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The Trick 'r Treaters - A Necromantic Team Blog

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:37 am
by Cirrus the Blue
This is my first team blog, so I hope you all enjoy it! :D

Team Line-up:

2 Werewolves
2 Wraiths
1 Golem
6 Zombies
3 Re-Rolls
2 Fan Factor

Episode 1 - ZOMBIE BREAK AWAY!!!

The night started off with a dark and uneasiness hanging like death in the air - the perfect kind of night for a friendly game of Blood Bowl. The evil chill in the air was a good omen for the little guys as they took to the field. The crowd began chanting as team captain Spike scampered onto the dead earth of the pitch followed closely by the rest of the starting line-up of moot monstrosities, raising their tiny hands into the air in approval at the cheers they were receiving. The opposition this evening would prove far more of a challenge than the various punching bags the little guys had rolled during the recent preseason qualifications, but they were up for the challenge and thirsty for the sweet flavor of fresh, hot blood.

A formidable Chaos team (3 Warriors, 1 Mino, 7 Beastmen, 2 Re-Rolls), and tonight's opponent - The Troll Country Thrashers took to the field, towering over the midget zombies on the front line with 7 foot tall Warriors and a furious Minotaur with bloodshot eyes glaring down at poor little Ed, psyching his tiny zombie brain up for the inevitable beats he was no doubt about to be receiving. The Treaters braced themselves for a hard, fierce grind of a battle and Spike nails the kick-off!

No sooner did the shiny green and purple wrapped salt-water taffy ball punt into the air than the misty clouds overhead began to part, revealing a bright, yellow, full moon. (Very Sunny - Weather Change) The front line collapses like a ton of bricks at the fists of the veritable giants, but the little zombies take it like pros and are soon back on their feet. A piercing howl echoes from the Treater's half of the pitch as Spike and his brother Fido bay into the dark night, causing the Beastman quarterback on the other end of the pitch quiver with fear, the brightly coloured piece of candy slipping through his fingers during his confusion.

Tiny claws and gnashing teeth make short work of a straggler having stepped too close to the violent fans as Spike shoves an unfortunate Beastman into the crowd, luckilly (for his own sake) being surfed down to the dugout with a thud on the cold, stone floor. The head coach of the Thrashers glares down at the rookie Beastman, threatening him that should something like that happen again so easily, the crowd would be the least of his problems.

As the brothers scampered down the field, Lando - a rookie Wraith manages to break through the flank on the other side like a seasoned pro, putting serious pressure on the poor Beastman who was glancing back at his screaming coach, not nearly so experienced with ballhandling and knowing what was at stake, the shiny candy inevitably falling to the cold dirt from the poor bastard's hands. (Failed throw) Gritting his teeth and hoofing the dirt, he holds his ground against the young Wraith, maintaining his footing beside the precious ball. Spike takes the opportunity at the Beastman's momentary distraction, scoops up the taffy, backflips out of the Beastman's grasp and slams it into the endzone for an early 1-0 lead with a loud howl at the gleamingly bright moon.

The next drive proved near disastrous for the Treaters as the Chaos team literally plowed through each and every player that they hit like a freight train, trampling the team's Flesh Golem - Herman into the ground and all over the back of his head, KOing him for the rest of the match (lousy 9's) while the rest of the team struggled just to get back on their feet, one of the skeletons being snapped right in half by a nasty Warrior, inevitably ending the half with only a few seconds remaining at a tie game of 1-1. (It's difficult to stand up to 11's and 12's for armor penetration each and every hit. *smirk* No joke. It was a sight to behold.) Skeletons, even tiny ones, are dead easy to put back together, however, so Bones was all set for the next drive. (Regeneration)

With halftime only seconds away, the Treaters knew that they had only one chance to even things up and the Thrashers' classic Wall Play (all players on the front line) was a blessing. The Treaters set up their zones and starting positions to get ready for a sergical strike against the Beastman who had only scored moments before. Fido rushes the Beastman away from his team mates in front of Donnie - the team's other Wraith who is ready and waiting with his boney little foot, tripping the Beastman backwards over the fence to meet his ultimate demise at the hands of the frothing crowd who all wanted a piece of that last Touchdown. Bloodcurdling screams of a horrifying massacre bellowed down from the stands as the fans tore the poor rookie to pieces with cries of "I HAVE HIS ARM!!" and other such shreaded limbs.

