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Alternative Roster Construction?

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:57 pm
by Brot
Greetings all!

Not, new here, first post though :D

Anyway, in the process of starting a Blood Bowl 7 league with friends which ended up with quite a few rule tweaks - i thought i could go one step further and change a few thing i never particularly liked. One of those things is the way rosters work in Blood Bowl. As i see it, the rosters play themselves. By only regulating players through an allowed maximum, everyone sooner or later ends out maxing those anyway and all team rosters of one type end up looking the same. (Skill choice is one thing, but on a lot of players these are non-brainers and therefore the same again.)

The idea would be the following (Please mind that everything is based on Blood Bowl 7 in terms of player numbers).

1. Introduce an additional currency, because of my limited creativity i will be calling this Prestige Points from now on.

2. Prestige Points are limited but are never lost. They increase over time with success up to a yet undetermined maximum. (As of now, teams would start with 8, which would allow for 4 standard positional players.)

3. Positional/Elite/Big Guy Players cost a certain amount of these Points. Linemen native to the roster never cost Prestige Points. The cost is dependant on Player Potential and Development Speed. (As of now the cost of a positional player would range between 1-4.)
[Examples: Black Orcs and Gutter Runners would cost 3 due to their increased potential, A Bull Centaur or a Big Guy native to the list would cost 4, Recruited Ally adds +1)

4. A team can only recruit a player if it has enough Prestige Points free. (Players who die or retire free up any Prestige Points they cost.)

5. Reintroduce recruitable allies. Players not native to the roster but listed as recruitable allies may be hired at an increased Prestige Point cost.

These measures would allow to increase choices and setups available to the coach as well as increase player variety. Coaches could go a specialised route OR construct a wellrounded roster.

As an all example i would like to show how this could work on a human roster. Some of the changes i thought of just today but despite that i will just throw them out there :D (Sorry for the bad spacing.)

Qty Title CashCost PrestigeCost MA ST AG AV Skills Normal Double
0-10 Human Lineman 50 None 6 3 3 8 None G ASP
0-2 Human Thrower 70 2 6 3 3 8 Pass, Sure Hands GP AS
0-3 Human Catcher 80 2 7 3 3 7 Catch, Dodge GA SP
0-3 Human Blocker 80 2 6 3 3 8 Block GS AP
0-3 Human Guardian 80 2 7 3 3 7 Wrestle, Tackle GA SP
0-2 Human Blitzer 100 3 7 3 3 8 Block, Pro GAS P

Recruitable Allies: Halfling, Ogre, Elf Lineman, Dwarf Troll Slayer

Anyway, what would you think of this concept? Suggestions? Likes? Dislikes?

What would you think would be a good way to enable increase of Prestige Points? Team Value? Fan Factor?

Re: Alternative Roster Construction?

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:17 pm
by Chris
Given that positions cost more than regular linemen could you get the same effect from lowering the tv cap?

And alternative cost system using prestige points is each multiple of the same type costs more. So blitzer 1 - 0, blitzer 2 costs 1, blitzer 3 costs 2 etc. So get all 4 and it has cost 6 points. So you are likely to have a spread rather than min maxing (e.g. with humand one would get blitzers over catchers).

Re: Alternative Roster Construction?

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:58 pm
by Brot
The basic thought would be to allow a stretch in team designs, to promote different designs of the same team. This would of course need careful rebalancing of player types and correct Point costs attributed to them.

I can't see how lowering Team Value cap would achieve any of those things.

Player balancing is a bit an issue here. Lets take the standard human catcher for example. As he has only St 2, but is nowhere near as reliable in his task than other St 2 catchers, i tend to call him a 'luxury piece'.

With the changes to human catchers often talked about here on the forums (7 3 3 7, Catch Dodge) he has his own merits when compared to the standard blitzer (for example the opportunity to make a blodger without a double).