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Chopping Block - Uderworld blog - Game 5

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:45 am
by bouf
Hello Sports Fans!  My name is Rex Manchild and I am lucky enough to have been selected by the Overlords of the Underworld to act as the Media Correspondent for your next favourite Blood Bowl team... 
The Knoxville Turkeys!
The Turks are training hard to prepare themselves for the gruelling BABBL seventh season and I know many of you are keen (as am I) to find out how they managed to land such an infamous coach for their first attempt at the ‘Big Show’.   With the R'lyeh Summoners likely to take the Season VI Commissioners Choice Award, and very much still in hot contention for a BABBL Bowl win, coach bouf is quite a hot piece of property for any team to boast amongst their ranks.  I was fortunate enough to be offered a chance to interview him...
RM: “Bouf, welcome to the Chopping Block, please allow me to get stuck right in as I know you’re a busy man what with all the millions of gold crowns that you plan to embezzle as commissioner next season...  What did the Underworld Overlords offer you to take up the Turkey’s top spot?”
B: “A flipping great big pile of old sweaty money”
RM: “Really is that all it took, the promise to line your pockets?  What about Glory?  What about the thrill of finals football?”
B: “The Summoners owners have been trying to sell my soul to the devil or something as part of a hidden clause in my contract.  Let this be a warning to all you other coaches out there.  Beware of invisible ink.  Any ways, I’m getting weary of the competition at the top end and just want to get back to my childhood love...  killing and maiming people”
RM: “Yes, you do have a reputation for enjoying that kind of thing.  How does it make you feel to have so many people hate you?”
B: “People hate me?  Really???  I thought everyone loved a stinky junk dance in their face when they’re getting a player killed...  Oh well, that’s why I love the Turkeys!  They’re not even remotely concerned with trivial concepts like ‘Fairness’, ‘Sportsmanship’ or ‘Dignity’.  All they want to do is jump on your skull until it goes pop!  Count me in, I say!”
There you have it folks, bouf travels from staggering highs to scouring the depths of the Underworld (and his base urges). 
Until next time; this is Rex Manchild saying “Keep Your Neck Off the Block”