Thankfully for the Treaters' coach (and seasoned necromancer), the crowd left him just enough pieces to knock back together into what the Treaters decided to call 'Bub' and threw him into a suitable purple and green uniform. Soon afterward, they were gorging themselves on cupcakes, chocolate, and candy-corn at halftime in celebration at their new team mate.

The Chaos coach was mortified and began digging a substantial hole into the stone wall of their team dugout with his forehead through his seething frustration.

The full moon descended back behind the misty clouds early in the second half, but this time around with the help of their new player, he proved to be a fast learner of the team's strategies and was a tremendous asset, still having maintained much his running capabilities from his previous life earlier in the game. The game was steadily going south at the hands of the beefy Warriors and Minotaur, continually slamming the poor little monsters all the way into the KO box until little was remaining besides Lando and the rest of the rookie Zombies. It was time for action.

Lando coordinates with his zombie buddies and manages to slam the Beastman ballcarrier to the ground, snapping his neck (Dead), and sending the candy ball into the crowd, moments later being lobbed back into the open. Sleepy - a rookie scarecrow on the team, notices a glimmer of the shiny candy wrapper out of the corner of his lifeless eyes and seizes the opportunity! Moving as fast as his tired, wooden legs can carry him and snatching up the ball with his sock covered straw hands, he manages a break away all on his own!! The crowd is frantic at the spectacle of such a slow and unagile player about to make the game's winning Touchdown! Unfortunately, he wasn't quite fast enough as a Beastman player was able to barely catch him on a miracle tackle, landing him flat on his burlap face. (A dodge and 2 crucial Go For Its succeed on the Blitz, no Re-Rolls left on the Chaos side.) Soon after, Sleepy is surrounded with little hope of winning the game for his team, but at least having saved it from an impending defeat, thus earning him the MVP.

The Treater's coach yelling out to the scattered zombies that there's still time to win! At the sound of these words, Lando jumps to his feet and bolts to the endzone, calling to the prone scarecrow to throw him the pass. Sleepy's very tired by now and his withered rags and straw stuffing are becoming loose and wobbly. He struggles to his feet just as the new recruit - Bub, zooms to the rescue, shoving the looming Warrior (2 dice against) just far enough away to give Sleepy the chance that everyone had been hoping for! Victory was now within their grasp as Sleepy steps to the ball, gnarled wooden arms outstretched with a glimmer of hope left in his dry, stitched face, but it was too good to be true. During the scrum, his dark brown coat had caught on one of the Warrior's various armor spikes and he only just loses his balance, sending him down to the turf. (Only needed 4 to dodge, 4 to pick-up, 4 to throw, and 3 to catch. It was CLOSE!!!) Immediately afterwards, Lando was punted into the crowd by an angry Beastman, but due to his outstanding performance during the match, the crowd only wants his autograph.

A low blare of a rusted horn signals the end of the match, and even though it was only a tie game for the Trick 'r Treaters, it was definitely one for the playbooks.

Continued in episode 2.

Fan Factor increases to 3.

- Cirrus

Re: The Trick 'r Treaters - A Necromantic Team Blog

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 10:13 am
by JaM
Very nice. More please ! :D

Re: The Trick 'r Treaters - A Necromantic Team Blog

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:29 am
by Cirrus the Blue
Thanks so much for the comment! :D Here's the next installment.

Episode 2: Talk about Deja-Vu!

By the end of the first half of their second game of the season, the little necromancer coach, Norko of the Trick 'r Treaters was becoming exhausted and had only managed to regenerate three of the four players who had taken injury from the sharp stiletto heels of the all women, and highly trained human team - The Blitzkrieg Bunnies (1 Ogre, 2 Blitzers, 1 Thrower, 4 Re-Rolls) throughout the half. Little Baby Selwyn's skull and ribcage were both in dire need of repair after the hefty smash to the face by one of the girl's angrier Blitzers. The Treater's team's coroner office and mortuary called up Norko and exclaimed to him that it would be about a week before they could get the tiny zombie back on his wobbly feet, but they assured him that he'd be practically as good as new when they did. (Miss Next Game)

Thankfully, by the time the team had made it to their pile of candy at half time, the game was still tied at 0, and with the fresh candy ball having been thoroughly hosed off and wiped clean from werepuppy drool (the ball was extra slippery throughout the first half) and receiving the kick-off, things were finally looking up.

