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More pics from after the TKC2

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 6:36 pm
by Colin
Here are the pics from the days in Tampa after the TKC2 tourney, things got a little crazy at times.

Relaxing at OMM's house Sunday night in Tampa after the TKC2

Later in Ybor District, place called the Gamesworks including the Frenchies, Snots, OMM, and Iron Mike & Rachel

Snots shows his skill with a bat
Snots shows his skill with his tongue and was heard to say, "Never lick the bat" True....ask him about his bat licking exploits. :wink:

Louis and Mike engage in a "male chicken fight"

Later at an Irish pub still in Ybor, not sure what OMM and Snots have going on (not sure we want to know) :wink:

Later an open air bar
Not sure what this drink is called, but we dubbed it the Used Condom
No comment
The things a waitress must go through just to get a tip. :wink:
Again not sure what OMM has going on with the Frenchies, but sure we don't want to know. :wink:
Outside on the streets of Ybor
Louis gets left behind
No one played BB at OMM's, but chess was popular

End of Sunday

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 6:41 pm
by Valen
Nice pics, gotta be there next year

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 6:49 pm
by Colin
Next day Monday.

Louis stays caught up on internet gossip

Only time I ever saw "Baby Face" Yohan shave :wink:

Everyone goes to a spring training game (Phillies vs Blue Jays), even Norse decides to show up :wink:
Snots and OMM are enthralled witht the game

Later after the game the whole gang goes to a restaurant for a bite
Someone tells the staff that's it's Longshot's birthday and they believe it. :roll:
Saying goodbye outside the restaurant, last we see of Norse (though can't blame him) :wink:

Back in Ybor
"What? Me Wasted? No way!!"

The Castle, a goth bar with a lot of character
Inside the Castle

End of Monday

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 6:55 pm
by Valen
You wernt joking about the adults only bit were you, now I HAVE TO COME NEXT YEAR, no pun intended :lol:

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 7:01 pm
by Colin

Snots has left in the morning, so just the Frenchies and Iron Mike & Rachel (as well as OMM and me of course)

At the beach, boy the weather was great! :wink:
Everyone at Crabby Bill's for drinks(they didn't even have any Crabby Patties)

Everyone goes out to eat at the original Hooters restaurant
Of course the Frenchies couldn't leave without harrassing the waitress again. :wink:

Back at the Irish pub in Ybor, this time live folk singer performing
Everyone tries a game of darts and drinks, things start to get a little out of hand when OMM decides he can shoot upside down through his own legs....DUCK!!!!

Later at another Irish bar where everyone tries pool (a little safer) :wink:

The Frenchies go home on Wednesday morning, but later that everning, we (me and OMM) meet up with Ben and his GF at a Spanish restaurant
A motley looking bunch indeed!!! :wink:

I came back on Friday morning and had a great time in Florida. OMM was a great host and I would encourage anyone who's thinking of going to the TKC3 next year to go! OMM is thinking of doing it in Tampa instead of Orlando next year, so more Ybor and the Castle!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 7:08 pm
by Valen
Well I am convinced we are coming

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 7:11 pm
by Colin
One thing I have to add, when we first were going to the Castle on Monday, OMM had stayed home to get some much need rest. Longshot didn't bring his passport because he thought he might lose it, so when we went into the club, he was asked for his ID, he said he didn't have any with him, the guy at the door said he couldn't let him in with out seeing ID, to which LS replied, "But I'm French!!" The guys gives him a real puzzled look and says he has to see ID from anyone who looks under 21. LS phones OMM to have him bring down his passport and we all have a bit of fun with LS by telling him how baby faced he looks which seemed to really annoy him so we keep it up until OMM arrived with his passport and he decides to stay and come in with us. We all had a really great time and closed down the place at 3:00am.
Still can't get over the , "But I'm French!!!" comment and the look on the guys face, it was priceless, too bad I didn't get a pic of that. :D :D

Oh and the part about Snots licking the bat was true as well. :D :D :D

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 7:16 pm
by Thadrin
Off to ask the wife how she'd like to visit florida next spring...

I've never been to the states and dammit that looks like some good times right there.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 7:18 pm
by Valen
I have just asked, SHE SAID YES :P

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 7:29 pm
by sean newboy
Uh I have a bad feeling about this. :wink: :lol:

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 8:15 pm
by Thadrin
You should have been at the dutch...then you REALLY would have been afraid.

My Missus is provisionally positive too.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 8:37 pm
by Xtreme
Damn, wish I could have been there. :cry:
Next year :D

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 9:19 am
by TuernRedvenom
Wow, maybe I should start saving up now, always wanted to visit the US of A sometime and this seems the perfect way to go about it!

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 2:13 pm
by kadu-c
Nice shirts ! You all look like to perform in a Miami Vice episode ! :lol:

I can't wait to cross the Pond in few years ! :D

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 7:13 pm
by Snew
Torg wrote:
Oh and the part about Snots licking the bat was true as well. :D :D :D
Never ever, EVER lick a strange bat. I felt weird for 2 days and my tongue felt like it had electricity going through it. I had to drink all that alcohol to try and kill all the nameless germs that I contacted. I was in serious danger of contracting the ROT! Fortunately, I won. My "medication" stayed one step ahead of the Nurgle juice. :lol: