat faced fellows to the dug out on stretchers. The final score 2-0.

3) Wood Elves not noted for their ability to either dish out of take punishment showed Chris's human Parravon Patriots how wrong we can sometimes be. Gary's elves rolled with the punches and despite being regularly knocked over always seemed to avoid being hurt (how many 6's an 7's can one man roll). They also sent three of the Patriots to the local hospital. As if that wasn't enough in the dying minutes of the game one of the Wardancers leapt over a scrum of humans who were trying to set about him and ran in for a touchdown. If memory serves it was 3-1.

4) The other halfling squad didn’t fair so well and in one game almost the whole team joined Chris’s three Patriots filling the local infirmary courtesy of some dwarves.

I learned a lot about the mechanics of BB and I can't wait now to get the Nuns to full match fittness.

And I want to apologise to Marcus who I failed to meet up with and give him the lift into London I promised. Sorry chap. :roll:

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2002 9:02 am
by Deathwing
Woody and Marcus doing NAF registration.

Spyke does his stint and something's funny.

Oh no!! What's gone tits up for Marcus??


Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2002 9:07 am
by Darkson
Right, just make sure you lot aren't too hung-over tomorrow, I need a game.

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2002 9:57 am
by Marcus
Quick Snaps:


Longshot gurns for France


The Mighty McDeth


Deathwing prepares to field all 3 of his remaining High Elves vs Adam Woolfe's Dark Elves


Zy-Nox relaxes at the top of the table after day 1 while Deathwing drowns his sorrows.


Longfang still can't believe he drew Marcus first round again.

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2002 7:40 pm
by Deathwing
TBBer's in domination shocker!!!! :o
Big up to Sputnik, Marcus, Zy-nox and Longfang. After game 4, it was an all TBB last 4.
Final order..
1 Sputnik
2 Marcus
3 Longfang
4 Zy-nox

Brilliant weekend all round, nice to put yet more names to faces and have a bit of a laugh with the usual mob as well.

Huge BIG UP for the Spiky guys and Dave in particular for an excellent tournament, good grub, good organisation, a lot of fun and enjoyed by all. First BB tourney the Spiky Club have ran, huge success and we'll all be back next year for definate. Spiky II..bring it on... 8)
More pics to follow...

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2002 8:14 pm
by Marcus
Big Up indeed. A spectacularly well run tournament. The Spiky boys did themselves proud - well organised, a good supply of kit, food and prizes, a really nailbiting tournament system and some quality opposition.

Great to get to meet up with (and face off against) some of the TBB regulars. Quality opponents all and an unfailingly sporting lot. It's rare to find a wargames tournament with so many people who are just there for the love of the game and to have a good contest. I think it's why I love this game so much.

Tournament match reports and more photos to follow as soon as my heart rate has returned to normal and my fingernails have grown back.

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2002 8:37 pm
by Deathwing
Spyke and DW meet in the last round....

Longshot finds extra ammo and scores the result of the tourney with an 8-1 shocker!! :o

Now what's the best thing to do with a wardancer that screws up on the big stage?Apart for teaching his Head Coach to count... :roll:

Da Tulip champ has to settle for 2nd this time around...

Third overall and Best Paint actually picks up a deserved trophy...

Managed to completely screw up pics of Sputnik taking the honours, but there were plenty of others taken..I'll get a load more up on Wodell later next week...

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2002 8:37 pm
by Darkson
I'd also like to add my congrats to the Spiky boys for a great 2nd day (damn having to work Saturdays). I definately be there next year, the weekend's booked off already.

Special thanks to Dave for the game, a sporting opponent. I'm chuffed to say I pulled off a jammy 1-1 when my Wight pulled off a Long Bomb at -4. Pity his mate was so surprised he dropped the ball :D

Spiky club, thanks again. :D

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2002 9:07 pm
by Marcus
Tried to add some pics in but they appeared to all stuff up. Snaps available at

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2002 9:15 pm
by Longshot
good tournament everyone, verry exiting.
a lot of thing to say about...
i ll take train back to france tomorrow and i will my reports then.
i finished 10 or 11.
1 loss , 2 draws and 3 wins but you will know about it tomorrow night...
a lot of fun and good oposition, some luck or bad luck but my padawans will be Jedi soon....

i was pleased to see all the guys i already knew in amsterdam and to see some new ones :lol:

i have a video tape with about 1 hour of the event. it will be usefull during those cold night of winter :P

see you all soon in netherland and for the ressurection 2

i will mow take more time to organize a tournament like this...
thx to dw for his home and his great way to be .
congratulation to the organizers.
see ya all soon

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2002 9:22 pm
by Darkson
Surely Sputnik will get a special title now?

Spiky Open champ?

Excellent final by the way. :D