Having noticed attempts at a passing strategy showing itself from the Blitzkreig girls, Norko realized this could pose to be an issue without the right players to stop the plays. Looking over at his team's moot stature, Norko's tiny black heart sank like a stone. That is, until he noticed the two dark figures propped up against the wall in the shadows taking a doze. Remembering how valliantly Sleepy had performed only one match prior, his dark little hands clapped excitedly together at his cleverness as he floated his way over to the two towering players, Sleepy and Hollow, already half asleep at the back wall of the dugout. Rousing them from their mid-game naps, he instructed both of the 7 foot tall scarecrow midfielders to keep an eye out for such an attempt at the bunny girls passing the ball anywhere if they can avoid it. Their dry and empty faces nodded lazilly through a series of fatigued yawns, letting their coach know they're up to the task.

Leaving a crinkled hill of discarded candy wrappers, the excited little undead midgets scampered up the stairs after the dull horn had blown, signalling the start of the second half. The two teetering scarecrows creaked as they both stretched and shook off their recent sleep as they ascended the stone steps, leaving a loose trail of straw behind them as they did. All Norko could do now was cross his fingers and hope for the best.

The long, graceful legs of the Blitzkreig quarterback kicked the ball perfectly into the Treater's half, landing closeby to Spike who scoops it up with little trouble, his appetite satiated and making it easier for him to keep his drooling under control. The zombies and Wraiths open up a substantial hole for the Werepuppy and he zooms through. Suddenly and without warning, the star Blitzer of the Bunnies makes use of Herman's flat head as leverage for her high-heeled boot, launching her high into the air and overtop of the little Flesh Golem in such a way that she has no problem kicking Spike in the face on the way back down, borderlining on animal abuse! (Special Play Card - Heroic Leap on the Blitz, Stunning Spike onto his face.) The poor Werepuppy crumples in pain on the ground as the brightly wrapped taffy bounces into the waiting hands of his aggressor.

Fido doesn't like this one little bit, and with the help of a conveniently placed Zombie team-mate, he rushes her, taking her to the turf in one easy dropkicking motion off her perky bosoms in a backflip, catching the ball before it even touches the ground. The crowd goes positively crazy at the intensified action while Fido scampers downfield as fast as his furry little legs can carry him! (Both Blitzes ended up with exceptionally lucky instantaneous ball scatter/catches.)

Both of the scarecrows in hot persuit as best their wooden legs can manage to stay within their instructed proximity to the ball as the tiny wolf zooms past them, rustling Hollow's tattered tablecloth cloak with the breeze. The Bunny's Thrower is able to make short work of Fido with a little help from the fists of a nearby Blitzer, scooping up the ball, herself and winding the ball back for a pass downfield to their team's Ogre, who had already been preoccupying himself with Herman and Donnie.

Hollow had already shuffled himself to where the bunny girl was about to make the pass. Pausing for a moment and looking the motionless scarecrow over with a smug expression and shake of her head and satisfied that he won't prove any problems, she aims the throw. No sooner had her arm wound back than Norko screams at the lone player "HOLLOW!! NOW!!" Hollow's tired, burlap face lights up suddenly and a long, sock covered arm moves like lightning high into the air above the girl Thrower, slapping the ball from her hand and catching it in his other straw stuffed mit! (ZOMBIE INTERCEPTION!) Bones is close by to lend assistance and shoves the girl down, freeing the scarecrow for a breakaway! Norko was more than impressed as his up and coming star scarecrow shuffled his way to victory.

A substantial defence rushed it's way downfield to assist the tall player as his slow legs stumbled across the dead earth with the brightly coloured taffy held tightly against his ragged uniform, the red and white checkered tablecloth flowing heroically behind him. The Bunnies were frantic to stop the play, but were only inches away from the scarecrow as his straw foot made it over the line of the endzone, only seconds too late, making the score 1-0 late in the second half. (ZOMBIE TOUCHDOWN!)

No sooner had Hollow crossed the endzone and the crowd began cheering out to him, than he had fallen fast asleep. The candy ball loosely dropping from his sock covered hands with a thud onto the cold ground as his tattered wooden body slumped over, a muffled snore rumbling from his stitched face while he stood there, swaying gently with the breeze.

The rest of the match proved to be similar to the first half, a rolling scrum with fists flying, minus the fact that due to the Bunny's low morale after their impending defeat, their long legs weren't kicking nearly so hard now as they had been earlier in the game. The blare of that familiar dull horn echoes across the graveyard stadium, ending the match. A true victory for the Trick 'r Treaters! Norko was certain that it was to be only the first of many more to come while the tiny monsters eagerly praised their sleeping team mate.

Continued in episode 3...

New Purchase: Casper - Ghost (Ghoul)
Fan Factor increases to 4.

