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Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 2:39 pm
by Digger Goreman
EDIT: Since the creation of Team Blogs in the Index, I'll list the two other threads that probably should be rolled into this one:

Necromancer Offensive Setup

More Necro Alt Minis

Sharing some info and fun on the teams I play: Graveyard Gothika (Necromancer), Dead Reckoning (Undead), and successive "Grave" teams (Necromancer)....

Here's what's up so far (pics of minis if I ever get a resonable camera):

Front office and staff

Owner: Ded Turner; Cabal Media Moghoul; A powerful Necromancer who built an empire by determining that an audience prefers an awesome Undead Re-run to a current team that's "Dead in the Ratings."

Head Coach: Digger Goreman; Necromancer, second only in power to Ded Turner. Creator of the Zomb-o-Scope and Master of Ragman and the spirts of Tom O'Landry and John Madder. This combination is responsible for keeping the team running according to Plan A.

Assistant Coach: Marquis de Sade; A ghoulish sadist who tends to champion the "torturous" Plan B.

Zomb-o-Scope: A dark-magic "telescope" that channels information from the field to a disembodied zombie's head forming part of Digger Goreman's staff. A powerful Demon is kept bound within the 'Scope.

Ragman, Tom O'Landry & John Madder: Ragman is a Dark Familiar who scours the after-realm for the heads of head coaches. His greatest finds are the decapitations of Tom O'Landry and John Madder: infamous coaches of old. Their spirits are controlled by Ragman and linked to the Zomb-o-Scope, thus providing timely advice on tactics.

Imp Assistants and "Plan C"(?): Imps are useful as menial labor and occasionally help with minor training matters. They are suspected agents of the Chaos God Nuffle and noted for the teams' failures while following Plan C.

Rat-a-matic: A mechanical Rodent 'retrieval' device "acquired" from the Midgit Idgits after a particularly sound thrashing. The goblin claims to have stolen it from a Skaven team…. Methinks he protesth too much when the Rat-a-matic was "liberated"…. The plans retrieved are always unorthodox, enigmatic, and prone to spectacular successes and failures.


Fan Factor 12

Rerolls: 3

D.A.B.B.L.E. Inaugral Blood Bowl Champions, 01-07, 06-07, 10-07; Blood Cup Champions, 06-07.

Career Wins: 18; Ties: 4; Losses: 5; 45 TDs; 57 Casualties.

Value: 1,790,000 + 430,000 Cash

Touchdown TD difference: +25

Casualty difference: +20

Current Team Members

Roadkill; Rookie; Zombie; 4ma 3st 2ag 8av; (Beastman); Regeneration

Whippin' Boy; Rookie; Zombie; 4ma 3st 2ag 8av; (Wood Elf); Regeneration

Lendzahans; Experienced; Zombie; 4ma 3st 2ag 8av; Regeneration, Guard; 2cas, 2mvp

Black Lungus; Veteran; Zombie; 4ma 3st 2ag 7av; Regeneration, Block, Dauntless; 3cas, 3mvp

Bootsie; Experienced; Zombie; 4ma 3st 2ag 8av; Regeneration, Kick; 2cas 1mvp

Yorarse Izmein; Rookie; Ghoul; 7ma 3st 3ag 7av; Dodge; 1td

Graveyard Dog; Experienced; Ghoul; 7ma 3st 3ag 7av; Dodge, Block; 1td, 1int, 1cas

Doo Ron Ron; Veteran Wight; 6ma 3st 4ag 8av; Block, Regeneration, Guard; 7cp, 4cas, 3mvp

Duke of Earl; Emerging Star; Wight; 6ma 3st 4ag 8av; Block, Regeneration, Guard, Dodge; 3cp, 8td, 3cas, 3mvp

Frankie Jr.; Experienced; Flesh Golem; 4ma 4st 2ag 9av; Regeneration, Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Block; 2cas, 1mvp

Steiner; Veteran; Flesh Golem; 4ma 4st 2ag 9av; Regeneration, Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Block, Guard; 6cas, 1mvp

Wolfman Jack; Super Star; Werewolf; 8ma 3st 3ag 9av; Claws, Frenzy, Regeneration, Block, Mighty Blow, Dodge, Sidestep; 1cp, 18td, 9cas, 3mvp

Howling Wolf; Experienced; Werewolf; 8ma 3st 4ag 8av; Claws, Frenzy, Regeneration; 4td, 1mvp

Deceased stars
The Midnight Growler; Super Star; Werewolf; 8ma 3st 3ag 9av; Claws, Frenzy, Regeneration, Block, Dodge, Mighty Blow, Sidestep; 11td, 16cas, 3mvp. The Grey Terror, his theme song was "Bad Moon Risin'", and be-were anyone who stood in his way! Most thought him immortal.... Yet they all "pass away", and his demise came against a highly developed Amazon team: The Jungle Queens.... He took down Zara the Slayer and another Amazon before the third opponent got in that lucky shot that snuffed the life of one of Blood Bowl's ultimate players....