Re: Chopping Block - Uderworld blog - pt 1

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:16 am
by bouf
That’s right Blog Fans, Bouf is back!
As many of you know, I love a good team write up, but my time is precious...  I wanted to do some stuff over the last year, but just struggled to get the pedal to the floor (what with Tackle Zone Radio and all)
However, The Underworld beckons and I cannot resist the siren’s song. 
I was first introduced to the Underworld WaAaAy back when...  A friend of mine (Rob Wright) introduced me to blood bowl the same week that 3rd Ed came out.  He was a BB nut from the 2nd Ed days and as soon as the new box set was on the shelves, he was teaching our group all about it.  I was obviously hooked and being the “Main Guy” I was a commissioner in no time.  It wasn’t long before he broke out the fluff section of the rule book and pointed out the Underworld Creepers...  A goblin/skaven mix race team (yes, they’re in there!  Under the skaven section of the original rule book) and proposed some house rules to get them on the pitch. 
He broke out his 2nd edition rule books and had all these ideas about how to accurately replicate the team onto the 3rd edition pitch.  I was young and bull headed in those days and always shot him down.  The funny thing is all those ideas he had...  All those sales pitches that I relentlessly shot down...  are almost exactly what the BBRC proposed when the Creepers roster was resurrected!
If only I had Rob’s foresight, if only I was a 2nd ed aficionado...  I could have been playing them for yonks.  Well let’s advance more than a few years.  Before my time on TBB/TFF I was a regular on the Specialist Games forum, at least I was once my friends pressured me back into commissioning Blood Bowl.  It’s funny...  When I moved to Australia with my then girlfriend – who’s not a gamer in the slightest – all I brought with me was clothes and my Blood Bowl Box!)  It was there that I found an actual Creepers roster which has since evolved into the Underworld roster we use today.
Well, as you can imagine, I was pretty stoked.  Memories came flooding back from those early days and Rob’s excitement was somehow channelled through the years and into me.  The Creepers roster was pretty weak and there was a call out for some ideas about how to tweak it out a bit.  I had a few Ideas and to my surprise, they were listened to and some even made it into the LRB6 (after a fashion)
I suggested that the Skaven would mercilessly feed the Troll Warpstone (it was a Warpstone troll after all) and the Goblins would be little better than slaves and probably force fed too.  So they could have M access without doubles.  After all, it was really only the Gutter runners that were overpowered with Straight Mutation access and there was none on the roster.  If all 3 chaos rosters could, why not the Creepers too?  Now, I don’t know if I was the first to suggest this one but it eventually translated into the whole team having M access.  One for bouf.
Thr Creepers are (in the fluff) the dirtiest team in the world!  No one cheats like these guys.  So I suggested that there could be a Goblin Cheat positional; a standard Goblin with the Stab skill.  Why should the dark elves have all the fun?  Alternatively, why not a skaven assassin?  A Lineman with Stab & Shadowing.  It could be loosely connected to the fluff.  Well, this was shot down for a number of reasons...  One for the BBRC, so now it’s a 1-1 tie.
So I needed a Trump Card, a One-Turn Touchdown!  I suggested that since they were such cheats, why not give them 50k Bribes?  Without rostered secret weapons it should translate to frequent fouling, surely that’s supported by the fluff.  Well, well...  every one started by shooting it down.  No Special Rules were allowed for a single team, but I was quick to point out that it wasn’t a Team rule, it was a Bribe rule much like the Halflings getting a 100k hot-pot rather than 300k.  This caught the eye of the BBRC.  It was Fluffy, it was well formatted and easy to implement/test.  The Idea was that good, that it also was applied to the Goblin roster to give them a boost as well.
So there you have it.  Bouf has added a special rule to the LRB6 Rule book and it’s my only, very tiny, claim to fame.  The Cheap Bribes were dropped off the Creepers roster after it was decided that the Mutation access brought their win percentage up enough.  But it did stick to the Goblins!  (so all you Goblin coaches out there owe me a brew!)
By this point the BABBL was in full swing and I was dead poor.   I even played a full season as Slann while using Shadowforge Nuns as minis.   But now I’m a little better seated cash wise and it’s time to enact the same plan I hatched when I was making suggestions to the Creepers roster.  Since they’re a 2nd edition team, I wanted to collect a 2nd edition team of minis.  I’m happy to say that I landed a 16 player Goblin team off ebay (unopened too) and thanks to the Good People of TFF, I have all my Skaven too (well almost, my last Blitzer is in the mail still).  All I need now is a troll and a good friend of mine is coming to the rescue.
Next Blog, I’ll chat about the minis.
Thanks for reading!

Re: Chopping Block - Uderworld blog - pt 1

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:05 am
by Joemanji
bouf wrote:I suggested that the Skaven would mercilessly feed the Troll Warpstone (it was a Warpstone troll after all) and the Goblins would be little better than slaves and probably force fed too.  So they could have M access without doubles.  After all, it was really only the Gutter runners that were overpowered with Straight Mutation access and there was none on the roster.  If all 3 chaos rosters could, why not the Creepers too?  Now, I don’t know if I was the first to suggest this one but it eventually translated into the whole team having M access.  One for bouf.
Pretty sure I was the one banging the drum on this one. :wink:

Re: Chopping Block - Uderworld blog - pt 1

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:23 pm
by bouf
Joemanji wrote:
bouf wrote: Now, I don’t know if I was the first to suggest this one... 
Pretty sure I was the one banging the drum on this one. :wink:
Tell ya what, I'll share that one with ya! Either way, win for us both!!!

