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Beastman team (this old chestnut)

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:54 am
by bouf
Hey guys,

A long time ago, on these very forums, I kicked around a Beastman Roster. It was started by who-knows-who and I took up the torch and carried it for a while. In BABBL we have allowed people to use this roster and, although only one person has, it was received well. Not too good, not too bad.

I thought since there are so many new faces around here, maybe it's time to re-open the discussion.

Code: Select all

  **  Beastmen  **
0-16 Ungor     40    6  2  3  8  A /GPSM  Dodge,
0-4  Gor       60    6  3  3  8  GS /APM  Horns,
0-2  Bestagor  100   6  3  3  9  GSM /AP  Block, Horns, 
0-2  Centigor  110   7  3  3  8  GS /APM  Frenzy, Horns, Sprint, Wild Animal 
0-1  Minotaur  150   5  5  2  8  S /GAPM  Loner, Frenzy, Horns, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Wild Animal, 
     Re-Roll   70    Stars  Lewdgrip Whiparm
                            Max Spleenripper
                            Wilhelm Cheney
                            Zarag Madeye
                            Morg n Thorg
Here's the Idea...

~ Team - They're unruly. Many of Wild Animals, 70k RRs ain't cheap, and a few starting skills that are beneficial but likely to cost RRs if not careful. The team is intended to play at T2 or T3 (Probably T2-T1.5)

~ Team - Chaos, but not in Favour. Other than the Bestagors, the team isn't favoured by he Chaos Gods. So they can mutate but not as much as the other, more favoured chaos teams.

~ Team - (Thick) Glass Cannon. The Beast Roster is hard hitting and boasts probably the best Blitzing Type plater in the game. But they're pretty low ST for a fighting squad... and not high AV either. (not low, but not high) So they should come out swinging, but without a knock out blow, they'll be right in the fight and in danger of being smashed.

~ Ungors - They're Tough Goblins! They have a higher AV, but lack the benefits of being stunty... They lack the penalties too however. Plus the option to mutate on doubles.

~ Gors - Poor Mans Beastman. These poor guys are oddly out of place on the Beastman team. Best suited to Blitzing, but out classed by the Bestigors and Centagors. They'll likely take up supporting roles and resent their brethren's glory. Gors aren't as good as Traditional Beastmen, but are still plenty good.

~ Bestigors - The God of Blitzing The Bestagors come out of the Box just awesome for Blitzing, arguably the best in the game. At only 10k more than a Human Blitzer, they lose an MA but gain a much needed AV. Not mentioning the Horns! Blitzing at ST4 with Block when fresh from the locker room is not to be sneezed at! Add Mutation access and they are prime candidates for the dreaded MB/PO/Claws combo!

~ Centagors - Drinking whilst running. These fast and capable players can be very un-pedictable. Without some one to fight, they may just stumble about in a drunken stupor, but when given a head to bust open... Centagors are furious, Powerful and lightning fast.

~ Minotaur - The Angry Powerhouse. What can be said about the Minotaur that hasn't already been said? They are angry, psychotic killing machines, but their raw fury can be a distraction even to them selves.

The team will be a real hand full. If you suffer a few casualties or MNGs, you'll be stuck fielding the almost useless Ungors. Worse, get a Gor killed or retired and you'll be in a spot until they get back up to scratch. The Bestagors will be your stars, but focusing on killing may waste their potential for powerful runs up the pitch... one application of Two heads will make them into great runners! One huge challenge will be keeping the Centagors and the Minotaur interested in the game. The Mino would benefit from Tentacles... I'd give the Centagor Shadowing! Anything to minimise the number of Blitzes you need to make... Save them for the Bestagors.

That'll be the real achilles heel... A team full of Blitzers, supported by weakling plebs. No Throwers, runners, catchers, nothing... How do you get value from 9 blitzers..? Especially when three of them are willing to stand about if they don't blitz someone?

Re: Beastman team (this old chestnut)

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:45 pm
by Darkson
Personally, I think they should all have M access on normal - Beastmen mutate more than other chaotic races, not less.

Not keen on the Ungor being the 0-16 position - as a house-ruled team, I'd throw out the "must have a 0-11/0-16" rule, and change it so the Ungor and Gor positions are both 0-8, or better yet, Gor 0-11, and Ungor 0-4.

I'd give Ungor P access if they taken as a 0-4 option - a ST2 thrower would need protection, and Ungor in the fluff are the ones that throw spears etc.

Re: Beastman team (this old chestnut)

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:14 pm
by garion

Re: Beastman team (this old chestnut)

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:25 pm
by bouf
Darkson wrote:Personally, I think they should all have M access on normal - Beastmen mutate more than other chaotic races, not less.

Not keen on the Ungor being the 0-16 position - as a house-ruled team, I'd throw out the "must have a 0-11/0-16" rule, and change it so the Ungor and Gor positions are both 0-8, or better yet, Gor 0-11, and Ungor 0-4.

I'd give Ungor P access if they taken as a 0-4 option - a ST2 thrower would need protection, and Ungor in the fluff are the ones that throw spears etc.
Re: Mutation access... I'm kinda jack of Chaos BB teams being all about mutations. I know that WHFB may be all up on mutations, but as far as BB goes, I thought there was a little room in the fluff.

Re: 0-16 Ungors... At heart I saw this team as a faux-stunty team, but the stuntys are tough. So I see it in my head as a Underwrold team. the more you lose positionals, the more you need the weaklings.

RE: Passing ungors... I dunno, I kinda get what your saying but I think that it steps on the impact of what I want this team to have. I like that it's a whole team of Blitzer postionals. They needed a lineman to balance that and I think that giving them a throwing game would lessen that.
I dunno about this one... looks like a Chaos Goblin roster...

Re: Beastman team (this old chestnut)

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:28 am
by garion
bouf wrote:
I dunno about this one... looks like a Chaos Goblin roster...


I mean obviously you get rid of stunty on the st2 players but apart from that it looks alright i think.