Shamblin' Shaq: Emerging Star; Zombie; 4ma, 3st, 2ag, 8av; Regeneration, Block, Dauntless, Guard; 1cas, 6mvp. A HUGE, hulking, dark man in life... he was equally huge and hulking in death.... A true "monster" of a man, post-mortem he was no longer suited for the agility game of "basketheads". The fans loved him on the line where he often knocked down far stronger opponents on his own. A part of the famed scrimmage line, The Elastic Zombies (no casualties to the five of them in 26 games), the elasticity broke in the 3rd season final against the Killbler (Wood) Elves team. So enraged were the fans and the team, that the players promptly deceased and raised a Wood Elf (Whippin' Boy) to replace Shaq. No one can truly fit in Shaq's enormous shoes, but Whippin' Boy does his best to fill the gap in the line....

Local news is slim, this being the off-season.... "Graveside Manor" fought to a scoreless tie, "Underworld Horrors" and "The Lizzie Bordens" each won scrimmage games against a variety of Goblin test teams, including Graveside Manor's tussle against a 4 Troll, Fanatic and Chainsaw affair.... Work continues on the teleportable stadium with the first phase (Reserves dugout) being 3/4 finished.... Increased fan attendance and stability of play is expected....

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 4:14 pm
by Marlow
My Necromancer team is here -

All the players are named after comic book characters except the Wolves who are named after mine and my friends dogs.

They are playing quite well; but the Golems do seem about as effective as the Zombies. Perhaps once they get some skills...

I hope my Wolves can develope like yours have. You seem to do very well on skill rolls! :D

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 4:49 pm
by Digger Goreman
Nice team... having a 4 ag ghoul will really pay off.... Not hardly any guard and it's on a Ghoul... hmmmm, might Pass have been better (ghoul to ghoul would be tres bien)?

I would've gone guard before MB on the wight, but that's just me....

Your Wolves are definitely on track....

Kill 'em and Raise 'em!!!

Necros are #1 8)

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 4:55 pm
by Marlow
The Guard Ghoul was the first skill I got which is why I went with Guard and not something else. I though the assist would be more use than the ball handing. I need to get Sure Hands on them as I constantly fail to pick up the ball!

Planning on Guard First on Sinister when he skills up and as second skill on Dexter.


Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 2:30 pm
by Digger Goreman
You can now download the Team Manager Spreadsheets directly from my website: Arkham Asylum Blood Bowl Teams

Enjoy! :smoking:

I'm trying to write an eventually inclusive strategy guide to Necromancer teams.... If you have any suggestions/comments on the guide, please let me know.... :D

Trying to put this wonderful game into simple words IS NOT easy.... :wink:

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 1:00 am
by Digger Goreman
Minor modifications to the Necro-Tacticum page, including the three teams I would consider fielding under LRB5 rules. New look/background... some other minor mods.... Click on the link below (Graveyard Gothika)

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 5:45 pm
by Digger Goreman
Finally got my hands on an out of production, Morgar 2 Necromancer (Ilyad Games)... therefore, I give to you Ded Turner's Wife:

Lady Pain Fond'a; Necro-Sorceress Supreme; Anti-Apocalypse, Pro Zombie Rights Activist, she speaks for the dead when they can't speak for themselves or she just raises them. A heart-breakingly stunning beauty; and she knows how to strut!


Stock Photo, kiddies, I wish I could paint that good!

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:57 pm
by Digger Goreman
This is the first of many (planned, at least) vignettes based on the GW textured movement trays....

If, and when, I finally get better photo capability, I'll make a better pic....


Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:19 pm
by Digger Goreman
Sunday is a planned Rookie Team affair with Graveside Manor going up against an un-named Orc Rookie Team... and I realized... I've never played a beginning Necro team against beginning Orcs!!!

Play suggestions?!

ps: I'll be selling tenderized "Zombie Patties" after the game.... :puke:

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 3:17 pm
by PubBowler
Not too different from playing any low value Orc team really.

Blitzers are danger players and deserve attention from your wolves.

If he has a thrower as his ball carrier he might be worth blitz from a Wight as well.

Feed the BOBs zombies (useful for the BBQ after).

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 10:21 pm
by Digger Goreman
PubBowler wrote:Not too different from playing any low value Orc team really.

Blitzers are danger players and deserve attention from your wolves.

If he has a thrower as his ball carrier he might be worth blitz from a Wight as well.