Re: Chopping Block - Uderworld blog - pt 1

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:44 pm
by Overhamsteren
Looking forward to following this one. :)

Re: Chopping Block - Uderworld blog - pt 1

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:55 am
by bouf
Overhamsteren wrote:Looking forward to following this one. :)
Thanks! And to everyone, please feel free to leave comments or ask questions. I much prefer my blogs to be interactive!

Re: Chopping Block - Uderworld blog - pt 1

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 9:17 pm
by SirShadowcat
Lookingt forward to read this blog.
Read the Goons blog and found it very enjoying.

Planing to start a underworld team also and i´m woundering how your startup team looks?

Re: Chopping Block - Uderworld blog - pt 1

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 11:29 pm
by GuppyShark
One of the great things about the BABBL is their website. ... p=ro&t=kno

This team already has an entry! With player bios!

Bouf - I for one absolutely love reading the detail and effort some of your players put into their team information. :)

Re: Chopping Block - Uderworld blog - pt 1

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:23 pm
by bouf
Hello Sports Fans! My name is Rex Manchild, host of The Chopping Block, and this if your regular update on your next favourite Blood Bowl team…

The Knoxville Turkeys.

Last episode I presented part of my interview with BABBL’s mot infamous blowhard, coach bouf. Despite winning the Season VI Commissioner’s Choice Award with the R'Lyeh Summoners, the Canadian Sensation still intends to helm a team of players that, despite my contractual obligations to the Overlords of the Underworld, this reporter can only describe as... Sub Par. This week we continue that conversation of intentions and regrets.
RM: “Bouf, if your intention is really just to cause damage to other teams, why not just coach the Goon Squad for another season? They’re truly a killing machine that, despite a poor performance in Season V, deserve a shot at taking home some silverware”

B: “The Goons are still the bomb, but I don’t think you understand... I’m not after carnage. I’m chasing mayhem! I want to lead a team where no one will know what’s going to happen, least of all me.”

RM: “So it’s an amplification of the general chaos of Blood Bowl that you’re after?”

B: “Ya, that’s it... Pandemonium!”

RM: “What of old grudges?”

B: “You said it before, so many people hate me... I’m sure that those grudges will carry over to the Turkeys. Especially when we start kicking some! Imagine the shame of losing to these misfits. I mean... imagine it”

RM: “Are there any particular teams that you’re hunting?”

B: “Sart and his Pickles and Rye are cutesy little bunch, I would feel pretty guilty after killing them. I understand that Rednick will be trying to win his second BABBL Bowl with a skaven team, that’ll be over my dead body. I have a personal hatred for all things Norse so the Asgard Raiders are in my sights. But if there is one team that I personally want to destroy, one team that deserves the full focus of the Turkey’s wrath, its Da_Boyz and his Blatantly Obvious Cheatz. I don’t know who they think they are, claiming to be BABBL’s dirtiest team... but the Turks intend to show them how it’s done!”
That concludes my Interview with bouf, I will try to land another chat with him after the Summs finals run is complete and we’ll see then how he went and what impact that will have on my reporting career!

Until next time; this is Rex Manchild saying “Keep Your Neck Off the Block”

Re: Chopping Block - Uderworld blog - pt 1

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:33 pm
by bouf
I’m happy to hear that there are a few readers out there.

Last update I was talking about my involvement and history with the Underworld roster. Really it was a quick glance about my motivations to play them. I’ll dive a little deeper into my motivations in a later blog. For this one I’m more looking at the minis I’ve managed to land and my efforts to paint them.

Now those of you who know me best will know that bouf and Paint are rarely used in the same sentence. I’m just not much of a “hobbyist”. I own a Chaos team, Orc team (really I have about 2 teams worth of minis there), Amazon team (Shadowforge Nuns), Ogre team (GW BB Ogres and Phil’s Runts), Goblin team, and a Slann team (Rolljordan Horned frogs). Out of all that mess, the only one painted is the Chaos team. Now I painted them in about 96-98... Pathetic I know. I did paint a 1500 point Chaos Marine 40k army for a battle that was supposed to appear in the Australian White Dwarf (but didn’t – Thanks GW), but I think it’s safe to say that I’ve fully painted 2 minis in the last 8 years.

