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Squig Bloodbowl Team

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 9:23 am
by garion
I'm sure this isnt an original idea. In fact I seem to remember an old Squig team from Midgard or something. I never liked that roster though so here is my take.

4 x Squig Hopper - 130k - 6 4 3 8 - Bloodlust, Leap, VLL, Pile On, - A, S
2 x Cave Squig - 100k - 5 4 1 8 - No hands, Really Stupid, Claw (Teeth), - S
2 x Goblin Squig Hearders - 50k - 5 2 3 7 - Stab, Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, - A
16x Forest Goblin - 40k - 6 2 3 7 - Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, Thrall - A
RR 70k

Star Player List - Same as goblins

Starting Roster would probably look like this -
2 hoppers
2 cave
2 herders
5 goblins
3 RR or 2rr and extra goblin with 30k left over.

Rationale -

The Squig Hopper does not have No Hands like the cave squig because the idea is a goblin is ridding him and carrying the ball if needs be. He also does not have Claws because the reigns the goblin is holding are attached to a Bit (a Bit is the thing horses have in their mouth in horse ridding) in the Squigs mouth. He has blood lust because he is not being herded like the other squigs and is therefore liable to flip out at anytime and star bitting his own players.
Cave squigs have really stupid because they need herding by the Goblin Squig Hearders.
The Goblin Squig Hearders have stab to represent them all carrying herding tools like pitch forks, cattle prods etc...

Any feedback or ideas please post :)

Re: Squig Bloodbowl Team

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 10:50 am
by spubbbba
I think a team of stab players would be pretty insane vs av7 blodgers like woodies or zons, heck even against av9 you still have 1 in 6 chance of knocking them over with no risk.

Maybe you should make them 0-2 and not have thrall as their prods discourage the squigs and then have standard gobbos as the thralls? That way you’d have to pick get a good balance between squigs, herders and thralls.

Re: Squig Bloodbowl Team

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 12:01 pm
by garion
Great idea.

Thanks Spubbba.

What about maybe increasing the Goblin Herders Ma to 6 as well or do you think 5 suits them more. I thought 5 because the extra weight of the cattle prod might slow them down a bit.

Re: Squig Bloodbowl Team

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 9:58 am
by Tourach
Plasmoid usually gives the squigs random movement, rolled after the action has been declared. so the stats could be:
2 x Cave Squig - 110k - 2+d6 4 1 8 - No hands, Really Stupid, Claw (Teeth), Pile On - S
making them rather unpredictable, but postentially the fastest st 4 player in the game!

Also (i think i mentioned this before in another thread) I am a fan of the ST,AG skill combination making for a really strange unreliable player but with some great skill combos - really squiggy too. But makes the Hoppers harder to make too the perfect ballcarrier (removing easy access to block and sure hands)...
4 x Squig Hopper - 110k - 6 4 3 8 - Bloodlust, Leap, VLL, Pile On, - A S

That said, the team seems actually really competitive off the bat, great break and bash possibilities, but really unreliable not high tier but above the other stunties. I like it.

Re: Squig Bloodbowl Team

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 12:35 pm
by garion
Thanks alot for your input. I'm glad you like it.

I have seen the randomised movement ideas before, but I wanted to stay clear of special rules. I did consider making the Squigs have A and S access. But since the squig hoppers have Bloodlust and can only dodge or leap on a 3, I think you would lose a fair few to OFAB through the course of the game. Especially since the thralls are uber soft and are unlikely to stick around too long.

I see this team on a similar level to Underworld and above the other stunties. But worse than any other teams. Although they have a lot of potential to self destruct. I would love to see them play tested on PBeM someday. :D

Re: Squig Bloodbowl Team

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 8:05 pm
by legowarrior
I like the idea of random movement, but a fun idea is to use the same idea for throw teammate as you do for Squigs. No fumble roll or anything, but you just choice a location with X distance of the Squig, and then roll then roll the scatter dice to see where he lands. I guess you could have an accurate landing.

Re: Squig Bloodbowl Team

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 2:40 pm
by garion
legowarrior wrote:I like the idea of random movement, but a fun idea is to use the same idea for throw teammate as you do for Squigs. No fumble roll or anything, but you just choice a location with X distance of the Squig, and then roll then roll the scatter dice to see where he lands. I guess you could have an accurate landing.

I do like the idea of using TTM rules to move but I would prefer not too on this team. This teams chaotic element comes in the form of Bloodlust and really stupid and I am trying to make this list properly balanced and competative around the level of Underworld.

I do think that idea is good though. I just need to think of something it could be used on.

Re: Squig Bloodbowl Team

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 1:22 pm
by Der_Doodle
How do you reason AG3 on the Squig Hoppers?

The goblin on it so terrible busy with keeping his hold on the Squig that he should not be able to use a hand for the ball.
If you need the AG3 for him being mobile (wich I can understand) give him no hands.
If you want him to be able to handle the ball aswell give him AG2.

The ONLY players with more then Strenght 3 and and not being reduced to AG2 or AG1 are Chaos Warriors and Vampires and they pay for it with a high price and no skills.
You created there basicly a faster more mobile Chaos Warrior (+1 MV +Leap +VLL) who can aswell get CAS faster then a Chaoswarrior (+PileOn) with the only downside of being a little softer (-1AG) and slightly less controllable (Bloodlust) and all this for a joke upgrade of 10k in price?

The rest of the team is ok-ish.... but the SquigHoppers are really broken in my eyes. My suggestion either AG2 or No Hands aswell... they are atm way too easy to skill up.

All in all still I am not sure if I would enjoy playing against this team.... In my eyes all in all its way over the top.

4x S4+AG3 with nice bonus skills.
2x S4 with nice Bonus Skills and Really Stupid
2x Stab

The only thing that the team keeps slightly in balance atm is the number of thralls you have on the pitch of only 3 vs 4 times bloodlust on an maxed out team.

Re: Squig Bloodbowl Team

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 12:23 pm
by garion
Blood lust will absolutely destroy this team though. The goblins are stunty so there is +1 to injury. The squig hoppers are the main ball handlers on the team and they have no access to general skills which is a big flaw, no sure hands, no access to Pro and very expensive RR. Pile On is not anywhere near as effective without block on them. Also the low number of thralls means atrition will be a real problem and any coach playing this team will no kill the goblins and you win. This roster is very similar to a number of other squig rosters. One of which was tested extensively in LRB4 (the squig hoppers had G access then too) and they didnt perform particularly well. Also the price of the squig hoppers means you can't have more than 2 in a starting roster and once you get them you increase your TV a lot. Also the difference between av8 and 9 is HUGE. Also the Cave squigs have one of the worst negatraits in really stupid which means you will have to keep your goblins next to them all the time which will cause big problems positionally. Maybe an extra 10k on the hopper would be right, I will check it all out on the pricing guide later.

Re: Squig Bloodbowl Team

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 5:07 pm
by garion
Checked the squig hopper according to the pricing guide and they should be 150k before bloodlust is taken into account, so -20k for BL (same as really stupid even though its a million times worse). So they should be 130k according to the guide.

The Cave Squigs should be - 120k before the minus St which is normally illegal for a big guy. so -20 seems fair for that even though it is normally -30. So cave squig ends up as 100k

Re: Squig Bloodbowl Team

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 5:19 pm
by legowarrior
Blood lust is more then just -20, it's more like -40 or so.

Re: Squig Bloodbowl Team

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 5:23 pm
by garion
I agree but since this is a home made roster lets hurt our self with the pricing first so we are to weak rather than too good :)