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The Chillwind Corsairs: A foray into league dark elfdom.

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 1:48 am
by grampyseer
I've recently started playing in my first large league, and thought I'd try to blog the results.

I'm starting two months late, so my games will all be challenges this season. In the future they will be schedueled.

At present, the league is monstrously bashy. There are 13 teams, and the only "finesse" teams are myself; a high elf and a skaven player.

So, with the knowledge that my assassins would be EVEN MORE USELESS than normal, The Chillwind Corsairs took the following shape.

7 lineman
3 blitzers
1 wich elf
2 re rolls.

I know many out there advocate a 4 blitzer start with the darkies, but I find that the witch adds a ton of versatility to the lineup. And as an added bonus, our league lets late starters to play a couple of games with an injury cap of Badly hurt :D This allows for some riskier builds .

Well, I'll post my players names as they become important...and try my best to share the highlights, and a completely unbiased view of the dice rolls.

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 2:18 am
by grampyseer
Game 1.
Chillwind Corsairs vs. The Masters of the Universe

The Masters are a very unusual chaos pact team, in that they've started with No big guys, 5 re rolls, 2 coaches, 2 cheerleaders.
The coach was trying something a bit different here. His reasoning being that with all the re rolls, skills were virtually accounted for.

The Corsairs received in the midst of a pitch invasion that left 3 corsair linos, and 2 Masters lying face down.

The Corsairs witch (Wendy Windbag) picked up the ball, and trucked into a loose pocket formed around the stunned players at center field. Only to be caught with a 2 dice blitz around the sides, that was cunningly masked by the chaos of the pitch invasion. (And me being unable to count out 6 squares :pissed: )

Clearly shamed by her ineptness, and her coach screaming on the sidelines. Wendy leapt back into the fray, blitzing the masters lino holding the ball, and running out of the pocket, into a loose sidelines formation. I had been spared a humiliating turnover..but only just.

The Masters applied the pressure to the sidelines, but were unable to get the casualty results needed. Wendy ducked her head down, dodged free and beetled up the sideline.

With her head down, she missed the cry of "duck!!" as a fanatic was hurled onto the pitch, his ball and chain knocking her sprawling. The masters consolidated their position.

For the second time, Wendy hopped up, collected and ran like hell....stopping but a square from the endzone, and leaving the irritating fantic to fall off of the pitch.

The Masters coach then marshalled a brilliant blitz, to GFI a Marauder next to Wendy, forcing the dodge for a TD.

That unfortunate Marauder (trap jaw) awoke several hours later with a broken collar bone, and the initials of the dark elf blitzer " Frigidaire", carved into his helmet.

The second half started with the Masters receiving, and moving into a loose cage at center. A quickly mustered 2 deep, 3 across formation by the corsairs, forced the masters into a wide zone run. After a couple of turns, and 2 crowd surfs by the corsairs, the ball was picked up by Wendy windbag herself. The rest of the drive was textbook, with a long drive up the side, the blitzers laying the hits on the marauders.

The buzzer sounded, and Wendy Windbag had led the Corsairs to their first victory. 2-0, 2-0 casualties.

The Good: skilling the witch on the first game was mint. Block will make her much more deadly.
Dark elf sideline control was able to give me the casualty edge I needed make the rest of the drives easy.
I had great luck on block dice. My blitzers were consistently rolling both down results, which meant the Masters were eating a lot of turf.

The bad: giving up the ball in my first turn could have been devastating. I think a more developed team would have eaten me for breakfast after a goof like that.

It was a good start for Wendy Windbag, but the unusual chaos pact build wasn't a good measure of the resistance I'll encounter.......Let's see if the next game goes so well.

Goals for next time

With Wendy protected by block after her first outing, I can now focus on skilling a blitzer, and making a skillup completion with my number 10 lino. (following his MVP).

I'm hoping to roll the magic 6 for winnings next game, that will let me afford Witch number two......or maybe I should just buy the blitzer if I'm short?? ideas?