As commissioner of the BABBL, I get a lot of stick for failing to lead by example... and deservedly so. So now I have a new team on the cards and some great ideas for minis, so I’m keen to finally do it right.

First things first, I absolutely hate plastic minis. I mean it was great when they represented a cheaper alternative, and they offer a lot for the ‘Doc Butcha’ in us all, but they just feel cheap to me. It’s made worse by the insane prices floating around lately. I was tempted to start playing 40k again so I had a look at building a Deathwing Army... GW wants $70 for 5 plastic Terminators! (So much for the cheap alternative) If I use plastics it reminds me of when I bought my first BB/GW kits in the early 90’s. The plastics were spastic back then and you didn’t have a “Real Army” if you didn’t own all that toe breaking lead! I like my minis Heavy and, well... I guess that’s it. Weight for the Win!

Second, I hate fielding identical minis more than I hate Plastics. With Blood Bowl teams, it’s a small team and that means that there is no reason not to make it real personal. I like to look at the pitch and see what skills are available purely from the shape of the minis, you almost don’t need numbers! It really helps with coaching your team. Plus it doesn’t hurt to motivate you with a little extra character for your team. This is the first step toward saying “That’s Biff Shatterjaws” rather than saying “That’s my Mighty Blow Bliltzer”. Creating that atmosphere around your team really helps keep you interested and it also helps the league by motivating the other coaches to beat your Players as much as the coach/team.

Anyways... I was trolling ebay for a Nurgle Alternative and to my great excitement I stumbled upon an unopened 16 player box of 2nd ed Goblins. I was even luckier to land them for the bargain price of $41.00. I immediately started trolling for some 2nd ed Skaven but without much luck, so I hit up the TFF threads and looky-looky, there were some guys happy to help. I landed 4 linemen, both throwers and a blitzer in mint condition, and then also landed the last blitzer not long after. The 2nd guy needed stripping but a toothbrush, sewing needle and a bottle of nail polish remover pinched from my wife’s makeup case made short work of that.

All that remains is the Troll and an old friend of mine is keen to set me up there. In fact, he has two 2nd ed Trolls... it occurred to me that I could easily get all the minis from this little experiment to also field a Goblin team, with a little more effort again I’d also have a full skaven squad. Both of those projects can wait however. In the meantime I’m trying to score a 2nd ed Goblin Chainsaw (I love inducing Chainsaws) to use as a Star Player and maybe a 80’s era fanatic to use as Fezglitch. I may convert a Catcher into a Bomber.

In preparation I had a pass at the mould lines and such, and cleaned up the chase/chaff. Then I played around with the Base weights from Impact Miniatures. I just love these things! That little bit of extra weight just makes the minis that much better. If I ever did break down and play with Plastics, The base weights are a must have. On top of that I also use the Magnets from Impact (so you can have the players hold onto magnetised/polarised balls) and I have a pack of Felt pads to finish them off. That is another little touch that makes your team just feel better. They feel more like Game Pieces than your latest GW sell out.

Now... This weekend I had the kids up at my sister-in-law’s place for a change of scenery and a chance for them to hang out with their cousins. One of my nephews is a massive LOTR fan and has one of the GW sets. So I thought I would dust off my paints and drag along the minis. I bought a can of white spray and was ready to rumble. I love the way minis look with a coat of white, I don’t know what it is but they look so spiffy. Each detail just stands out so crisply. Once I started painting however, I immediately regretted not basing in Black. Like REALLY regretting! I’m just not good enough to paint on a White Base, painting on black affords you so much more freedom to F*ck up! I got the Goblin flesh done on 4 guys and finished off one of the fellas in the colours I had originally chosen.

