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Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 10:48 pm
by Pug
STUNY CUP winner was Dontcallmeflossy with Goblins "CF Lollipops"
W= 0
D= 3
L= 3

TD (F-A)= 5-10
CAS (F-A)= 18-17


Re: The Giants of Stunty Cup (Stunty Cup Winners)

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 3:20 pm
by Leipziger
After a slow start to their Stunty Cup careers, goblins have caught up with the flings on 8 wins apiece. The all skink line-up managed a couple of wins in 2009 and the Ogres reemain a threat. No-one has pulled off an all goblin Underworld stunty cup win yet though (Nethrag was very close at the Flame Bowl) ... Maybe this weekend at the Waterbowl, it will all change...

Re: The Giants of Stunty Cup (Stunty Cup Winners)

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:05 pm
by mattwhile
You should add 'Dontcallmeflossy' for Carrot Crunch '09 Stunty winner with 'Flings.

@ Pug - He was also 1-3-2 at Rocket, he beat Grandad.

And 'Igor Tahavanale' for Evesham '09 Stunty winner with Goblins.

And 'Lovemunkey' for Poobowl IV Stunty winner with Ogres.

And 'VultureSquadron' for Pearlies '09 Stunty winner with Goblins.

And 'Lycos' for Monkeybowl '09 Stunty winner with Goblins.

Re: The Giants of Stunty Cup (Stunty Cup Winners)

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:42 pm
by Leipziger
Thanks, Matt :) Now updated. Goblins have moved into the lead! Dontcallmeflossy joins Darkson and Valen as one of the coaches to win the Stunty Cup with 2 different stunty sides. Can anyone get the ogre/goblin/halfling (classic stunty) hattrick?

Re: The Giants of Stunty Cup (Stunty Cup Winners)

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:24 pm
by Pug
Only if I win three Stunty Cups using the HFH as Ogres nad Goblins but play them as Flings! :wink:

Re: The Giants of Stunty Cup (Stunty Cup Winners)

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:55 pm
by mattwhile
Surely you need to win one first :wink: :lol:

Re: The Giants of Stunty Cup (Stunty Cup Winners)

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:06 pm
by Pug
Drop dead you b..[CENSORED]...

Re: The Giants of Stunty Cup (Stunty Cup Winners)

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 6:36 pm
by Pug
BBGT 2010
Dale Gray
"Da Dougstars"
3/1/2? (TBC)

Re: The Giants of Stunty Cup (Stunty Cup Winners)

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 4:00 am
by Darkson
Leipziger wrote:Thanks, Matt :) Now updated. Goblins have moved into the lead! Dontcallmeflossy joins Darkson and Valen as one of the coaches to win the Stunty Cup with 2 different stunty sides. Can anyone get the ogre/goblin/halfling (classic stunty) hattrick?
Damn my "pre-Stunty Cup" Best Stunty award at Pearlies 2006 (with Gobbos). :wink:

Re: The Giants of Stunty Cup (Stunty Cup Winners)

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 9:31 am
by Leipziger
Darkson wrote:
Leipziger wrote:Thanks, Matt :) Now updated. Goblins have moved into the lead! Dontcallmeflossy joins Darkson and Valen as one of the coaches to win the Stunty Cup with 2 different stunty sides. Can anyone get the ogre/goblin/halfling (classic stunty) hattrick?
Damn my "pre-Stunty Cup" Best Stunty award at Pearlies 2006 (with Gobbos). :wink:
Lol, very true!

I notice though, that you are the only coach other than Barney the Lurker to retain a Stunty Cup title, Simon :)

List updated, let me know if there are any missing (I'm sure there are).

After a slow start, it looks like the Gobbos are racing away at the mo. Is this because of the change in price of the Chef combined with more tourneys offering tweaks for tier 3 teams?

Re: The Giants of Stunty Cup (Stunty Cup Winners)

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 7:40 pm
by kithor2002
Sharky2k won the Stunty Cup competition at the Botz Bembel Bowl V

Re: The Giants of Stunty Cup (Stunty Cup Winners)

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 7:55 pm
by Darkson
Dammit, looks like I might have to take Goblins to ARBBL '11 to try for the hat-trick... :wink:

Re: The Giants of Stunty Cup (Stunty Cup Winners)

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 5:46 am
by Dave
Xod won best stunty (6th place!) at Madhobbit Massacre

he went 3-2-1 or 3-1-2 dunno anymore

Re: The Giants of Stunty Cup (Stunty Cup Winners)

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:01 pm
by dontcallmeflossy!
Hi all! Finally got registered...

Got another stunty win (Flings at Carrot Crunch 2010 at the weekend - another great tourney, thanks guys!)

The goblins at the Rocket bowl were 1/3/2 rather than 0/3/3 (thanks for spotting that Matt!) :D

May have to try ogres at some point for the hatrick... have to get me a team first! :lol:

Re: The Giants of Stunty Cup (Stunty Cup Winners)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:48 pm
by hachidan
Leipziger wrote:If you have been to tournament that ran a Stunty Cup (check out for more details), let me know who won it (and which race they used) and I'll keep a list here. Excitingly, the Stunty Cup is making its Grand Tournament debut this year :-)

Goblins - 14
Halflings - 9
Ogres - 6*
All skink - 2
Underworld Goblins - 0

*Includes an Honourary Mention to the best performing team at the 2007 World Cup - Hachidan's Ogres (awarded the title over Marulick's Ogres on Points Difference. Both teams finished W - 2, D - 3, L - 4).

Leip :lol: :o :lol:
Am new to the site so only reading the above post now. Was very excited to see that I got an honourary mention for my performance at the world cup. That is, of course, until I remembered that I didn't actually play my Ogre team. Because I wanted to put the ogres into the painting/conversion competition, i couldn't play them and had to use my Amazons instead. The team lists were never updated so my results still say ogres.

Sorry about that,
