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Throwing titchy team mates

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 8:28 pm
by Oxynot
Throwing team mate is always inaccurate since otherwise I imagine it would make one turn touchdowns more reliable. But what about if throwing Titchy team mates could be accurate as per standard passing rules. Has anyone tested this?

At the moment only the Ogre team seems to have titchy players. And boosting the ogres a bit ought not to overpower them. Mostly it would put a big scare in other teams, as an accurate TTM means that you could effectively use snotlings as missile to knock down the ball carrier.

They might make the ogre one turn touchdown a tad too reliable, but if that is the case accurate TTM might only be limited to titchy players without the ball.

Here's what the rulebook says about the reason for TTM being inaccurate:
Manual: Throw team mate wrote: In addition, accurate pass are treated instead as inaccurate passes thus scattering the player three times as players are heavier and harder to pass than a ball.
and here's the description of Titchy:
Manual: Titchy wrote: Titchy players tend to be even smaller and more nimble than other Stunty players.
So fluffwise it'd fit. I mean, if an ogre can toss the ball accurately (from time to time) why not a sniveling snotling :D

But in practice I don't know how much this would help the worst team in the game. What do you think?

Re: Throwing titchy team mates

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 10:20 pm
by Pug
OoooH! :o nice !

I like this. Maybe a reduced scatter, or +1 bonus to landing or even extend the throwing range of big guys hurling Titchy players?!

Re: Throwing titchy team mates

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 10:54 am
by Oxynot
I'm resurrecting my own topic since it popped into my mind again today, I still think it is a good idea and I only got one response last time (thanks Pug for the enthusiastic post!). Bring on the feedback!

To reiterate:

TTM to be accurate with Titchy players (=snotlings) that are not carrying the ball. Of course this would still require a roll of 4+ or 5+ with a rookie team depending on the length of the pass. It'd give the ogre team something unique in playing style (20k snotling darts) and maybe even improving them a little, that could not hurt either :)

Especially the opposing team's backfield fumbles would get that much more dangerous.

Any comments or is the consensus still that this is a boring and needless change? In addition, I hope someone would be inspired to try this out :)

Re: Throwing titchy team mates

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 12:25 pm
by DoubleSkulls
Actually I like the idea of Titchy players being able to be thrown to the Long Pass range (since they are smaller). Otherwise just the same. That ought to help Ogres compensate for the low speed for snots a little.

Re: Throwing titchy team mates

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 9:59 pm
by Buggrit
Only downside is that TTM states that you have to target an empty square, so you still couldn't use them as an intentional missile.

Re: Throwing titchy team mates

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 10:44 pm
by Darkson
Buggrit wrote:Only downside is that TTM states that you have to target an empty square, so you still couldn't use them as an intentional missile.
??? (probably being blind again...)
Throw Team-Mate (Extraordinary)
A player with this skill has the ability to throw a player from the same team
instead of the ball! (This includes the ball if the player thrown already has it!)
The player throwing must end the movement of his Pass Action standing next
to the intended team-mate to be thrown, who must have the Right Stuff skill
and be standing. The pass is worked out exactly the same as the player with
Throw Team-Mate passing a ball, except the player must subtract 1 from the
D6 roll when he passes the player, fumbles are not automatically turnovers,
and Long Pass or Long Bomb range passes are not possible. In addition,
accurate passes are treated instead as inaccurate passes thus scattering the
player three times as players are heavier and harder to pass than a ball. The
thrown player cannot be intercepted. A fumbled team-mate will land in the
square he originally occupied. If the thrown player scatters off the pitch, he
is beaten up by the crowd in the same manner as a player who has been
pushed off the pitch. If the final square he scatters into is occupied by another
player, treat the player landed on as Knocked Down and roll for Armour (even
if already Prone or Stunned), and then the player being thrown will scatter
one more square. If the thrown player would land on another player, continue
to scatter the thrown player until he ends up in an empty square or off the
pitch (i.e. he cannot land on more than one player). See the Right Stuff
entry to see if the player lands on his feet or head-down in a crumpled heap!

Re: Throwing titchy team mates

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 11:29 pm
by Jani74
Longer throws should probably do more damage to the throwee, if landing fails. On the other hand, titchy creatures being very light, the damage should be decreased, balancing it to normal. :)

But anyway, I like it. (If I ever was to play a snotling team, that is.)

Re: Throwing titchy team mates

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:54 pm
by Oxynot
I got a few more responses than last time around, thanks to all. Not much support though. On the other hand I don't dislike the titchy = long range idea either (even though I still like my own idea more ;) )

I'll give it another year and try again!

Re: Throwing titchy team mates

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 1:07 pm
by Corvidius
As an Ogre coach i think it's a great idea. :D

Re: Throwing titchy team mates

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:10 pm
by Ullis
This is a great idea! It would bring the Ogre team to a new level of fun.

Re: Throwing titchy team mates

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 1:15 pm
by Smurf
How about that Strong Arm allows stunties to be thrown a band range further.

Maybe the Titchy dudes can be thrown 3 bands and this allows a Strong Arm player to launch them 4 bands!

IMO if TTM gets an 'on target roll' the stunty should not deviate and land on that spot.

As most TTM have AG2 getting an 'on target roll' is at best going to be 5 and worst on a 6. Now and then a Strong Arm will boost it to a 4+.

Oh and the stunty when knocking people down when thrown can use a temporary Pile On rule... because he is piling on!

Re: Throwing titchy team mates

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 1:34 pm
by van der vaart
DoubleSkulls wrote:Actually I like the idea of Titchy players being able to be thrown to the Long Pass range (since they are smaller). Otherwise just the same. That ought to help Ogres compensate for the low speed for snots a little.
+1 to this. I think it makes thematic sense too, with the snots being lighter and more 'aerodynamic'

Re: Throwing titchy team mates

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:08 am
by Pug
You should suggest this one to Plasmoids CRP 2 thread in "House Rules" :D