...until next time

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 5:46 am
by grampyseer
Game 2: The Corsairs vs. Regency Bluebloods

Well, My second game was to be against the league's current number 1...The Regency Bluebloods. This High elf team boasts a rating of 206, and has 3 catchers, and a thrower all sitting at the 60+spp bracket.
The rest of the team has a good smattering of blodge, 3 guarders, and a str 4 kicker...

With 1. million in inducements, Here's what I picked:

Hubris Rakarth...No tackle, but block, Mightyblow, stirp ball would be good.

Horkon Heartripper....I figured to be receiving several kickoffs, meaning that multiblock+stab might pay off.
1 wizard
2 babes
1 team re roll
1 200k special play card. I pulled " ego trip" which was immediately applied to the elves star catcher, making him take the first action every turn...or not take an action at all.

Not surprisingly, The Bluebloods rolled a +2 fame. Add to that the 2 AC, 2 CL combo, and there was NO chance for me to win a kickoff this game..

The weather (@skeggi stadium) was windy, making all pass rolls a -1.

I won the toss, and elected to receive. The kick landed deep, and was picked up by Nacho man, who then threw a short pass that connected with Sturm Icewind, My number 3 blitzer who was looking for a skillup.

Sturm ran the ball into a loose cage on the left widezone, and was left unmolested until he dropped the TD 3 turns later.

Keeping the cage wide had allowed the high elf player to attempt a lot of 2+ "yahtzee" plays, that were largely unsuccessful.

With 2 high elves in the KO bin, the Corsairs set up a 3,4,4 defence.

Some great luck, had the high elf thrower bobble the ball in his own end long enough for me to sick 2 blitzers on him...without support, things were looking pretty good, but eventually...the yahtzee happened!!!

A high elf blitzer got free, allowing a 3+ pickup, dodge and long pass that moved the ball to center....
The dark elves recovered off of a strong blitz from Hubris Rakarth. Strip ball was decisive.

That blasted High elf thrower was AGAIN able to sack my ballcarrier, bouncing the ball right into a Bluebloods lino's hands...I was grinding my teeth at this point.

It was "yahtzee" time again as the re roll-less Blue bloods, dodged through 3 squares of shadowing, made a handoff, a blitz and a TD in the last turn of the 1st half.
The game was tied, with the high elves set to receive.

By this point, Hubris had accounted for 2 casualties. My witch elf Wendy Windbag had sent a catcher to the CAS box, and another rookie blitzer had seen a catcher off.

The 8 man, high elf offense tried to bully through on a widezone, but the dark elf 3, 4, 4 held them tight. The casualties, and crowd pushes started happening, depriving the bluebloods of even more man power.

It was only a matter of time before the dicey sidelines game caused some 1's to come up for the high elves. The dark elves recovered. (after fireballing a ball carrier) and made another run in.

As the clock ran down, there were 11 dark elves on the pitch, squaring off against just 6 high elves. Even then, the high elves were still jamming my scoring lanes.. (blasted 2+,2+.2+)

On my 7th turn, my witch double skulled a lane clearing blitz, using my 2nd last re roll. She re rolled and left the target standing.
My 8th turn started the same, with double skulls showing on the critical blitz...I was relieved I'd been conservative, and re rolled successfully. A 2+ handoff to Sturm icewind saw him park his 2nd TD of the match..and secure the 2/1 victory.

Final: Corsairs 2, Blue bloods 1. Corsairs 5 Cas, Blue bloods 0

The good. The 3,4,4 defense was pure magic. The coach had no idea how to deal with it. (thanks to Mattgslater for his diagrams of that one).
both my stars were great. Hubris actually performed, whilst horkon had the elves terrified of being near him.

