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Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 6:49 am
by Digger Goreman
Fairly big day for the Arkham Asylum Blood Bowl Ladder League (AABBLL) with 5 games being played....

Match 1:

Sleestack (Lizardmen/140k underdog) 0 vs Dead Blast (Undead) 0

Bleeding lizards are tough enough at any TV or underdog level! Despite killing a skink and saurus (and causing one other casualty), the Blast forgot the welding tools and couldn't get a handle on the ball.... A frustrating, scoreless afair.... One Mummy (Carl) did gain guard... but that was it....

Match 2:

Zombie Strippers (Necros) 2 vs Immoral Combat (Skaven) 1

Coach DB's first foray into the Necro coaching arts is a winner against a down-on-its luck rat team.... A 'neat' game with no casualties.... :oops:

Match 3:

Snow Nuffle (Norse/60k underdogs) 0 vs Sand Storm (Khemri) 2

The Norse challenged up in the snow (blizzard) and got Tomb-slapped down! Lost the "casualty war" 0-4....

Match 4:

Xaositecs (Chaos/240k underdogs) 1 vs Grave Diggers II (Necros) 2

Strangely close match till the final quarter in which the Diggers controlled a solid screen of defenders with the ball close to the goal line.... Two werewolves gained dodge and tackle, respectively, and a ghoul "doubled up" with +MA! Casualties were 1 to 1 (although one Norse died on a foul)....

Match 5:

Immoral Combat (Skaven/120k underdogs) 2 vs Ironheads (Dwarf) 1

The Skaven coach finally got a good lead on his Long-legged, leaping gutter runner to not lose this questionable affair between two rookie coaches.... Rats lost the casualty war 1-3, but managed a late kill vs a dwarven runner....

Current Standings:

136 Ork Ridge Boys (Orcs)
135 Grave Diggers II (Necro)
128 Sand Storm (Khemri)
117 Dead Blast (Undead)
110 Snow Nuffle (Norse)
106 Zombie Strippers (Necro)
105 Sleestacks (Lizardmen)
104 Bad Moon Bears (Goblin)
102 Xaositecs (Chaos)
100 T-Orcs (Orcs)
097 Immoral Combat (Skaven)
091 Ironheads (Dwarves)

Grave Diggers II
7x Zombies 2/4/0/4/5/2/0 spp
2x Ghouls 11(Block)/6(+Ma)
2x Wights 6(Guard)/11(Guard)
2x Golems 0/4
2x Werewolves 17(Blodge)/33(Blodge/Tackle)

Sand Storm
7x Skeletons 0/0(-Ma)/0/0/6(sneaky git)/0/0 spp
1x Thrower 0
4x Guardians 2/18(MiB, Block)/4/8(Block)
2x Blitzers 15(Sidestep)/8(MiB)

Dead Blast
6x Zombies 2/5/0/7(kick)/0/0 spp
2x Skeletons 5(niggling)/0
4x Ghouls 0/3/13(Block)/5
2x Wights 5/7(Mib)
2x Mummies 6(Guard)/4


Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:47 pm
by Digger Goreman
Only three games today....

Match 1:

Sleestacks (Lizardmen/160k underdog) 0 vs Xaositecs (Chaos) 2

Chaos wins the casualty war 4-1....

Match 2:

T-Orcs (Orcs/240k underdog) 0 vs Sand Storm (Khemri) 2

The Orc coach was sure he wanted to do this.... The dice weren't so sure.... Only a gfi blitz at the goal line, a deep throw in back toward the LOS, and a dodging Throw-ra prevented the game from a 1-1 tie.... Casualties were one apiece....

Match 3:

Immoral Combat 0 vs Sleestacks (Lizardmen/360k underdog) 2

The Skaven are inexplicably wanting in the win column.... They do win the casualty war 3-1....

