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FS: Epic 40k Space Marine Army

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:56 pm
by Zoglug
For sale is a rather large Epic 40k Space Marine army which I have begun painting in Dark Angels colours. Due to limited spare time, kids and other hobbies, this has just sat on a shelf for the past 12/18 months so I think it is time to move it on. Pictures will follow later this evening as it took me long enough to inventory it all! I wanted to put the feelers out there to see if there was any interest before I start looking to evilbay!

2 x Old Warlord Titans
2 x Metal Reaver Titans
1 x Forge World Reaver Titan
2 x Warhound Titans
2 x Metal Thunderbolts
2 x Thunderhawk Gunships (current SG ones I believe)
1 x Spaceship (BFG range)
At least 20 plastic Rhino’s
11 x Landspeeders (4 plastic, 7 metal)
15 x Bike stands (plus 1 attack bike)
10 x Predators (6 old models, 4 newer style models)
6 x Land Raiders (4 plastic, 2 metal)
5 x Metal Robots
3 x Razorbacks (metal)
12 x Vindicators (metal)
4 x Whirlwinds (plastic)
16 x Assault Marine Stands
12 x Terminator Stands (8 x metal, 4 x plastic)
4 x Scout Stands
4 x Character Stand + 4 x Librarian Stands
28 x Marine Stands (12 x 2 heavy weapons, 8 x 1 heavy weapon, 8 x no heavy weapons)
I’ll throw in a 2 sided egg shell style case as well which I have no need for if this goes.

In addition, there is a box of bits which contains additional marine stands, rhino’s, old style land raiders. I’ll take a pic but didn’t feel it worthwhile listing separately. As mentioned, there is tons of stuff, more than enough to make a tournament army from with various options too. I don’t want to split this stuff, as I really don’t want to be left with any bits, it all needs to go. I will follow it up with pics this evening, but feel free to make me an offer. It is quite a large lot, so I expect postage to be reasonably high, but will certainly obtain a quote for any interested parties. Due to the size and value, I will post insured.

In addition, I have a box of terrain (plastic style ruins) which I’m looking to offload. Pics to follow but looking for £20 plus postage for these.



Re: FS: Epic 40k Space Marine Army

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:29 pm
by Zoglug
Pictures below:-







Re: FS: Epic 40k Space Marine Army

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:09 pm
by WeeManBiggins
Interested in this. Have you posted to eBay yet?