Possible adjustment to Piling On ? and claw/mighty blow

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Possible adjustment to Piling On ? and claw/mighty blow

Post by Pitch Invader »

Seems to be a more common complaint that Claw-Piling On-Mighty Blow is over powered.

I've heard the suggestion for having pile on & mighty blow being mutually exclusive, so if one not the other, and that does make some sense, but it does seem abit odd to have skills that you're not allowed to use if you use another skill you have- I really can't think of any other situation where that would happen.

so I had some ideas, I don't remember hearing these before, so forgive if I've reinvented the wheel and someone else has already proposed it somewhere & when.

Piling On: to add some risk to using this, make Piling On a Foul action. The player is already down after all, and the attacker is basically attacking them again... unnecessary roughness? Simple enough: if the pile-on roll is a doubles then the ref ejects him same as for a foul.

- this wouldn't eliminate the claw pomb, but it would add a risk element to it, making the coach think twice about if it is worth using, and so likely reduce the spam of this action. It would also mean any injury caused by a Pile-On would count as a foul-injury and wouldn't earn the player SPP, so in a league setting, having a lot of this skill combo wouldn't be the easy path to SPP greatness that it is now (which is probably too easy)

Claw: a possible fix: any roll of a natural 8 or more breaks any armor. Mighty Blow wouldn't be able to adjust the value, but it's still able to be used on the injury as normal.

what do you think?

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Re: Possible adjustment to Piling On ? and claw/mighty blow

Post by burgun824 »

"Seems to be" is likely an understatement.

I've proposed the exact same thing for PO before and been completely ignored. Personally I like the idea. I don't think it should be treated as THE foul action though but instead be treated like a foul action where you're ejected if you roll a double. And I think bribes should work on it. So I think it's an awesome idea.

I don't think claw needs to be fixed.

I do think that mutations should be a bit more random as they are gifts from the chaos gods and one generally doesn't know what they're getting when they receive a "gift." I think it would be relatively easy to develop a mutations table that the coach could roll on to see what "gifts" are available to him based on the roll.

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Re: Possible adjustment to Piling On ? and claw/mighty blow

Post by Darkson »

Just leave it as it is - ClawPOMB isn't a problem except in online leagues, especially those that match by TV.

That said, I do like the idea of PO being a foul.

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Re: Possible adjustment to Piling On ? and claw/mighty blow

Post by dode74 »

At risk of repeating myself ( ;) ), in what sense is it "overpowered"?

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Re: Possible adjustment to Piling On ? and claw/mighty blow

Post by plasmoid »

If you consider it a problem, then Galak and Doubleskulls (of the now terminated BBRC) recommend this house rule:
1. Claw becomes an unmodified roll of 8 (as you suggest)
2. PiOn becomes injury reroll only.

Check it out here:
or here


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Possible adjustment to Piling On ? and claw/mighty blow

Post by Shteve0 »

This is uncanny. I suggested the exact same thing (that PO be considered an additional foul action that leaves you prone) midway through a game last night.

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Re: Possible adjustment to Piling On ? and claw/mighty blow

Post by Glowworm »

Pitch Invader wrote: I've heard the suggestion for having pile on & mighty blow being mutually exclusive, so if one not the other, and that does make some sense, but it does seem abit odd to have skills that you're not allowed to use if you use another skill you have- I really can't ?
Maybe if you take one you couldnt take the other on the same player, like frenzy / Grab?
plasmoid wrote:
1. Claw becomes an unmodified roll of 8 (as you suggest)
2. PiOn becomes injury reroll only.
I really like this solution, but just to muddy the water could you use Dirty player on the piOn roll??

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Re: Possible adjustment to Piling On ? and claw/mighty blow

Post by plasmoid »

Nope. And you can't use PiOn on fouling either.
The PiOn mechanic/requirements remain unchanged - rerolling armor is just no longer allowed.

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Re: Possible adjustment to Piling On ? and claw/mighty blow

Post by Gaixo »

I like the foul rule much better than making it injury only. It adds actual risk to using the skill, and many coaches only use Pile-On for injury rolls already.

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Re: Possible adjustment to Piling On ? and claw/mighty blow

Post by Loki »

I think, if PO were to become a foul action it would make it practically unchosable for TT. A 1/6 chance of getting sent off with a 50/50 chance that you would not even have broken AV7 armour even with mighty blow.

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Re: Possible adjustment to Piling On ? and claw/mighty blow

Post by Digger Goreman »

Piling on is an inelegant, yet necessary, counter to getting AGgie elves and highly armored what-nots off the board.... I really think those who "fear"/"complain" are likely only looking to protect their Timmy status....

Yes, it's a pity it can be used with claw on mutation teams and become even more powerful....

No, I've NEVER used it on a werewolf....

Yes, it is necessary (as is) to remove other power game pieces/players....

All imho....

I return you to your house-rule meanderings.... :orc:

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Re: Possible adjustment to Piling On ? and claw/mighty blow

Post by Sandwich »

I like the idea of making Piling On have a chance of injuring the Pile On-er... so if you decide to PO, you you make an armour roll for that player too. Just makes it a bit more of a choice than the current skill.

Of course, if fouling was any good these days, then people wouldn't just dump their players on the floor at every opportunity anyways...

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Re: Possible adjustment to Piling On ? and claw/mighty blow

Post by Afroman »

The solution is clear.

Piling On:
...In addition, a player placed prone after using this skill will receive a +1 modifier if he is fouled before he gets up. This represents that the player has all his focus on injuring his opponent and just forgets to protect himself against a incoming fouler.

Sneaky Git:
in addition, this player cannot be sent off if the target of the foul is on the floor because he used Piling On.

Piling on now if you dare :evil:

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Re: Possible adjustment to Piling On ? and claw/mighty blow

Post by Spiky »

The only 'fix' I would be happy with is by not allowing MB on the injury roll if using piling on. This slightly decreases the effectiveness without making the skill useless to the point that no-one takes it.

I don't really feel any change is needed though...

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Re: Possible adjustment to Piling On ? and claw/mighty blow

Post by spubbbba »

Sandwich wrote: Of course, if fouling was any good these days, then people wouldn't just dump their players on the floor at every opportunity anyways...

Bring back the old fouling, then everyone take as much DP as they can to foul prone piling on players into the dirt.

There is no way a player should be safer on the ground than when standing up.

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