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Re: I'txee B'tzee Teen'ee Xween'es - Slann team blog

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:58 pm
by Craigtw
GAME THREE - I'txee B'tzee Teen'ee Xween'es vs. Jukyard Gang (Underworld) - Result - Win 2-1

Going into the game the team looked like this:
1 kroxigor - Hitzuhardd (GUARD)
2 lineman -Totolpaquage
3 lineman -Hurtzubadly
4 lineman -Cutzuzobadd
5 lineman -Nopaynogayn (-1 AV)
6 lineman - Izuquittin
7 catcher - Plizznohittme (DODGE)
8 catcher -Calulaterr (DODGE)
9 catcher -Ucantcachmi (DODGE)
10 blitzer -Captain Titzinazz
11 blitzer -Cualhduthi
12 catcher -Chumpichehosephat (DODGE)
2 x RR
1 x FF

Opening: Weather = nice, Fans = 11,000 slann, 8,000 Underworld, Inducements: 180,000 for the Junkyard Gang - they chose a Bloodweiser Babe and a Wandering Apothecary

Opening Kick was won by the Junkyard Gang who elected to kick to the I'txee B'tzee Teen'ee Xween'es. The ball landed just behind the line of scrimmage, and with a Quick Snap, one of the linemen on the line pulled himself into position to attempt to score. The ball was not caught and after bouncing from hand to hand, it eventually landed right next to the krox, and also in the TZ of the warpstone troll and a skaven lineman.

The first hit of the game was a blitz on the skaven with the TZ on the ball. Not only was he knocked off the ball, but he was also knocked out - a good start! A few more well placed hits, with minor effect. The krox went to hit the troll and went stupid. So one of the catchers moved up to retrieve the ball, needing to burn a RR to actually secure it, and then moved away into a loose cage.

The Underwolrd fought back, and even managed to knock out one of the blitzers. A TZ was put on the ball carrier, and the troll too went stupid (too much going on the Jumbo-Tron screen perhaps?)

The next couple of turns consisted of the I'txee B'tzee Teen'ee Xween'es moving the ball up-field and the Junkyard Gang closing in, and putting TZs back on the ball carrier. Once they managed to get a stormvermin through (requiring a dodge and couple of GFIs), who not only knocked down the ball carrier, but knocked him out as well. The ball was retrieved by Calulaterr, who, with a leap, dodge and a GFI managed to score (I HATE having to GFI over the goal line!)

There were still several turns to go in the half, and neither of my knockouts were coming back. The I'txee B'tzee Teen'ee Xween'es set up with the krox sandwiched betwen to linemen, the blitzers in the backfield for extra support, and the catchers up front in case a Blitz! was rolled, or there was some opportunity to get the ball quickly.

But none was presented. The Junkyard Gang got the ball and made a play down one of the side lines. The Slann put Tzs in the necessary places, and watched for a fake. The krox had a golden opportunity to put TZ on a couple of players, where his Prehensile Tail and Guard would have come in very handy, but he went stupid again.

A couple of turns of posturing, was leaving him anxious. He had lost a goblin through fouling (only resulting in a stun). The skaven were feeling pressured as there was nowhere that he could go that I could not get to - and there was only one player who could score, but he was on the other side of the pitch. He went for it - some key blocks made to set things up - and then he made a long pass with the thrower, which was accurate, caught, and without delay he ran it in to tie up the game.

My Blitzer came back, as did his knocked out lineman. There was a turn left which resulted in nothing spectacular for either of us. The only noteworthy thing is that after the half officially ended, my KOd catcher came back to play for the second half.

I was kicking to him in the second half, and he decided to try a little "Razzle Dazzle" . With the kick-off he ran some players down (making sure to go out of his way to blitz one of the catchers - a recurring theme with him!) and then handed off the ball to the goblin and made a TTM play which resulted in the goblin taking a mouthful of dirt instead. The Slann recovered the ball, and in a repeat of the first half, ran it up the one side, had the ball carrier sacked by a very tenacious (and lucky) skaven who made 2 4+ dodges, a 3+ dodge and a GFI to sack the ball carrier. The ball was recovered, and with a much more secure cage in place, I felt confident to try to spread the SPPs around. I handed off the ball to Cualhduthi the blitzer who took the ball (and who had just made a casualty against a goblin). The Underworld responded by trying to throw a goblin at him, but the troll tried to eat it instead. It came back to the "miracle skaven" who had sacked the previous ball carrier, but his dreams of being a gutter runner ended abruptly on his first dodge attempt. Cualhduthi ran the ball in and it was 2-1 for the IBTX.

In the following aftermath there was a riot which left us with one turn apiece. The focus of the blitzer Cualhduthi was to get another casualty and secure him an advance. so with a couple of assists on a goblin he hit it for three dice, broke armour and got his casualty! Huzzah!

The team now looks like this:

1 kroxigor - Hitzuhardd (GUARD)
2 lineman -Totolpaquage
3 lineman -Hurtzubadly
4 lineman -Cutzuzobadd
5 lineman -Nopaynogayn (Missing the game: -1 AV)
6 lineman - Izuquittin
7 catcher - Plizznohittme (DODGE)
8 catcher -Calulaterr (DODGE) (+1 AG)
9 catcher -Ucantcachmi (DODGE)
10 blitzer -Captain Titzinazz
11 blitzer -Cualhduthi (BLOCK)
12 catcher -Chumpichehosephat (DODGE)
3 x RR
2 x FF
Team Value: 1,360,000