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Hobgoblin Team

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:48 am
by Pitch Invader
For whatever reason, this past month all I can think about in regards to Blood Bowl has been making a 'Hobgoblin Team'.
It's nagging at me, I just haven't been sure what team to use to make it.. Orc? Human? an all hobgoblin filled Chaos Dwarf team (-no way.. talk about boring... full team of all the same and no skills? yikes!) ? I'll probably use Orc or Human, but it got me thinking about making up my own Team Construction roster, and once you start that idea.. you have to do it.

So here is the result. (lengthy thought process and reasoning posted on the blog if you're curious, otherwise, I've attached the Team entry). ... -team.html

What do you think?

Re: Hobgoblin Team

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 3:36 pm
by legowarrior
Looks good. I went through the math, and that all adds up.

Bugbears are a nice addition, giving a little bit of strength to the whole thing.

But I do have some suggestions.
If we go by WF lore (which we don't have too, since it is a different universe) then we can't have Goblins on the team, since they hate each other. Bugbears work because there is nothing to say one way or another in lore.

I would suggest getting rid of them, and replacing them with an evil sneaky git, a weak guy who makes up for it by playing unfairly.

0-2 Sneaky Git 50K 6/2/3/7, Stab, Sneaky Git, GA/SP

Also, I'd replace Side Step with Dodge on the Runners, making them better at running.

Re: Hobgoblin Team

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:56 pm
by Pitch Invader
Thanks Legowarrior!

Good point on Hobgoblin & goblins. I have been on the fence as to what to call them.. having come up with a general 'runtz' or possibly use 'gnoblar' for the name, but hadn't considered giving them a different skill set than goblins. I think I'd want to stay clear of rostered players with stab, simply because it treads on the dark elf team's uniqueness (don't want to introduce a new team that alienates the loyal fans of a particular team), and I want to keep their power level down, and while it isn't the best skill against heavy armor teams, against the light and fast teams a couple cheap stabbers would be amazingly good. But I like the idea of them starting with sneaky git.

For runners starting with dodge, same reasoning there, I wanted to limit their power some. Side Step is very useful for a runner, but not as much so as dodge. So starting with side step and having easy access to dodge for their first skill keeps them in the 'more challenging to play' end of the Tier 1 pool, or at least that's the idea.

Re: Hobgoblin Team

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 8:54 pm
by gandresch

nice work. But i have two questions/suggestions.
1. Why is it that the Bugbears cost 90k, having the stats of an Ulfwerener -1MA, which costs 110k? Seems odd and I would suggest 100k. Just a feeling.
2. Same with the Runners. These guys cost 80k, are exactly like the Norse Runner positional in stats and the Norse' Runner costs 90k. Ok, the Norse Runner has Block, but with Dodge instead of SS this would even up i think.


Re: Hobgoblin Team

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:33 pm
by Pitch Invader
Thanks Gan, i appreciate the thoughts & feedback!

the Bugbears I went back & forth on for the points, between 90or 100 k.
-on the blog post I went into the reasoning behind the points cost.. the bugbear was:

>> The Bugbears are pretty different. More from D&D Hobgoblin lore, but they seem to fit well enough so I don't think I'm violating the 'nothing vastly different' rule. They are very similar to Norse Werewolves, but they don't move as fast. You could also look at them as frenzied Black Orcs: they move 5 instead of 4, but have less armor. Point-cost here was tricky: They have a net of 1 skill over a Black Orc, since they lost one stat increase and gained another of equal value. But Norse Werewolves have a move of 6, and movement being tied to Frenzy for it's effectiveness I decided the Bugbears made more sense to be valued at 90k than 100k. But it's a tough call. Bugbears will make this team very different than Orcs: the frenzy is a double-edged sword, and with just 2 instead of 4 black orcs, that means the center line can't be as strong as for Orcs, and Bugbears might make good cage breakers, but they won't make good cages themselves. <<

so it could go either way I think. I went with 90k mostly because the frenzy skill isn't as useful with a 5 mover, so I thought the pointing from the black orc reference put it in favor of the lower cost. I'm only about 2/3 leaning to the 90k cost, and 1/3 thinking 100k is right.