Feed the BOBs zombies (useful for the BBQ after).
One of the greatest games I ever played! The Wizard of Aahz brought in a 13 player, all Orc, team (no Gobs/Troll).... He got the FAME, but it never did him more good than I as we tied on the only RR result! I took the ball and played him tough, taking out 1 BoB on a lucky hit... while my guys were dropping like flies, but getting back up (most of the time).... I scored first on my turn 5 and managed to stall him out to be one up at the half.... So far all my KOs (3 of them) returned w/o fail....

Second half I kicked to him and he made a perfect catch on the high kick.... I managed a complicated series of blocks (especially all of them using Zombies and Golems) to blitz his carrier with my wight, who GFIed and fumbled the ball.... Unfortunately I had not tagged his one BoB who stunned the poo out the fool.... Aahz recovered the ball and got about 3 squares into my side of the field in the wide zone.... Conventional wisdom would've been to blitz away a lineorc with my Golem and put a tackle zone on the carrier.... Not being known for my conventionality or wisdom, I dodged (SUCCESSFULLY!!! :o :D ) with a Zombie and blitzed the carrier down next to the sideline.... :smoking: The ball, unfortunately, went out of bounds and the crowd threw it back into my deep half.... Even more unfortunate, I had already moved the Wight and Werewolf covering that area... :evil:

Now it was the Orcs turn to get a mess o' fine rolls and my amused players turned amazed... but mostly prone and stunned.... only a failed pickup by his one functioning blitzer could lose him the game... and... yup... he got it!

One of the most OH, WOW! games I've ever played... plenty of hits, turnovers, reverses and grand plays....

Pity, the only injury was a Niggled Bob... nothing for the barbie.... :cry:

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 7:30 pm
by Digger Goreman
After nearly forever, the first Graveyard Gothika team is semi-retired and GG II hit the field in a new, local league....

Same team, nearly same costs:

5 zeds
2 FGs
2 Wights
2 Weres
2 FF
20k banked (for a new Ghoul)

Faced a team of Chaos: 4 warriors and 7 beasts.... Kept ahead in on field players by one, but couldn't handle the Warriors well enough... and while I put beasties in the hurt box (3 mng's and two more from crowd pushes), my team could never contain enough to even get the ball into the opponent's half (didn't help that I lost the kickoff).... Also didn't help that the three casualties dealt to me were in the first half, early: Wight BH(no regen) Zombie BH (regen) Were KO (never recovered).... The only score of the game came on a Chaos Warrior's roll of 5 for the pickup... 6 for the long pass... and 6 for the beastman's catch.... Nuffle's Chuckles for sure....

I did get to the LOS and then got the ball blitzed into the crowd... a lucky in-bounds would gleefully put it where my freed-up wolf could score.... AW, HELL NO!, the ball came to rest in MY end zone and only a failed final turn pick-up kept the score 0-1....

Game was well-played by my opponent and I do blame my coaching for a couple of mistakes that might've turned it around.... Oh, well, at least we have a new team song: Slaughter the World from Looking for Group, a marvelous web-comic! (Click on "animation" and the YouTube will be there)....

Rolled a "1" for 30k winnings... still couldn't buy the Ghoul (though NO perm casualties felt nice...!)....

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 10:42 pm
by landrover
Um one little point: How can an undead team have a list of deceased players?

(Surely some mistake? - Ed.).

Might they be permanently 'coffined'? :D

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 12:41 pm
by Digger Goreman
landrover wrote:Um one little point: How can an undead team have a list of deceased players?

(Surely some mistake? - Ed.).

Might they be permanently 'coffined'? :D
Or "disassembled" for parts... :lol:

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:26 pm
by Digger Goreman
Undead Team: Dead Reckoning

Nuffle chuckles,
Nuffle guffaws...
Double Aces are Nuffle's laws....

It didn't help that I forgot I had 3 RRs instead of 2.... His 9FF/+2 FAME did him well as a Pitch Invasion left 7 of my 11 players stunned, receiving the kickoff.... Didn't take much to turn me over... but not before I killed one of his blitzers....

Down 0-1, kicking to him... but he's down three players and I have all plus a zombie.... Whatever.... Second half, I kick, and the ball only scatters one away from his thrower... then good weather drifts it right back... fortunately he drops it.... He moves it upfield and his catcher can't catch for once.... I get the ball and move it 3/4 way down the field and a td is assured if I can simply get a zombie to do ONE gfi... yep... double 1's.... Ball carrier gets blocked off-field and the throw-in goes within one move of my end zone.... I made it a game by getting a ghoul next to the ball, but his only possible support were a mummy and few zombies who could't get close enough... or even stay standing.... He blitzes off the ghoul and waltzes in with a catcher, for another score....

One more kick-off and chance for a td.... Ghoul picks up... attempts to pass... 1, no re-rolls....

He rolls his umpteenth 6 to get 90k to replace his blitzer.... I get 30k to go with my 20k and still not enough for another ghoul....

Good news, I sustained no injuries and got a zombie....

Bad news... a 0-2 loss....