Current Standings:

136 Ork Ridge Boys (Orcs)
135 Grave Diggers II (Necro)
130 Sand Storm (Khemri)
117 Dead Blast (Undead)
110 Snow Nuffle (Norse)
109 Xaositecs (Chaos)
106 Zombie Strippers (Necro)
105 Sleestacks (Lizardmen)
104 Bad Moon Bears (Goblin)
098 T-Orcs (Orcs)
091 Ironheads (Dwarves)
090 Immoral Combat (Skaven)

Grave Diggers II
7x Zombies 2/4/0/4/5/2/0 spp
2x Ghouls 11(Block)/6(+Ma)
2x Wights 6(Guard)/11(Guard)
2x Golems 0/4
2x Werewolves 17(Blodge)/33(Blodge/Tackle)

Sand Storm
7x Skeletons 0/0(-Ma)/0/0/6(sneaky git)/0/5(mng/niggling) spp
1x Thrower 6(+Ag)
4x Guardians 4/18(MiB, Block)/4/8(Block)
2x Blitzers 15(Sidestep)/8(MiB)

Dead Blast
6x Zombies 2/5/0/7(kick)/0/0 spp
2x Skeletons 5(niggling)/0
4x Ghouls 0/3/13(Block)/5
2x Wights 5/7(Mib)
2x Mummies 6(Guard)/4


Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 1:49 am
by Digger Goreman
An old, old friend from 15+ years ago wandered into our league and wanted to play beginning Underworld.... I scrapped together a beginning Necro team and through a moderate Nuffling lost 1-2... though I beat down his players pretty bad... leaving him at 880,000 for the next game....

He wanted a second with the same team and I had a 107 (other) Necro available.... That's when all hades arrived and eclipsed every roll for 17+ turns of my game... (he got a gradiose blitz and a riot after his 3rd Td)... (block skilled players were routinely rolling double skulls on 2d6).....


Thank the gods that aren't it wasn't one of my regular league teams.... I believe, with the extraordinarily, gratuitiously evil nuffling rolls... no one could've won this day....


Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:58 pm
by Digger Goreman
Meh... forget the above... it's a new day.... Happy to be off the sidelines after watching two Junior Varsity (JV, i.e., not league) Necro teams play like the dead... instead of undead.... Next to last game ended on TRIPLE SKULLS.... Last game there were three instances of Block skilled, 2d6, first turn actions scooping up Double Skulls.... Then, after getting a silly-arse beating, going into turn seventeen (fans rioted) I sent a whole brigade of specialist against an isolated WarpTroll with the BLOCK Werewolf getting 2d6 and not only did the FOURTH set of DOUBLE SKULLS show up, but the stupid furball got SWATTED into the Dead & Injured... just as twisted as a cruller! He wasn't so happy when he woke up from the regen.... :evil:

26 Feb 11
Bad Moon Bears (Goblin) 1 vs Zombie Strippers (Necro) 3
The Bears challenged up into a beating....

DC (Underworld) 2 vs JVa (Necro) 1
Currently un-named Underworld team gains Nuffle's blessing... plays an adequate game... and gets a series of wild dice rolls for a pickup, long pass by Goblin, to a Skaven Blitzer in a Tackle Zone, who dodges twice and double gfi's into the endzone... for the last second win.... Rolled a six when he had to and nothing less than what he needed, the whole sequence.... :o

Blood Counts (Vampire) 0 vs Sleestacks (Lizardmen) 2
Coach D's experiment went far-south in it's first game, which degenerated into four vampires arguing over the last two thralls in a blood-lusted free-for-all.... Only having three rerolls didn't help....

DC (Underworld) 3 vs JVb (Necro) 0
Having won their first game in the league, the Underworlders came in severely beaten up (880k) and getting 230k incentives against a wandering Necro team.... Someone located Nobbla and made sure he had a couple of "sweeteners" for the Refs.... First kickoff was "Get the Ref" and Nobbla was off to the races.... The first hit he took was an injury, but the team's apothecary patched him up and the Ref let him play the next drive... and the next... and the next.... Meanwhile, the necros did their best rendition of a pee-wee league team and fell all about the pitch.... It didn't help how many times a first, 2d6 block, with block, turned double nuffles... or that the specialist spent most of the game in the knock-out.... Stinking twits....

