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Geekslayer League

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 9:55 pm
by Macavite
My friends and I have been running a small tabletop league for the last 6 months. We're in our second season, My wife winning the season 1 championship with her Lizardman team. My halfings made it to the semifinals, but got destroyed (4 injuries and 2 deaths including my star +2 AG 'fling) by an elf team. Initially small game summaries got posted to the league website, but lately these had been getting more and more elaborate, so I created a livejournal for them (35 games posted so far):

The active teams involved (4 teams were retired after season 1):

Circus of the Damned, Vampire, 6-1-0, my team
Virulent Vindicators, Nurgle, 3-1-0, my other team
Breakneck Beauties, Amazon, 1-2-3
Snarky Shades, Dark Elf, 0-0-1
Unnamed Dwarves, Dwarves, 0-0-1
Mighty Mosasaurs, Lizardmen, 4-4-2, Season 1 Champion
Rodentia United, Skaven, 2-3-3, score a lot, get hurt a lot.
Elf, Elf Baby, Elf, 3-0-1, Season 1 finalist
Ballers Revenge , Khemri , 0-1-4, oh, but the casualties they cause!
Unburied Treasures, Necromantic, 1-0-1
Frogg Chorus, Slaan, 4-4-3, Season 1 Semifinalist
Odin's Land Wasters, Norse, 0-0-1

We're playing with some house rules for building stadiums, and soon a system to allow fired players to be hired by other teams as free agents; essentially a clearinghouse for injured players. We're also doing a hard limit of 8 games per season per team, but not limiting the number of teams a coach can have.

Re: Geekslayer League

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 11:16 am
by MyKi#1
Macavite wrote: and soon a system to allow fired players to be hired by other teams as free agents;
So if you fire an orc blitzer with a -stat decrease but was quite a good player you could get a human team to hire him a FA? That would be sweet.

Re: Geekslayer League

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 3:25 pm
by Macavite
MyKi#1 wrote:
So if you fire an orc blitzer with a -stat decrease but was quite a good player you could get a human team to hire him a FA? That would be sweet.
Nahhh, you can only hire race/position combinations that you could legally have on the team anyhow. So no orc blitzer on the human team, but another orc team could do it. The two common scenarios are people hiring up the experienced players from retired teams and teams looking for a make-weight might consider injured players because they cost less cash. Our new goblin team got to hire up four experienced goblins from the retired season 1 gobbo team. The coach decided not to hire the bargain-bin niggled Troll however.

As people's TV's get higher I'm seeing coaches fire players for not getting doubles, or getting unimportant stat losses (A rotter with -1AG, who cares!). This means newer teams could potentially hire these players. I'm considering a human team and am interested at the prospect at starting with a skilled Ogre.