- Cirrus

Re: The Trick 'r Treaters - A Necromantic Team Blog

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:25 am
by GuppyShark
Those werepuppies must be so cute!

Do you have photos of the models? This theme is really fun.

Re: The Trick 'r Treaters - A Necromantic Team Blog

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:57 am
by Cirrus the Blue
GuppyShark wrote:Those werepuppies must be so cute!

Do you have photos of the models? This theme is really fun.
Thanks so much for the comment! And I totally do! :D They're in the Fantasy Football Miniatures under the same team name. ;)

- Cirrus

Re: The Trick 'r Treaters - A Necromantic Team Blog

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 5:10 am
by Cirrus the Blue
Episode 3: Lucky Charm Is Lucky...

(This game actually took place on St. Patrick's Day is the best part of all. This post is significantly longer than the previous two due to the fact that a lot happened both before and during the match. For those of you who hadn’t seen the pics of my team, the team colours are purple and green. lol)

Throughout the next several days, Norko, team coach and necromancer of the Trick 'r Treaters, was busy toiling in his dimly lit mausoleum of an office going through his various playbooks, trying desperately to come up with a plan for the team's next match - a highly experienced team of frogmen known as the Slaan Slammers. (13 Players including 1 Krox with Guard, 1 Blitzer with Wrestle, 2 Linemen with Block, 1 Lineman with Kick, 4 Catchers including 1 with Blodge, 3 Fan Factor, and 3 Re-Rolls.) He was not looking forward to the match due to the team's staggering experience and violent background (Slammers' Team Rating 138 vs Treaters' 109 for the match). It was time to call in a favor from an old friend.

A few days before the match, Norko heard a soft knocking at the door to his mausoleum. His yellow eyes perked up in curiosity, not expecting any visitors, certainly not at this hour of the day. Necromancers and other such creatures of the night aren't exactly 'morning' people, after all. He floated to the door and cautiously opened it a crack to see who had called on his residence. Seeing nothing, he snorted and slammed the door shut.

No sooner had he turned himself back around to head back to bed, than a much harder knocking came from the door. This time he wouldn't be made a fool of by whomever foolish pranksters were here to torment him and threw the door open in his increasing frustration. Still nothing, his hands rapping against his tired head with a growl, until at last a jolly little voice with a thick accent spoke up. "Paa'rdn me, sire, but I herr'd yuh might be a' needin' ta turn the tides on yer next match. I be here to lend yuh a hand, so t' speak."

Norko wiped the sleep from his glowing eyes and looked down to see a rather short fellow with a thick shock of fiery orange hair and wearing a fine, green coat. Eyeing up the little halfling as no match for his talents, and his home already deep within the gloomy cemetery, Norko decided that this little man was no trouble and decided to welcome him inside to talk.

Norko had long since learned to never trust anyone, especially anyone sporting such an eccentric ensemble as this, but he was soon to find out just how serious the strange little man truly was. “Er.. What did you say your name was?” asked Norko to the little Halfling. “Patrick, sire. Mohst call me Patrick.” The little man introduced himself while removing his tiny green bowler hat with a cheerful grin. "T'day's yer lucky day, sire." exclaimed the little man as his stout little legs climbed over the threshold of the mausoleum, the door sliding shut behind them both. (Special Play Card - Lucky Charm - Most flavorful inducement I've ever had going by the calendar. XD)


It was a dark and stormy night at the Treaters' graveyard stadium (Pouring Rain - My favorite! :D ) and Norko took the miserable weather as a good sign of things to come. 'Perhaps the little mortal wasn't joking, after all.' he thought to himself with a chuckle, not convinced the shiny trinket the man left him was anything more than a simple few golden, emerald encrusted shamrocks on a chain. He admitted to himself that it wasn't (aesthetically) without it's charm as he admired the glittering jemstones in front of the candle light.

As the rain soaked into the dead earth of the pitch, the sickly sweet scent of the freshly burried corpses of the dearly departed gently rose into the air as a fine mist, creeping across the graveyard. This was turning out to be a better night than Norko could have anticipated.

After the teams had gathered into their respective dugouts, Norko was becoming anxious, peering at his pocket watch and at the cold iron gates of the cemetery, floating back and forth, eagerly awaiting his friend whom he had hired for the match. Suddenly, a deafening whinny bellowed from the gates of the cemetery as a powerful wind howled past the gnarled trees and lonely gravestones. Both the gates flying open and with a crack of lightning, a pitch black carriage materialized at the threshold of the graveyard, pulled by four nightmare stallions, bright blue flame flickering across their manes and hooves as they galloped toward the heart of the cemetery where the Treaters’ stadium was waiting.