Current Standings:
136 Ork Ridge Boys (Orcs)
135 Grave Diggers II (Necro)
130 Sand Storm (Khemri)
117 Dead Blast (Undead)
117 Zombie Strippers (Necro)
114 DC’s Underworld (Underworld)
111 Sleestacks (Lizardmen)
110 Snow Nuffle (Norse)
109 Xaositecs (Chaos)
098 T-Orcs (Orcs)
094 Blood Counts (Vampire)
093 Bad Moon Bears (Goblin)
091 Ironheads (Dwarves)
090 Immoral Combat (Skaven)


Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:25 pm
by Digger Goreman
Unfortunately, today was yesterday....

Somewhat tangential to everything: The Immoral Combat (Skavens) climbed outta the gutter against the Bad Moon Bears (Goblin) and leaped all over them to a 4-2 arse whooping....

Then came the infuriating Nuffling.... Not possibly knowing what Nuffle had in store, I strongly warned against challenging a team 460k above you.... Even inducing Lord Bored-arse, a babe and a reroll (now having a whopping 2!) shouldn't give you a snowballs chance in a hot oven against my Grave Diggers.... Yet, the Xaositects coach went in heedlessly....

At first it went about as expected: I surfed Lord Boredarse on the first turn... then got counter-surfed by the Minotaur... (a darned good setup for that one....)... so that I traded a temp knocked out Wolf for his highness being off the field.... My dead-uns, true to form, muffed the ball a couple of times, had to make the fumble prone ghouls knock out an invading beastman... and eventually secured the ball up the field for a turn eight score.... 1-0 at the half....

Kicking the second half to chaos, the undead began their ritual wriggle on the ground to the damnedable Nuffle: a ridiculous amount of getting their collective heads handed to them... not to mention a werewolf falling to exhaustion, along with a zombie.... The 'Tects wound up scoring two in quick succession... leaving only a pair of turns for the Necro response.... And still Nuffle hadn't had enough of my withered carcass: With a Blodge Werewolf, I threw a needed 2d blitz against their Minoturd... pushed only (needed) but then had a 1/2d... and... of Nufflin' course... rolled a skull in the mix.... The fives and sixes then rained down... except when I tried to regen the dying wolf.... BOLLOCKS!!! Two wolves dead in two days and I could only save the NON-LEAGUE one.... :pissed: So damned typical....

With raging confidence, the Chaos coach made mass pursuit down the left side of the pitch... leaving a ghoul loose on the right side.... Ghoul gfi... ghoul to ghoul quick pass... and a couple successful gfi's later... and no one could catch him.... Even the minoturd went wild animal at that time and spared one of my ghouls a thrashing.... End score: 2-2... but in our league, at greater than 50k as an overdog, you do loose points for a tie... since you really were supposed to win.... Nuffle would give me one more one to end the post-game... but just enough to buy a new wolf.... Funny coincidence: my last dead wolf was by a different coach, years ago, with the same first name.... :o

Current Standings:
136 Ork Ridge Boys (Orcs)
130 Sand Storm (Khemri)
129 Grave Diggers II (Necro)
117 Dead Blast (Undead)
117 Zombie Strippers (Necro)
115 Xaositecs (Chaos)
114 DC’s Underworld (Underworld)
111 Sleestacks (Lizardmen)
110 Snow Nuffle (Norse)
098 T-Orcs (Orcs)
097 Immoral Combat (Skaven)
094 Blood Counts (Vampire)
091 Ironheads (Dwarves)
086 Bad Moon Bears (Goblin)


Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:59 am
by Oxynot
Digger Goreman wrote: DC (Underworld) 3 vs JVb (Necro) 0
First kickoff was "Get the Ref" and Nobbla was off to the races.... The first hit he took was an injury, but the team's apothecary patched him up and the Ref let him play the next drive... and the next... and the next....
Not that it'll change the outcome retroactively, but Star Players wont accept the care of team (or wandering, if I recall correctly) apothecharies, so that first injury should of taken Nobbla off the pitch for the rest of the game. Unless of course, you have house rule with that :)


Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 1:54 pm
by Digger Goreman
Oxynot wrote:
Digger Goreman wrote: DC (Underworld) 3 vs JVb (Necro) 0
First kickoff was "Get the Ref" and Nobbla was off to the races.... The first hit he took was an injury, but the team's apothecary patched him up and the Ref let him play the next drive... and the next... and the next....
Not that it'll change the outcome retroactively, but Star Players wont accept the care of team (or wandering, if I recall correctly) apothecharies, so that first injury should of taken Nobbla off the pitch for the rest of the game. Unless of course, you have house rule with that :)
There was an alarm sounding ever so lightly in the back of my head on this one... but I ignored it and let things play on.... Lemme look and, yep (p69 under the Star Player description), you're right! I'll relate back to the League coaches.... :orc:


Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:26 am
by Digger Goreman
05 Mar 11
A lot of fly ties and a couple blowouts.... Not without costs as the Grave Diggers suffer another unlikely death... this time to a golem(?!!!)

Grave Diggers 3 vs Xaositecs 0
Bad Moon Bears 0 vs Blood Counts 3
Dead Blast 1 vs Ork Ridge Boys 1
Snow Nuffle 1 vs Immoral Combat 1
Xaositecs 0 vs Sand Storm 0

06 Mar 11
A two-game day with the Ork Ridge Boys pulling ahead of the pack and show dominance in first place:

Current Standings:
137 Ork Ridge Boys (Orcs) 06 Mar 11
130 Grave Diggers II (Necro) 27 Feb 11
125 Sand Storm (Khemri) 05 Mar 11
121 Dead Blast (Undead) 05 Mar 11
114 Xaositecs (Chaos) 06 Mar 11
117 Zombie Strippers (Necro) 27 Feb 11
114 DC’s Underworld (Underworld) 27 Feb 11
106 Sleestacks (Lizardmen) 06 Mar 11
106 Snow Nuffle (Norse) 05 Mar 11
106 Immoral Combat (Skaven) 06 Mar 11
101 Blood Counts (Vampire) 05 Mar 11
098 T-Orcs (Orcs) <19 Feb 11
091 Ironheads (Dwarves) 19 Feb 11
079 Bad Moon Bears (Goblin) 05 Mar 11
(dates are last game played)

06 Mar 11
Immoral Combat 2 vs Sleestacks 2 (Failed turn 16 gfi for the Sleestacks)
Xaositecs 1 vs Orc Ridge Boys 2


Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:27 am
by Digger Goreman
It was all the M-train today: The coach of Immoral Combat (Skaven) and Xaositecs (Chaos) did well enough in his first dozen, or so, games to be bumping hard against the upper rungs of the ladder.... A very analytical and cunning coach, "M" is working the league and inducement system very adroitly.... Will it be enough to get into the top four... only time and Nuffle will tell....

12 Mar 11

Game 1: Immoral Combat 1 vs Sand Storm 1
"M" challenged, received and played keep away till I could get a little closer.... The Storm was wearing away the minor rats a couple at a hitch... till the Rat Ogre downed a Sidestepping/MiB Blitz Ra and busted him into an MNG + -AV.... The comebacker, via Block/MiB Tomb Guardian, put the ROgre in exactly the same condition.... The pyramid scheme would end the half down 0-1 but attrition was scouring the furballs from existence.... By the third quarter, and the tieing score, there were only 2 warpers and a full team of Khemri on the field.... Unfortunately, the lab rejects were able to keep away the last few turns and the tie was history.... "M" played "elf-ball" with his Ag 4 thrower and gutter runners to gain more points this game than if he'd tried to continuously score.... Disgusting....