The bad. The Blue bloods coach likes to play a dodgy game...He does alot of "weaving" through the TZ's. I attribute most of my luck to the fact that I asked the dice for very little. I doubt if I made 6 dodges all game. I still have yet to see what this team will do vs an overdog killer team......maybe next week.

Here's the post game.
#2 Loki Foulbreeze, Blitzer
#3 Sturn Icewind, Blitzer. Normal skill
#4 SLap chop, Lino
#6 Dirty Vega, Lino
#8 Naco Man, Lino. Normal skill
#9 Bouche Dag, Lino
#10 Phony Pope, Lino
#11 Stahl Frigidaire, Blitzer. Normal skill
#13 O'doyle, Lino
#14 Handsome Dan, Lino
#15 Wendy Windbag, witch, block

2 Re rolls
100k banked

I figure Kick for #8 is a no brainer, as the majority of this league is fighty, and beating the cage happens in the 1st couple of turns.

The blitzers.....I could go with 2 more blodgers, but I'd imagine that this league has a fair amount of tackle already.
I'm tempted to go with x2 sidesteppers. I'm already playing a game that relies a lot on field position, so sidestep would help that a bunch.

Any thoughts?

I have 1 more game under the "no permanent injuries" umbrella, so I could use my 100k to add the last blitzer.....But maybe it's wiser to add the Apo now, and hope for the blitzer next game.

Until next time....

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 6:04 am
by Mad Banker
Congrats on the nice underdog win!
Seeing Dark Elves on top against High Elves always cheer me up :D

I'd take the apoth now and then buy the 4th blitzer and 2nd witch.
Given the fact that your league is bash heavy, I wouldn't take any risks on not earning enough money for the apoth in the next game and rather buy him now.

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 9:40 pm
by grampyseer
Update. I picked dodge for the blitzers, and kick for the lino.

My next game is Nov 13th. I'm not sure what team I'll be facing off against.

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 11:39 pm
by mattgslater
Awesome. Good to know you got good use out of those diagrams. Setup is much more important with or against an elf team than just about anybody else, except for the odd 1TTD offense with Skaven, Humans, Necro or Norse. With an elf team, you can turn a good first-turn position into a TD, so you're setting up again and again.

Dodge is a good call for early improvements on a Blitzer. Kick is good too.

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 3:06 am
by Khail
Nice work! Looks like your team is advancing in much the same pattern mine is. I suppose I should move that thread in the League forum down here - it's more or less become a Team Blog at this point anyway.

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 6:52 pm
by grampyseer
Game 3. Chillwind Corsairs VS. The chernobylites

This Chaos pact team has a rating of about 170. They have several marauders with Block, Claw, MB.

Their skaven has advanced to +1ag, the dark elf is a blodger, and the troll and minotaur both have guard.
This team is also sporting 5 re rolls....

My inducements were as follows.
2 Babes
Hubris Rakarth
Several cards. Most important of which was the knuckledusters. (This ensures a knockdown on a block action)

...I was a bit absent minded, and forgot to take a wizard. I blame that on the fact that I'd just finished a 24hour shift. :wink:

I won the toss, electing to kick. His first few blocks stunned 3 of my players, and he was able to pick up the ball, but held the ball back on his +1AG marauder whilst his skaven and dark elf punched a hole on my right flank.

I was able to shut down the hole, and blitz his skaven with Wendy Windbag. She knocked him down, but burned a re roll to avoid the double skull.

She repeated her success, double skulling and re rolling in the second turn, but at least sent the skaven to the SI bin for the game.

Whilst Wendy was prancing ineffectually in my back half, My blitzers had pressured the ball, but the Pact were able to advance into a half-formed cage on my left flank.

I was able to put 2 tackle zones on the ball carrier. ( Sturm icewind and Wendy respectively) but Wendy received a minotaur blitz that put her out for the game, and the marauder made a dodge for the TD.