In proper etiquette at the special occasion of a legendary star player arriving to the field, an exotic and controversial musical troupe was hired for the halftime show and to introduce the night's highly anticipated celebrity appearance. What seemed to be modified lutes and a series of drums were connected with thick cables to a local mad scientist's newest work which he had since patented as 'loud speakers’. All that was needed now was a substantial spark of electricity to get the show on the road. Lightning struck the rod at the top of the stage and it lit up in a blaze of violent sparks and crackling voltage, charging the speakers and lights to their maximum capacity with dangerous sparks electrocuting much of the crowd closest to the stage. During the ensuing mayhem, the band began to play.

Norko had heard this piece of music once before and enjoyed it thoroughly as the undead guitarist flailed wildly on the strings on the bulls-eye patterned guitar in an extravagant intro solo, a series of coloured lamps flashing in timing with the drums as the fans in the crowd cheered loudly, many of them singing along with the band as the black coach rolled to a stop in front of the stadium and the door swung open. A dark figure leaped from the coach, springing up the red carpeting towards the field as the music escalated in a crescendo, launching itself high into the air with a howl and landing flawlessly on a pedestal at the end of the carpet just in time to hear the band and crowd scream out in unison "BARK AT THE MOON!!" The Legendary Wilhelm Chaney stood up tall at his impressive 7 foot stature, raising his large claws to the approving crowd in greeting as the Pyro Wizards on either side blasted a series of mighty fireballs high into the black night as he valiantly made his way to the Treater's dugout. Flashing a toothy grin at the little necromancer, he spoke to him in a low growl of a voice.

"Heya, Norko! It's been a long time." "Indeed it has been, old friend." replied Norko gratefully as he floated eagerly to the mighty werewolf, shaking his massive furry hand with both of his tiny ones, placing the supposed 'lucky charm' in his palm and closing those clawed fingers around the talisman. "What's this, Norko?" asked Wilhelm, looking down at the glistening, golden chain curiously. "I've been told this is a charm to bring good fortune. So far it has yet to prove itself, but it might bring you luck." "Really, coach? I dunno.. I remember last season the team had a run in with such a character that didn't turn out so well." "Alright, my friend. How about you just try it for a little while and if you're not comfortable with it, then I won't force it on you." The werewolf thought it over for a moment and agreed to make use of the little trinket. "Sure thing, coach. I'll give it a shot, but the minute the game goes south, I'm tossing it. Deal?" "Deal." replied Norko and sent him up the wet stone steps.


The crowd had become considerably rowdy through the intensity of the musical performance, as well as the dead ground becoming soft and muddy, allowing a small group of fans to unearth a rather large tombstone from it’s grave. No sooner had the candy-ball been kicked high into the air than the Treater’s fans lobbed the heavy stone over the fence, cracking one of the frogmen in the back of his head, knocking him unconscious as he fell to the mud with a juicy splat. (Thrown Rock – KO)

A firm gust of wind blew the ball into the waiting hands of the Slaan Slammers’ star catcher – Jet Leap as he leapt like a rocket into the rain, snatching the taffy with little troubles. Despite the croaking bellows from their coach yelling at them, the Slammers were more than a little anxious as they sized up the mighty star standing menacingly in the backfield, growling lowly at the lot of them while cracking his knuckles. None of the frogmen wanted to be first one tonight’s menu, so they hung back to figure out a safer method. “He sure is bigger in person than in the magazines..” croaked one of the worried Linemen to another who nodded in agreement, his throat bulging outward for a moment as he gulped nervously.

Spike was crouched beside Wilhelm’s knee, waiting for the precise moment to pounce. Both of their yellow eyes focused on Jet as he jogged nervously from side to side through the softening mud. The rain was positively relentless as another crack of lightning split the night, the downpour flooding the graves beneath their feet as the fresh, dead corpses began to rise to the surface. To the Slammers, the nauseating stench of decaying, rotted flesh was nearly unbearable as whitish foreheads and hands became visible, peeking themselves through the muck. For the Treaters, this was a scent they had easily become accustomed to and it made them feel at ease. Now they truly felt that they had the Home Team advantage.