Game 2: Bad Moon Bears 1 vs Zombie Strippers 1
I couldn't keep up with this game and mine at the same time.... The team values were roughly equal, so a tie benefitted both teams....

Game 3: Sleestacks 0 vs Chaositecs 1
Maybe I should take the Lizardmen coach out for beef ribs! While watching his skinks fall into the KO, and D&I boxes (and losing another Saurus to death), Aahz's team KILLED the nastiest player in our league: A Break Tackle, Claws, Juggernaught Minoturd!!!! Somewhere in a Necro paradise/hell, a once blodging, non-regenning werewolf is smiling.... My only regret is that I didn't kill the mad cow....

Game 4: Bad Moon Bears 2 vs Immoral Combat 6
WTF was Aahz thinking?! By now the skaven had recovered just enough and, like a stink cloud from some twisted elven purgatory, now had two of his buh-roh-ken runners with leap and VLL.... With the aforementioned Ag 4 passer... does anyone have a chance... let alone a pack of gobbos? Methinks not.... One goblin score was on a TTM... so that was entertaining.... The rest...? Meh... a lousy spectator game.... Nothing against "M"... he plays to win, like all of us... but these "auto-everything-except-on-a-one" teams are the bane of Blood Bowl... and, like every other team of this ilk, will have to be e-rat-urcated or retired at #1.... The cheese is exceptionally strong with this one....

Current Standings:
137 Ork Ridge Boys (Orcs) 06 Mar 11
130 Grave Diggers II (Necro) 27 Feb 11
121 Dead Blast (Undead) 05 Mar 11
121 Zombie Strippers (Necro) 12 Mar 11
119 Sand Storm (Khemri) 12 Mar 11
118 Immoral Combat (Skaven) 12 Mar 11
117 Xaositecs (Chaos) 12 Mar 11
114 DC’s Underworld (Underworld) 27 Feb 11
106 Snow Nuffle (Norse) 05 Mar 11
103 Sleestacks (Lizardmen) 12 Mar 11
101 Blood Counts (Vampire) 05 Mar 11
098 T-Orcs (Orcs) <19 Feb 11
091 Ironheads (Dwarves) 19 Feb 11
077 Bad Moon Bears (Goblin) 12 Mar 11


Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:36 pm
by Digger Goreman
Not a good day for the Chaositecs, dropping 10 points in the ratings over the course of a double header... tieing 1-1 with the newly formed (and replacing the retired Sleestacks for Aahz) Elves Paiselys Wood (Cheese) Elf team.... Five points up for the wood fromage and five points down for the overdog Chaos team.... Second game saw Chaositecs aiming to inflict their new Moo-cow (Minoturd) replacement against the second place Grave Diggers.... A "chaotic" affair, but not enough so.... The Diggers traded a touchdown for a seriously hurt (-Av) zombie, and the second half was on.... Graveside kicked short to the open side of the pitch, the 'Tects retrieved and passed, sorta, to the other side... got stymied and reversed field.... A zombie blocked down the minotaur and a wolf surfed out a sidelining beastman... LOOOONNNNGGGG throw back to the other side of the field and the cattle attempted another reverse and drive.... After recovering from an epic falldown, the wolves blitzed the bovines and retrieved the ball in the waning minute of the second half.... A huffing, puffing wight gfi'd to open field, pump faked a long bomb... and promptly dropped it on the reroll.... Nuffled at the end... but still a win!!!! The Diggers go up 5 points, to within 2 of the League leading Orcs, and the Xaositecs slide down another five....