For the runners, yes Norse have the same stat line and also 2 skills for 10k more, but then looking at pro-elf catchers, costing just 10k more than the norse catcher you get also 2 skills (so that is the same) but also he gets a move & agility boost. just for 10k. So I'm thinking it isn't always straight math. I'm guessing the norse catcher is paying a premium for having block. it might just be one of many possible skills but it's gold for a starting player. Since the hobgoblin runner doesn't have block or dodge I felt he was better priced at 80k, working down from the pro-elf as a guide. If he was changed to have dodge instead of sidestep, then I think you'd be right that 90k would be a more justifiable point value... I'm just not sure I'd want them so good to start (with dodge) but maybe it'd be needed... but I am cautious of making the team too good.

Re: Hobgoblin Team

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:02 am
by legowarrior
When it comes to pricing, this link should give you a ton of help. ... sc&start=0

Bugbears are costed right according to the chart that almost ever team fits. If they are too powerful, then I would bump them in price, but only play testing will show that. I'm not sure about frenzy though on them. Fend might be better, they are still goblins.

Also, about stab, tons of star players have stab, so it really isn't that unique to the dark elves, and on the strength 2 pieces, well, if they fail at the stab, they will get knocked out. I feel that stab should be a 30 point skill, like regeneration.

Runners could also have fend

Re: Hobgoblin Team

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 6:19 am
by Heff
One question
Why an Ogre?
CDs have a minotaur so presumably they live around there, and in keeping with the whole "come on they are hobbos" I would have gone troll. Not saying you are wrong just askin

Re: Hobgoblin Team

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:17 am
by Pitch Invader
Heff, valid question, since actually the first version of the team I made they did have a troll. But a friend suggested an Ogre. His reasons was that Ogres are supposed to be from the east, and it agreed with my sense of Hobgoblins from D&D, which always seemed to associate with Bugbears & things like Ogre Magi. Also, and Ogre would help distinguish them from the Orcs & the Goblin teams... and maybe balance them a bit since Orcs are a more solid team than the Hobgoblins and an Ogre is a more reliable player than a Troll.. which also fits with the more 'serious & martial' concept of Hobgoblins.

I ruled out Minotaur from the start, figuring that's a Chaos Dwarf characteristic (all the Persian & Assyrian Bull influence) and the Free Hobgoblins won't have anything to do with the Chaos Dwarves. Seems Hobgoblins, having a Steppe culture, would live close to, but not within ChaosDwarf lands & culture. Plus I didn't want a Hobgoblin team to be that close to a Chaos Dwarf team: same linemen & big guy would be too much I think.

Re: Hobgoblin Team

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:21 am
by Heff
Pitch Invader wrote:Heff, valid question, since actually the first version of the team I made they did have a troll. But a friend suggested an Ogre. His reasons was that Ogres are supposed to be from the east, and it agreed with my sense of Hobgoblins from D&D, which always seemed to associate with Bugbears & things like Ogre Magi. Also, and Ogre would help distinguish them from the Orcs & the Goblin teams... and maybe balance them a bit since Orcs are a more solid team than the Hobgoblins and an Ogre is a more reliable player than a Troll.. which also fits with the more 'serious & martial' concept of Hobgoblins.

I ruled out Minotaur from the start, figuring that's a Chaos Dwarf characteristic (all the Persian & Assyrian Bull influence) and the Free Hobgoblins won't have anything to do with the Chaos Dwarves. Seems Hobgoblins, having a Steppe culture, would live close to, but not within ChaosDwarf lands & culture. Plus I didn't want a Hobgoblin team to be that close to a Chaos Dwarf team: same linemen & big guy would be too much I think.
Fairy nuff

Re: Hobgoblin Team

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 12:06 pm
by legowarrior
If you have ogre's as allies, you could argue that they might bring snotlings with them. I'm sure hobgoblins wouldn't mind a few slaves on the pitch.