I really wish that I had done a test mini. I mean, I knew going in that I’d have a Hodge Podge of colours and styles. I have Green Goblins, a Blue Troll and 6 rats (Black, Grey, Brown or a mix) and I needed a uniform that’d tie them together. I decided on a Red/Yellow checkerboard kind of look. I slapped it up and was disgusted with how it turned out. I mean it looked terrible on all fronts. The poor little fella looked more like an Australian Life Guard!

So I was desperately trying all these different colour schemes, trying to recover the mini in any way possible. I settled on a Red on Red check that actually looks alright. It shouldn’t contrast with the other skin colours on the team, but painting the Skaven will be the true test. They have more uniform to paint. If it looks good on them I win. The only issue is that this mini is the third mini I’ve painted in 8 years... my first in about Three Years... AND I JUST HATE the way he turned out. I think he looks awful!!!

You be the Judge...

Re: Chopping Block - Uderworld blog - pt 1

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:36 pm
by bouf
SirShadowcat wrote:Lookingt forward to read this blog.
Read the Goons blog and found it very enjoying.
Planing to start a underworld team also and i´m woundering how your startup team looks?
I'll get back to that in a later blog. but you can see my roster here ... p=ro&t=kno
GuppyShark wrote:One of the great things about the BABBL is their website. ... p=ro&t=kno
This team already has an entry! With player bios!
Bouf - I for one absolutely love reading the detail and effort some of your players put into their team information. :)
Thanks for that. I have a special plan for the Bio's on this team.
Each player will get a quote, and each player will track their foul behavior.
It should really give me chance to show just how far I'm willing to go to steal a win!

Re: Chopping Block - Uderworld blog - pt 2

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:06 pm
by JaM
So far, I like it. Both the mini and the info so far.

I want to do "some" teams too, this year... hope I can get an Underworld team ready 'cos they are indeed fun.
I've stepped out of the "paint everything painfully real" race some time ago, now a few basic colours and a nice wash is enough to make me happy, and have a decent team on the table.

You should really read this: <-- perspectives on painting...
Although there are some good painting tips on the site, it's 40K-based. But it's a good informative site from someone who has a decent outlook on the game and (I guess) life in general, as a "gamer".
Really read-worthy stuff. I see myself following that site even if (IF) I drop out of 40K, I mean, even more than I have currently... :lol:

Keep it up !


Re: Chopping Block - Uderworld blog - pt 2

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:47 am
by Punk_in_Drublic
I've been listening to TZR since the first few episodes, and I am really glad you guys are back on the air. I enjoy browsing the brisbane BB pages to see how some of the more exerienced coaches have chosen their skills.

As far as this team goes, when are going to field them in the next season? When does it start?

I liked your painting as well. choosing white undercoat is spanking ones own ass, but at least the colours are brighter. I usually undearcoat my BB minis white because I like them to appear more vibrant on the board than what you get with the black undercoat. But it makes for a more difficult paintjob. Do post more pictures as you come along, and keep up the good work, both with the podcast and the blog!


Re: Chopping Block - Uderworld blog - pt 2

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:43 am
by bouf
Hello Sports Fans, Rex Manchild back in business as the host of The Chopping Block, your regular update on your next favourite Blood Bowl team...

The Knoxville Turkeys.

I’m very pleased to announce that coach bouf has finalised his contract to lead the Turkeys onto the pitch for BABBL Season VII. The Underworld Fans have whipped themselves into a frenzy of excitement. We all know that while bouf can’t win a final to save his life, he is certainly a menace on the pitch to all and sundry (including his own team!)

I was fortunate enough to watch a few practice matches as the Turks dusted off their cleats. They only managed s 2-0-2 record so far in training but the promise of a great team is starting to show. I managed to bend the ear of Turkeys Thrower, Slick Armstrong as he adjourned to the locker room after practice;

RM: “Slick, Slick. Can you spare a moment for the Chopping Block?”

SA: “Manling, listeners... Greetings-Greetings, I inspire the fan-fans out there now. Yess!”

RM: “Ummm... Ri-i-ight. Anyways, Slick, how has the training gone with coach bouf?”