Current Standings:
137 Ork Ridge Boys (Orcs) 06 Mar 11
135 Grave Diggers II (Necro) 13 Mar 11
121 Dead Blast (Undead) 05 Mar 11
121 Zombie Strippers (Necro) 12 Mar 11
119 Sand Storm (Khemri) 12 Mar 11
118 Immoral Combat (Skaven) 12 Mar 11
114 DC’s Underworld (Underworld) 27 Feb 11
107 Xaositecs (Chaos) 13 Mar 11
106 Snow Nuffle (Norse) 05 Mar 11
105 Elves Paiselys (Wood Elf) 13 Mar 11
101 Blood Counts (Vampire) 05 Mar 11
098 T-Orcs (Orcs) <19 Feb 11
091 Ironheads (Dwarves) 19 Feb 11
077 Bad Moon Bears (Goblin) 12 Mar 11


Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:16 am
by Digger Goreman
Wild day, with a brief, brief hour or two with Grave Diggers on top of the league before the Ork Ridge Boys managed a tie with a 20k underdog Immoral Combat Skaven team.... The game of Diggers vs their nemesis Xaositecs (Chaos) was a bizarre and nefarious nuffle-fest through the first half.... At one time there were only a few Necros on the board and only a lone zombie standing.... Luckily(?!) the Chaosers would only get the ball "downtown" toward the end.... Second half and the beastie boys would only get nuffled thrice (and the ONLY times the whole game) and twice the Dead 'uns would turn them over for a score... the last being a turn eight, inexplicable horned blitz against a lone ghoul... and he double skulled.... Nuffle has a cruel sense of humor....

In two extreme "yawner" games, the Elves Paiselys would play the Vamps of Blood Counts, and the Immoral Combat, to a pair of 3-3 ties....

T-Orcs and Ironheads (Dwarves) timed out of the league today....

Current Standings:
141 Ork Ridge Boys (Orcs) 19 Mar 11
138 Grave Diggers II (Necro) 19 Mar 11
121 Dead Blast (Undead) 05 Mar 11
121 Zombie Strippers (Necro) 12 Mar 11
119 Sand Storm (Khemri) 12 Mar 11
115 Immoral Combat (Skaven) 19 Mar 11
114 DC’s Underworld (Underworld) 27 Feb 11
108 Elves Paiselys (Wood Elf) 19 Mar 11
106 Snow Nuffle (Norse) 05 Mar 11
105 Blood Counts (Vampire) 19 Mar 11
104 Xaositecs (Chaos) 19 Mar 11
077 Bad Moon Bears (Goblin) 12 Mar 11


Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:59 am
by Digger Goreman
Another relatively good day for the Undead.... And a confusing day for the Chaos teams: It all started with an announcement that the league cellar dwellers, Bad Moon Bears (Goblins), were disbanding (like so many times before).... The stir caused by the announcement was akin to the seismic activity of a gnat's hair falling out.... In it's place, Aahz decried that he would show us the art of denial by taking a new Nurgle team, the Uncle Festers, and breaking the Xaositects (Chaos) team (despite being 600k down).... Coach Goreman paid a wizard to levitate him over the field/stands rather than sit in the stink of that stadium....

The Chaos gods would NOT favor Nurgle this day.... Within a few turns both pestigors were out of the picture and most of the Nurgle Warriors dropping to the flies.... Rotters were clocking out like workers on a Friday and, despite losing his only reroll to the Halfling Hot Pot both halves, the Xaositects would almost never need one.... Only two blocks the whole game were turned back by hideous appearence of Nurgle.... In the end the festering Festers got nothing out of the game but a pustulous bloodletting, and the Xaositects ran the ball in twice.... Aahz did a quick count and immediately disbanded the debilitated Uncles....

Riding high off this win, the Xaositects turned around and played 50k overdogs to Dead Blast! This time they wouldn't play in the sloppy confines of chaos, but in the Undead "Killing Fields" stadium.... The Undead scored in two turns off a Blitz and the 'Tects would even up when an opening second half kick would "pooch" just short of the LOS and on the weak side of the graveyard.... Nuffle would only let one blodge ghoul make eventual contact with a horned blitzing moo-cow and a push would be sufficient to tie the score.... The Blast went right back down the ill-fated sideline and would reach a pinning situtation at the goal-line.... The failure to assign a chaositect to one wight would prove the eventual downfall as the Dead negated two tackle zones with him and generated just enough blocking power for a second ghoul to barge his way across the paint with a solid block.... Final score 2-1!

