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Background for Flint Churnblade

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:33 am
by GalakStarscraper
Best background submission and picture for this star player will be posted here.

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:49 pm
by UncleBob
“Trouble with your hedge, tree, neighbour? - there’s nothing like a well oiled Stonehelm 2000. And if you don’t believe us, watch Flint!”
Everyone knows that commercial by Stonehelm and, of course, everyone knows their poster child Flint Churnblade, wielder of the especially customized, double speed, “cuts muscle, bones and even steel” chainsaw 2000, fabricated by Stonehelm. Flint is full of praise for his tool, especially as the company’s pay check comes in a six figure sum, and always keeps a close touch to his darling. Once even too close, when a lazy swing got reflected by a Goblin’s helmet and made Flint almost a head shorter. Asked about this accident he simply shrugged it off with a moody “Orc happens” comment. But what else is there to expect from a player who whirls the chainsaw in wild arcs over his head while sprinting down the field, or to say it in the words of Flint “They don’t call me Churnblade for nothing, mate.” Well, I guess we all have a style to cling on to.
But the one thing above all that keeps Flint motivated is to beat his arch rival Ugroth Bolgrot, the slaughtering Orc who’s the poster child for the Orccutter XXL company. Still Ugroth leads with 1023 civilian fatalities against Flint’s 753, but Flint is determined to beat him. When those two fierce competitors meet on the pitch, you really might prefer to watch the match via cabalvision.