SA: “Bouf is a natural alpha pack lord, yes-yess. We try experimental plays, set up long-long and quick-quicks too. Last Game Turkeys even manage a triple switch. We go left-right-left and score on stupid Manlings! Many-many times that I think we are trapped and bouf-coach manage to lead out Turks. Coach-god has magic hat, lot-lots of tricks in it!”

RM: “Then why have the results been... average?”

SA: “Turkey team has a lot-lot to offer, yes-yess. We have ‘Grit’ and ‘Spirit’ and stupid-stupid gob-runt-fodder too. But team needs to pull-pull together and start playing strengths. Bouf-lord expect lot-lots from us and lousy stupid smelly Gob-snots. We’re not as strong as Goon-Thugs, nor are we as jumpy as the slimy-hoppy Summs. Living up to Coach-bouf expectations not easy, need to dig-dig deep, yess.”

RM: “What can we expect to see next?”

SA: “We take it one day at time. Each game-fight is chance to shine and The Turkeys are shiney-good! We going to go out there and give %110 and it going to show-show where it counts... on the score-win board!”

There you have it, looks as though the team and coach are struggling to get used to each other’s play styles. I predict that we may need to steel ourselves for a few early ‘Hiccups’ as the team finds its legs. The good news is that the Turkeys are starting to show some early talent and if they can get it together, we’re in for a cracking good season!

Until next time; this is Rex Manchild saying “Keep Your Neck Off the Block”

Re: Chopping Block - Uderworld blog - pt 2

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:45 am
by bouf
Almost time to get my game on! The BABBL season starts Tuesday the 13th and the Turkeys are ready to go. Well sorta...

I’ve played 4 practice games with the Mutants and I’m got a shameful 2-0-2 record. A lousy 50% But I guess that’s not bad for a T3 team. It’s been a few years now since I’ve played the bottom of the barrel and I’m worried that there are more than a few hiccups to get over. My first game was against Lizardmen and I lost 3-1, next against Ogres and I won 4-0. After that it was two against Amazon... The first was 0-3 (Shut Out – Vomit) and the next was a 3-2 win.

I was really failing to compensate for the knuckle dragging nature of the Underworld. In that first game against the Zonz, I was just trying to get the Flying Goblin to come of every play. I was lucky to only lose by 4! In the second game I was trying to play properly, but I over-committed to the play and almost lost the game thanks to a failed Pick Up. It’s so hard for T3 to deal with Dodging Players... With no Block players to speak of, and less Tackle... What’s a lady to do??? The Good news is that I’ve got more than the next Grubber, but how to tee it up? That’s for another blog however. This time around I wanted to talk about the Turkey theme.

I wanted to show case how dirty the Underworld team really is. I hinted to the history of the Team and the creation of the roster, and how the ‘Underworld Creepers’ are historically recognised for being the dirtiest team ever to play Blood Bowl. Unbelievably worse that Goblins or Dwarves (although you’d scarcely guess that Dwarves are in that same camp what with the state of their current roster). I was cut terribly by the loss of the 50k Bribes, especially that Goblins got to keep them. Obviously I’m stoked to see one of my ideas in the rule book, but they misplaced it. I was so depressed that I considered House-ruling it in, but decided against it. So my Underworld team would carry the flag.

My first plan of attack is to take Dirty Player on my first two Doubles Rolling Goblins, followed quickly by Sneaky Git. That way I could start to use Dirty Player much in the same way as a Dark Elf team would use an assassin. Not quite as a part of the main plan, but a great back up plan. Not the path to Victory... but the scenery on my way! To keep the theme together I’m going to track the number of Fouls a player commits, as well as Foul Casualties and Ejections. So when a person looks up one of my players, they’ll see just how dirty they are! To that end I intend to total the number of fouls on my Team Page, so no-one can complain about not knowing what their up against. A pack of dirty rotten bast*rds!