Current Standings:
141 Ork Ridge Boys (Orcs) 19 Mar 11
138 Grave Diggers II (Necro) 19 Mar 11
129 Dead Blast (Undead) 20 Mar 11
121 Zombie Strippers (Necro) 12 Mar 11
119 Sand Storm (Khemri) 12 Mar 11
115 Immoral Combat (Skaven) 19 Mar 11
114 DC’s Underworld (Underworld) 27 Feb 11
108 Elves Paiselys (Wood Elf) 19 Mar 11
106 Snow Nuffle (Norse) 05 Mar 11
105 Blood Counts (Vampire) 19 Mar 11
097 Xaositecs (Chaos) 20 Mar 11


Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 3:40 am
by Digger Goreman
I soooo wanna get a hatchet to Nuffle's face....

Played a game of Diggers vs Xaositecs and even my opponent was commenting on the brutality of the dice against me.... Even so, it was a only a "1" that kept me from the win... predictably....

Current Standings:
141 Ork Ridge Boys (Orcs) 19 Mar 11
133 Grave Diggers II (Necro) 25 Mar 11
129 Dead Blast (Undead) 20 Mar 11
121 Zombie Strippers (Necro) 12 Mar 11
119 Sand Storm (Khemri) 12 Mar 11
115 Immoral Combat (Skaven) 19 Mar 11
114 DC’s Underworld (Underworld) 27 Feb 11
108 Elves Paiselys (Wood Elf) 19 Mar 11
106 Snow Nuffle (Norse) 05 Mar 11
105 Blood Counts (Vampire) 19 Mar 11
102 Xaositecs (Chaos) 25 Mar 11


Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 12:30 am
by Digger Goreman
A mixed weekend: cheese-twit woodies beat my khemri... Xaositecs fell to my Diggers... though I SWEAR I had to beat Nuffle's 1-giving arse at the same time.... 3-2 score, though it should've been an easy blow-out.... Once, again, my zombies (et al.) fouled his minoturd to death :orc:... though the apoth was good enough to turn it into a missing and -Av.... :P

In one of the most incredibly boring, cheese-laden games of the century, Immoral Combat out-scored the Elves Paiselys 3-2.... I think I slept through most of it.... I do remember waking up just enough to see a woodie catcher die.... :smoking:

Current Standings:
145 Ork Ridge Boys (Orcs) 26 Mar 11
139 Grave Diggers II (Necro) 27 Mar 11
129 Dead Blast (Undead) 20 Mar 11
121 Zombie Strippers (Necro) 12 Mar 11
120 Elves Paiselys (Wood Elf) 27 Mar 11
117 Immoral Combat (Skaven) 27 Mar 11
114 DC’s Underworld (Underworld) 27 Feb 11
106 Snow Nuffle (Norse) 05 Mar 11
106 Sand Storm (Khemri) 26 Mar 11
105 Blood Counts (Vampire) 19 Mar 11
099 Shadow Sword (Necro) 26 Mar 11
092 Xaositecs (Chaos) 27 Mar 11

26 March 2011 (late report)
Shadow Sword 2 vs Immoral Combat 3

27 March 2011 Games
Xaositecs 2 vs Grave Diggers 3
Elves Paiselys 2 vs Immoral Combat 3


Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:18 pm
by JaM
In one of the most incredibly boring, cheese-laden games of the century, Immoral Combat out-scored the Elves Paiselys 3-2.... I think I slept through most of it.... I do remember waking up just enough to see a woodie catcher die....
You really dont like scoring teams, dont you Digger ...?? :lol:

Always nice to see some report up from you on Monday. Thanks for that. :)