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Arsenal Runners

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:58 am
by Fondu77
Arsenal Runners.

Paris Sewer, june 2009.
A ol’coach looking drunken is singing an’ dan cing on an ol’french song :
- B**e au c*l cria la baronne en voyant les c***lles du baron ! Je prefere les avoir dans mon c*l que de les laisser trainer dans la rueeeeee (small light and the shadow of this buddy moving strangly). Well dude, I’d probably not have drinken so much or … stop drinkin’ (you may see plenty of grammatical error and for that I am sorry) yes that’s a good one hihihihih… (man doing something disgusting hidden in the dark).But you understand (screaming for himself) ? bad bad coach … Less than 30% victory th’s’year, not good. I gonna reti….retire. Like Ol’Louis find some quiet place to finish my ol’days. Ther’s no place for me ‘nymore around, this year is Aze year and not mine… againnnn !. All my good fellas disappears, ya hear me??? F***k it . even my Ogres went crappy…. I am finished, (is he crying? Chicken !!! ) Mu…Muwell This what I gonna do, just wait for death here… beuarp.
The man is falling asleep. Few time after, black swarn is coming on him.
- SWARN : Hey ya, wake up
- Uh… rrrr
- SWARN : We say wake up
- Me say s**k it until It’s dry
- SWARN : No man, wake up.
- (red eyes, swallowing bile, rage voice tone) What you want?
- SWARN : We want you help us
- Sure, like I help the others…? Hin hin hin
- SWARN : ………. What others?
- Whatever… Tell me what you all want and leave me alone…
- SWARN : Man know Splinter house?
- Who?
- SWARN : Splinter, master o’Ninjustu (weird Chinese accent)
- Turtle ninja guy?… wha…why ya looking for?
- SWARN : showing the rest of the swarn, the first shadow says : DAD !
- (thinking : damn olbastard this what he do when not training poor kids turtle hahaha ) Hihiihihi No kidding?
- SWARN : … No .. Ki.. ding
- Well … He used to leave in Ny ….
- SWARN : NY… far?
- Hum… Depends when you come from.?
- SWARN : Nor’lond’n
- Yes far, but you know… He is … (man smilling evilish, this might be redemption)
- Well it’s me I ‘m Schredder … hu no… Splinter ! This is me.
- SWARN : ….. You no rat
- Rats aren’t speakin… so? And I think Splinter… well me used to be human. Right?
- SWARN : …..
- See I’m all human, so I’m must be splinter.
- SWARN : …..
- I say follow me, follow the steps of you ... dad to reach the glory !!!
- SWARN after a lot of palabre : DAD! DAD! DAD!
- (thinking to himself : dumb dumb dumd ! hihihi)

Ready fi Die so ready fi murder !!!!!

This blog may be used only by rookie coach as problems treated are quite rookiest (…?)

"La plus grande gloire n'est pas de ne jamais tomber, mais de se relever à chaque chute." Confucius

Hi everyone, this might be the glorious story of my next LUTECE team. After a 2 year halfplay/halfbothered seasons. I’ll change once again of race in 2009-2010 season. A bunch of new player will come in the league (attracted by the videogame) and most team you’ll find in it is bashy or already dead. This year, I think chaos dwarf will fight against norses for the title. The rosters already booked are slann/skaven/ dwarves.

The team I used so far were with no success at all : chaos dwarf, lizards, human, skaven (parttimecoaching season in my “bloodbowl is a jerk game, only dice decide” year), ogres, ogres (with new rosters following the advice of Longshot… what a good advice). My only reward for all this years fighting for victory (well at least the 15 first minutes…) is a title of the chocolate winner (meaning “loosers playoff competition”. Given to me by 3 abandon before my final ( 3 treasure roll + 3free mvp).

The good thing is in the league what I’ve seen so far, confort me in thinking some geeks deserve attention :
- Coaches with arranged rhum
- Playing some drinking tea made by a sikh in the backroom of army surplus
- Play PES at the half time
- Meet ol’friends

In that context I decided to “test” a new roster … SKAVEN.
When saying test, the real meaning is I aim to prepare my season :
> Paint a team…finish it until it’s varnish, numbered ect.
> Not being the dumb of the game letting the ball carrier without protection because someone offer me the eniem bier.
> Have a roster before the beginning of the league and NOT choose a friend one. A roster which fit my style.

