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Skill Progression

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:20 am
by Smurf
After looking at the other thread about an LRB7. I thought there was some love for the LRB4 traits.

Now as I am typing, I am seeing what I am going to say as a bit out there but some idea of debate.

First of all I thought some skills should not be taken from skill one. To be honest is was Leader. Thrower gets 6ssp and becomes leader whilst much more of his team is much better.

So this got me thinking should certain skills be considered having prerequisites. You cannot learn x skill until you reach say 31ssp. The player has arrived and is established.

To off set some of the problems with this, a player could 'bank' a double. That is a double pops up on the skill progression and he chooses not to take it yet but may use the double on the next skill progression (ie he does not roll and is assumed to take the double choice or can roll and save it for later - not you cannot bank 2 doubles).

Not sure what skills ought not to be bought with 6 or 16 ssp but things like:

Thick Skull
Strong Arm
Jump Up
Nerves of Steel

Just an idea and wonder what people think.

Re: Skill Progression

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 3:08 pm
by garion
I love traits and want them back but all those skills you list except Frenzy and Leader are tier 2 and 3 skills imo.