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Middlesbrough Minor League

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:24 pm
by Scally09
Hi, Two friends, my partner and I have just started running a league here in Middlesbrough. This seems as good a place as any for us to write our match reports and hopefully everyone else will get something out of it too. I hope the others post write ups and it's not just me writing on my lonesome.

I'll start with something about me and my team(s):

So, my name is Scally, I play Chaos Dwarves, Lizardmen and soon I'll add Amazons. Been playing Blood Bowl about 1 1/2 years, this is my first go at being Commisioner, if all goes well I hope to run another league at Teeside University.

That'll do for now, I'll add the match reports for my first two games in the next post.


Re: Middlesbrough Minor League

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 12:08 am
by Scally09
Hi again.

So heres my Chaos Dwarf team, 'The 'artless Blockers'.

Hooligan, Hobgoblin
Yob, Hobgoblin
Rascal, Hobgoblin
Urchin, Hobgoblin
Bully, Chaos Dwarf
Vandal, Chaos Dwarf
Thug, Chaos Dwarf
Ruffian, Chaos Dwarf
Scallywag, Chaos Dwarf
Braggard, Bull Centaur
Scoundrel, Bull Centaur

We have three re-rolls and two starting Fan Factor.

I've played two games so far with my Chaos Dwarves, so lets go, Match report one!

I started with an evening match against my girlfriend Rachels Orc team, 'The Orc Sporks'. The weather was fine and the 'Blockers fans were outnubered more than 2:1, not good for our debut. Having won the toss I chose to receive. A wildly inaccurate kick meant a touchback was awarded, Braggard the Bull Centaur took the ball, and with a deft blitz in the first turn advanced the ball to within four or five squares of the endzone. The Orcs couldn't answer quickly enough, only managing to place tackle zones on the ball carrier, so another blitz by the ball carrier lead to the touchdown in turn two!
The 'Sporks quickly regrouped for the second drive, keeping both 'Bulls tied up in their half, while a short pass between the thrower and a blitzer move the ball deep into our half. Braggard, my new star, was KILLED by the other blitzer and the Orcs went on to equalize by the end of the half.

No time to mourn our loss, the second half was a flurry of activity as Scoundrel, my other Centaur saw fit to re-establish the lead and scored for us by turn four. Again those Orcs had an answer keeping us tied down in the middle of the pitch, a scuffle for the ball resulted in the opposition with the upper hand, a touchdown soon followed. Not enough time on the clock to gain the upper hand again. The end result was a two all draw.

I took 70,000 in winnings, Yob took MVP, so no one gained a skill, vowing to buy a new Bull to replace Braggard, I saved all my winnings, and took on a journeyman Hobgoblin. I maybe should have taken an Apothacary, You can see why in my next report.


Re: Middlesbrough Minor League

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 1:33 am
by ShriekBob
Names Bob, I've been playing for about 2 months now. Scally there got me into the game.

The Minor League has now started proper, so I will be playing the following team : -

My roster is as follows: -

Name: Papa Nurgle and The East Street Rotters

1. "The Griblly" Papa Nurgle, Beast of Nurgle
2. Death Row, Chaos Warrior
3. Bull Bay, Chaos Warrior
4. Rock Fort, Chaos Warrior
5. Rat Bat, Chaos Warrior (Block)
6. Bravura, Pestigor (Sure Hands)
7. Briary, Pestigor
8. Banton, Rotter (-1MA)
9. Massop, Rotter (Guard)
10. Byah, Rotter
11. Coke, Rotter
RR. 2
FF. 2
Bank: 30,000

(This will always display my current roster, and will be updated after each match)

Re: Middlesbrough Minor League

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 9:19 am
by Scally09
Back again, Match Report two!

It's another fine day for the sport of Nuffle, fans seem in high spirits as 6000 of the 'Blockers best pour into the Stadium of Trees. Todays opponent, a fresh faced Wood Elf team, The Green Bay Branchers! The toss falls in favour of the home team and the Dwarves are kicking for the first half. The Elves quickly work to recover the ball and form a cage in their half, sending the wardancers and a catcher out to await a pass. The 'Blockers Know they can't out pace the opposition and proceed to start dishing out pain, rather unsuccessfully. Rascal the Hobbo' is sent off for fouling, but the 'Branchers wardancer ultimately gets the touchdown by the fourth turn.
Now the Elves kick. A wild scatter results in touchback being given to the 'Bull positioned just behind the line of scrimmage. Almost in a repeat of the last match, some strategic blocking creates space and the blitz gives clear passage for the 'Centaur to advance deep into their half, too deep though as the rest of the team can't advance quickly enough to stop the 'cow' being tipped by a mob of Elves. Scoundrel recovers the ball, though only to fall at full sprint right in the endzone. Urchin manages to recover the ball and make the touchdown.
One all at the end of the first half.

Another less than accurate kick land the ball deep in Dwarf territory. The ball is recovered by the Hobgoblins too slowly to move around the advancing tide of green, a foolhardy long bomb, though inaccurate, places the ball luckily with the Bull Centaur. The Elves work hard and extract the ball from his grip. The 'Blockers best can only stand motionless as a wardancer takes the ball a square away from the endzone and begins stalling the clock. Unable to do much about the imminent scoring, the 'Blockers go about trying to injure as many Wood Elves as possible, failing to do so the only achivement is Hooligans DEATH, an injury for Urchin, who will miss the next game, and Yob getting sent off by the ref'.