So my plan so far :
Miniature schedule :
- recover a 2nd ed skaven team. Some of this rats are actually in the plane to reach my place. Thanks talkbloodbowl to provide such a bunch of good guys always ready to sell/trade spare stuff to allow you to achieve your goal
- Strip all those bastards from the precedent cover and paint them on the color of Arsenal exterior shirt scheme (dark blue, yellow and maybe if if ……… pattern)
- Put magnet, numbers on it (Impact sell magnet and base but no clue on how many they sell… lot of question lack of answer, I need to find them.

Strategy coach schedule
- Find a way to keep 11 player from the first match to the 2nd one…. And win some
- Make as many test match as possible in order to become a passable coach.
- Read all strategy article wich may help me.

You may say : good resolution? I’ll say, let’s give a chance to change !

L'ambition et la vengeance ont toujours faim.

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:36 am
by Fondu77

Now we'll speak of roster.
Lizardcore, a well known skaven coach told me :

1vermin, 4 gutter, 1RO, 5 line, apo FF2 RR2.

First test was a nill against 2008 league winner. He played lizard.
So far :
-Lost my vermin turn 2 unprotectect in a saurus backroom (casualties)
-Each of my mistake made a casualties (4)
-The Rat ogre when force to win, just.... win
-Runners need to be on all the line from deep defence to offence
-with skaven scoring with 5 players is normal
-asymetric defence is usefull but I had trouble when casualties occurs

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 12:12 pm
by Fondu77
good news. I got 90% of my roster.
Almost everithing is to stipp and repaint. :D

Linemen OK
Blitzer : 95% sclupt finished
RO : 30% sculpt finished
Gutter runners : got 2 still need two (one in plane for sure)
Thrower : in plane
Yellow 6face dice : Next buy :D


Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 1:39 pm
by ulvardar
Hi Fondu, maybe it's too late to advice you, but... that roster is not the most competitive you could made. I would get rid of the RO (great 14th player), add the 2nd vermin, a thrower and linerats. You need 13 players, at least. Specially when you play against block heavy teams (norses, orcs, dwarves....). Also, apo is not needed in the beginning. And having the big clumsy RO, you always feel tempted to use apo on him (AV 8? For 160k?) and then your gutters are killed.

But hey, feel free to play the roster you prefer as long as you enjoy it. Good luck.

Re: Re

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 1:49 pm
by Fondu77
ulvardar wrote:Hi Fondu, maybe it's too late to advice you, but... that roster is not the most competitive you could made. I would get rid of the RO (great 14th player), add the 2nd vermin, a thrower and linerats. You need 13 players, at least. Specially when you play against block heavy teams (norses, orcs, dwarves....). Also, apo is not needed in the beginning. And having the big clumsy RO, you always feel tempted to use apo on him (AV 8? For 160k?) and then your gutters are killed.

But hey, feel free to play the roster you prefer as long as you enjoy it. Good luck.
Thx for interest
I only do testmatch, league begin in september :D
Next one will be without RO.
What is the roster you think is competitive? :D


Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:59 pm
by ulvardar
Hello, i use (1.000.000) 4 gutters, thrower, 2 blitzers, 6 linerats, 2 RR, 1 cheerleader.

4 Gutters are the key of the team. Thrower ir really important, try to get leader ASAP. 6 linerats as cannon fodder, fantastic cheap guys. Blitzers to open holes and do the little bashy things.

First buy apo. Then you can start saving for the mighty RO. With 4 gutters (ag. 4) and 3 RR (once you have leader) you can play nearly as an elf... a rather fast elf!

Good luck!

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 3:43 pm
by mattgslater
I've seen very successful Skaven doing the same thing, but trading the 13th player (the 6th linerat) and cheerleader for a 3rd TRR. It makes it easier to skill the non-GRs by letting you pass to/with them.

Enumerated, that's 2 Stormvermin, 4 Gutter Runners, 1 Thrower, 5 Linerats (12 players), 3 TRR. I agree you should buy an Apothecary as a first purchase, then save up your winnings to replace lost positionals or get a Rat Ogre. Then as a 14th player hire a Thrower and you're just replacing losses after that, or maybe hiring a TRR if you've got 200k in the bank.

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 8:25 am
by Fondu77
More test match to come.
I'll test the team in tournament and in test match again.

Anyway. All the minis are here.
So far I have :
- 2 trower (huge 2nd ed... no conversion as they are just perfect)
- 5 kickers( i'll use them as gutter runners ^^ Huge minis again)
- plenty of line
- old WFB RAT OGRE wich need slight conversion and a base(25mm is too little and 50mm to bigg... need a solution for that)
- Stormvermin are casting themselves actually... :oops: so ccoooool. And the champion/or second of our league gonna paint them for me... so cool.

Next step will be colour scheme... :D

And the box.