I know that I’ll be on the receiving end of inducements, and without many players that I’ll be all that attached to. So the Plan is to get a Bribe every game I can. I want to make sure that Fouls are the name of the game and that the Turkeys are the most infamous. Even the Troll will get his Boot in (turn 16 every game if I can!)

Now that my Mutants are themed up as the “Dirtiest team in BABBL”, I needed to round them out with a proper name. A pet peeve of mine is “Non-Sports” team names. One player in the BABBL wanted to name his Chaos Dwarf Team “What’s Under My Hat”. Seriously... I mean, what kind of Sports team is that? There is a team in another Brisbane League called “My Pimp Hand Is Strong”.

Lame, Lame, LAME!!!

A Blood Bowl Team is a Sporting Squad. Think of any (real life) sports team and you’ll see that they have a LOCATION and a MASCOT. The best team names are easily shortened into a single syllable, two at worst. So you’re a Niners fan if you like the San Francisco 49ers... or you’re a Stamps fan if you like the Calgary Stampeders... An easy concept; LOCATION + MASCOT x Abbreviation = Awesome!

Teams that fail to follow this concept are doomed to be forgotten. Getting the name right will help hit those Role-Play buttons and that’s what makes Blood Bowl so Great. The Game mechanics are sweet, best in the world, but so are the mechanics for Monopoly! You need to get psyched up for the Role-Play side of things. You don’t need to get all dressed up LARPS style but setting the stage and getting a few ducks lined up will create some momentum behind your team. Get that momentum and you can fire up the other members of your league. Get a Web Presence and BINGO, you’re on your way to getting actual fans for your little fantasy project. Fail to get that momentum, and your team will be lucky to be remembered in the next season. You’ll need to remind people that you did something cool or won anything.

Not for this Black Duck... I want to be remembered, even if it’s just as a loser maniac.

I kicked around a bazillion ideas for a team name and theme to fit their dastardly nature. Most of which were simular to the Rocky Mountain Goon Squad. A non-mascot theme where the name itself invokes the premise, but I struggled to find something that invoked the theme I was after while remaining fun. So I started to look for a Mascot. I settled on a Turkey after some one called me a Turkey at work after getting something very obvious very, very wrong. Now that sounds like a great analogy for an Underworld team! It certainly wasn’t hard to find a suitable turkey mascot, and I’m half way there. (Two thirds actually, because the Turks is a great nick-name) So all I needed was a location name. I trolled through old D&D books and Warhammer books for a great name but couldn’t hit that mark. I was after something that sounded tough, but comical at the same time. I reckon that Knoxville (an American city I think..?) hits that. It some how hits that tough mark, (knox = knock = city of hard knocks, etc...) and also sounds kinda funny. So there you go, Knoxville Turkeys.

So, I’m tracking fouls, I’ve got a sweet name that fits the theme, I just need a little more and I’m gold. I decided to give my guys a title for each of their ‘Milestone’ actions. So I started with things like ‘First Turkey to score a TD’. I’ve ended up with 45 now... and even awarded the first! (Loony Bin Jim got the Title - The Wanted Man: First Turkey to Attract a Bounty). I’ve also got 9 team wide titles (eg: Member of the Dangerous Dozen: One of the 12 founding Turkeys). It’ll be interesting to slowly unveil the titles and see who gets them! How many of the 45 will get awarded this season?

Last but not least, I’ve invented the CANADIAN HAT TRICK in honour of Gordie Howe (The LEGENDARY Hockey player) He was famous for the Gordie Howe Hat-trick wherein a player scores a goal, records an assist, and gets in a fight all in one game. For Blood Bowl it’ll be represented by causing a Casualty, scoring a Touchdown, and an Ejection all in one game!

I call upon all Canadians to start to track this statistic and try to beat the players on my team! This is our Gift to Blood Bowl as Beaver loving, bacon eating Lumberjacks! The Canadian Hat-Trick, lets go!

Anyways, My next Blog will probably hit in after my first game... Wish me luck