One off games

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Captain Chainsaw
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One off games

Post by Captain Chainsaw »

For non league games has anyone tried to generate a roster with skills and extra cash for using in a one off game as an alternative to the basic 1000 no skill starting lists.

I was thinking of this sort of thing:

1/ generate a 1000 point list
2/ add 100 plus 2D6 x 10 cash for extra players and rerolls
3/ add 2D6 skill increases, choose who gets the first 2 increases then the rest are at random
4/ throw dice for the skills for those receiving them above
5/ recalculate the cost of the team
6/ take inducements for the difference as normal

This is really just to give an opportunity to use some different skills without spending hours generating a team in a league.

Has this has been in a topic before?

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Re: One off games

Post by burgun824 »

-Adjust the starting treasury of your team (1150k is usually plenty).
-Predetermine how many skills you and your opponent want to take for your team and what the limitations are for how you award them to your players.
-Recalculate player costs and TV.

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Re: One off games

Post by besters »

I quite often use the skill set of the next tournament I am going too. Something different for people i play in friendlies and practise for me.

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Re: One off games

Post by Corvidius »

I think the OPs plan works better in terms of league practice as it allows for a varience in TV as opposed to Most tournament rules which tend to be about equal tv and skills.

It's an interesting idea, most one off games i've played have just been flat tv 100 or tournament practice games. I like your method of mixing it up a bit.

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