End result 2-1 to The Green Bay Branchers. Well Done!!

I took another 70,000 in winnings, enough to buy a new Bull Centaur. Unfortunately i'm taking two journeymen next game. Still not enough SPP for any skills. A better outcome next time, I hope!


Re: Middlesbrough Minor League

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 9:55 am
by voyagers_uk
there is not enough Cow Tipping in these blogs... well done

Re: Middlesbrough Minor League

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:33 am
by Pipey
If you are looking for new members, I know another BB enthusiast in Middlesbrough - Darren (NAF = zedsdead).

PM sent with his details if you want to contact...

Re: Middlesbrough Minor League

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 12:37 pm
by mamapepe
Pippy wrote:If you are looking for new members, I know another BB enthusiast in Middlesbrough - Darren (NAF = zedsdead).

PM sent with his details if you want to contact...
Or maybe we could get a one-day mini-tourney team event going; GBBL (Geordie Blood Bowl League) vs. the Middlesbrough Minor League - a local derby so to speak? Home & Away Fixtures...

Re: Middlesbrough Minor League

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 12:59 pm
by voyagers_uk
Special Weather Table

1-12 Fog on the Tyne...... :lol:

Re: Middlesbrough Minor League

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 1:35 pm
by mamapepe
voyagers_uk wrote:Fog on the Tyne......
Gazza(1971) all mine-all mine, the Fog on the Tyne is all mine...

Re: Middlesbrough Minor League

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 1:42 pm
by Pipey
Na it should be Smog

-no passing further than short pass
-after each drive roll for each player on the pitch. On a '1' the player has been overcome by the noxious fumes and is unable to take part in the next drive.

Re: Middlesbrough Minor League

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 1:58 pm
by rodders
all players wear t-shirts but are av12 coz they're hard man

Re: Middlesbrough Minor League

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 2:17 pm
by mamapepe
rodders wrote:all players wear t-shirts but are av12 coz they're hard man
...and as the women are all nutters, female players gain Frenzy & Thick Skull

Re: Middlesbrough Minor League

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:53 am
by Scally09
Pippy wrote:If you are looking for new members, I know another BB enthusiast in Middlesbrough - Darren (NAF = zedsdead).
Thank you. I'll e-mail this guy, see if he wants to get some games in with us.

mamapepe wrote:
Or maybe we could get a one-day mini-tourney team event going; GBBL (Geordie Blood Bowl League) vs. the Middlesbrough Minor League - a local derby so to speak? Home & Away Fixtures...
This would be awesome! Three of our coaches are students and I'm out of work (for the moment), so we'll have free days to do mini-tourneys and things. I'll PM you when I've spoken to our coaches about it. Awesome!!

Now, mini match report! The 'Blockers played a 'friendly' against an Undead team last night. There were no Ghouls, so the entire team 'regened. It was a test team to see what the coach actually wanted for the league.

The match went from bad to worse all the way through, on the first turn a 'Bull was KO'd by a Mummie, and didn't show his face again until the second half. Though the other 'Bull got stunned and was fouled every turn onwards, it did result in a Mummie being sent off. No touchdowns in the first half,.
The second half quickly degenerated into a big fight in the line of scrimmage, after a failed dodge by a hobgoblin the ball was back in the opponents hands. A crowd surf released the ball deep into my half and when a hobbo' chimped picking up the ball, the 'Dead capitalized and scored.

I lost 1-0, would have caused three casultys but taken two! Only a friendly though so no stats recorded.


Re: Middlesbrough Minor League

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 11:04 am
by Pipey
Might be also worth checking out other tourneys nearby if you're interested:

Ironmanj Shield - York (this weekend!)

Monkeybowl - Hartlepool (April - link in my signature)

Geordiebowl - Newcastle (September)

There'll be more info on Tournament Postings here. Though Geordie Bowl 2010 is yet to be advertised...

Re: Middlesbrough Minor League

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:25 pm
by Scally09
Played another friendly last night. More actually, as I played three games of Blood Bowl yesterday. One was showing a potential player how the game works, he seems interested and might play regularly. The second, a game with an experienced player, Darren (thanks Pippy, he's cool and seems to be wanting to play), I'll do a short match report for that game.

Match Report!

I brought my Lizards onto the pitch for this friendly, and my opponent came baring Orcs. He won the toss and chose to receive the first half. The Orcs secured the ball quickly and worked into my half with their Black Orcs, the touchdown was inevitable. Then another touchdown on my drive after a fumbled hand off by Skinks saw the game at 2-1 at the end of the half

The second half started a lot better, the Skinks managed a two-turn touchdown, screening my ball carrier and only allowing my opponent a 'two dice my choice' block, pushed back! Now back on his drive and he again recovered and made safe the ball. The ball was fumbled in my half and a mad scramble ensued, with three tacklezones from each team converged on the ball it wasn't going to be picked up easily. Some crafty blocks from the Orcs recovered the ball and they went on to score. End result three-one against!

All in, an excellent game, it was interesting to face an Orc team that handles the ball so much, and passes!

The last game I played was a real late night affair, my buddy Blue came over and i took him 1-0 with humans. He's only played one or two games so it was kind of a refresher game for him.