I received my kickoff, in the absolute left rear corner of my half, then bobbled the pickup.
The pact rolled a blitz, and were able to break my line and begin menacing my ball carrier blitzer .(who was still looking for that ball)

I managed to push a pocket through the center and get my ball in place, but re roll depletion meant that I eventually blew an easy "elfy 2+" and left a hole.

The pact were able to manage a series of 3+, 4+ dodges, GFI's and a 1 dice blitz against my blodger to cough the ball up. He was able to pick up in tackle zones, throw and hold onto the ball until the half ended.

I was now receiving, and down a TD.

Sturm icewind caught a quick pass, and ran the ball deep in on the Pact's left flank. A loose cage formed around him meant that it was very unlikely that the dice would allow anyone to get to him...and even if they did, he's a blodger...they're hard to knock down.....right????

...Wrong!! another series of 3+,4+ GFI's and a 1 dicer had sturm on his back and the ball free. 4 more GFI's by the pact had my charge up the flank crumpling, and a troll cutting off my loose cage.

The knuckldusters card allowed my stalwart lino, Bouche dag, to flatten the troll, and allow a couple players to slip within 3 squares of the endzone.
A rather desperate pass was accurately thrown, but the "elfy 2+" left the ball on the ground in two of my own tackle zones......a bad, but recoverable situtation.......right?

.....wrong...The minotaur made 2 GFI's and a blitz to drop one of my blitzers onto the ball, the ball bounced right to my other blitzer, who needed only catch it to ensure a TD in the following turn.....I'm sure you can guess what happened. :pissed:

3 more dodges by the chaos pact, a 1 tZ pickup, a pass, 2 GFI's from the guard troll, and 2 more GFI's from the dark elf had the ball secured in a choas pact cage.

I was able to pop the ball, but he easily recovered from the tackle zone, and advanced the ball into my own half.

I bird dogged his carrier, but simply could not stop him from making the dodges, pickups and GFI's he needed to consolidate his postion.

I was lucky to drop his ball carrier before he could make the game a 2-0 loss.

Chllwind Corsairs 0 TD,3 CAS Chernobylites 1TD, 1 CAS

The Good Very fun game, good opponent. I think we were fairly matched in skill level, and that left the dice to decide the winner. The back and forth nature of the possession made the game intersting.

I don't think I really needed to change anything up. I can usually rely on the fact that if I make things too difficult, the other coach will eventually fail a dice roll....This just wasn't the case. The pact dodged and GFI'd more than twice as much as I did, and didn't turn over a single time.

My sleepy brain REALLY should have remembered a wizard...all the Guard and cages would have been a bit easier.

I had no advances, although i did well for SPP, and I rolled a 6 for winnings :D

So now, I have 160 banked, and here's the team...without a list in front of me.

2 blitzers, dodge
1 witch, block
1 lino, kick
7 lino, no skills yet
2 re rolls
fan factor 3

I'm going to add the apo, as my injury umbrella is now gone.

Blitzer or Witch?

Re: The Chillwind Corsairs: A foray into league dark elfdom.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 12:09 am
by sainthale1988
another blitzer. i'd say have all 4 before worrying about a second witch

Re: The Chillwind Corsairs: A foray into league dark elfdom.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:31 pm
by El_Jairo
+1 for blitzer, AV8 should help more before you have Side Step on your witches to protect them.

Nice looking blog.

I saw you were mentioning the 3-4-4 defensive set-up, do you mean the inverted zigurat?

Re: The Chillwind Corsairs: A foray into league dark elfdom.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:25 pm
by SunDevil
Great blog! Thanks for writing this!

I have to ask - is the Masters of the Universe team named after He-man and his 80's toy pals? If so, I will need a link to this league to check out his roster. I'm a big MOTU fan and am planning a Masters team as well...

Re: The Chillwind Corsairs: A foray into league dark elfdom.

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 5:21 pm
by van der vaart
Great win against that elf team, man thats a high TV! A dark elf team won our league here last season, and with those first few wins you got i think you might be in with a shot too!