Casper, the newest member of the Treater’s, floated his way across the field, materializing himself behind one of the frogmen catchers and shoving his nearly invisible hands against his back, stumbling him closer to the sidelines, Donnie lending his boney little hands in assistance as Spike at last saw his opportunity. With a feisty bark, he was off to finish the job, pouncing with considerable momentum against the catcher’s exposed chest as he stumbled backwards over the iron fence, falling into the crowd. Spike kicked off of the player, landing safely back to the turf as the fans surfed the poor catcher to the center of their writhing mosh pit. He wouldn’t be coming back for halftime. (Casualty – Badly Hurt)

Jet had seen what looked to be perhaps the best opportunity to move the ball downfield, and after a nervous gulp, he circled the field to the other side, getting himself ready for a hard sprint.

On the same side of the field closeby, one of the younger frogman Catchers had brought along a friend to help take care of Hollow as he stood there, his cloak sloppy from the rain and mud, clinging to his clothes which were soaked right through. ‘This should be a cinch!’ thought the little catcher as he wound up the block. Poor Hollow couldn’t see very well through the downpour having drenched his burlap face, his arms flailing clumsily at whatever green figures he could see. *SMACK!* (Slaan Catcher rolls Skull – 1 die Block) Hollow didn’t give it much thought as his wooden arm nailed the little catcher in the jaw, sending him face first into the mud (Stunned), but it was almost as though his sock covered hand was guided to exactly where it needed to be.

A bone chilling howl echoed from the Treaters’ half as Wilhelm moved like the lightning overhead across the field to Jet who could do nothing but brace himself for impact. Wilhelm’s beefy arm shot forward with the heel of his big hand connecting with a crunch, sending that slimy frog face backwards and flipping him right over himself face down into the soupy mess the pitch was rapidly becoming, the ball now floating close by in a watery puddle amongst the visible corpses. (KAPOW!! Stunned.) Wilhelm’s deep voice chuckled mercilessly down at the poor catcher as he lay there helpless.

Suddenly, Casper materializes into view with an eerie blue glow, scooping up the ball with no troubles in his invisible hands, his misty form soon vanishing from view altogether, the ball seemingly dancing itself downfield with the tiny ghost as he playfully began humming to himself.

Meanwhile, after having at last regained his composure and making it back to his feet, the young catcher next to Hollow croaked angrily at the practically blinded scarecrow as his long wooden arms kept swinging wildly from side to side. This time, the catcher wasn’t playing around and brought in extra help for a sure thing. The ground gurgled up from beneath the little frogman as a series of pale heads emerged beneath his feet, rolling loosely against each other and causing him to stumble, desperately trying to remain upright until at last falling back down into the mud. (Double Skullz – re-rolled Double Skullz. That’s 5 in a row from the same player against the same player to whomever had been paying attention.)

Casper hadn’t a care in the world now as the endzone came into view, floating his invisible little self closer as he chuckled, his body hovering a few inches above the tangle of fresh, dead limbs now scattered about the field. The Slammers’ Blitzer had caught the ball out of the corner of his round eye, having to take another look as he could swear it was moving on it’s own. He croaked out a guttural belch to Jet, instructing him into action to lend assistance for a Blitz against the little ghost. The little frog leapt away from Wilhelm who had been looming over top of him with ease. His glassy frog eyes focused on that ball. A wide, toothless grin creeping across that soft, green face of his, not noticing a pallid, greenish leg having floated itself out of the wet ground, tripping him outright as Casper rematerialized in the endzone with a bright blue glow, spinning the ball on his translucent fingers with a giggle, making the score 1-0 for the Treaters! (Go For It – 1, re-rolled 1.)

Norko was positively beside himself as he rolled on the ground, laughing until his sides hurt at the spectacle of such a prestigious and feared team stumbling about the field like green rookies. At last, Norko was warming up to the fact that the charm sold to him by the strange little Halfling might just be the real deal after all as the teams set up for the next drive.

Fido was sent to the field now that the Treaters’ were at last lit up on the scoreboard and the need for a third set of claws was needed in order to stop a response from the Slammers. The kick went high into the air, this time landing with a splash and bobbing up and down in the watery graves, slipping through the glistening fingers of the supposed star catcher. (Pick-Up 1, Re-Rolled 1.)

Now Norko was sure of it. It had to be real! He yelled out through the rain to the werepuppies to close the hole and protect the ball. Meanwhile, Wilhelm was busy brutalizing a straggler, creating his own kind of luck, grabbing the unfortunate frogman catcher and popping his arm out of the socket before dropping him loosely down to the goopy slop. (Casualty – Badly Hurt) The crowd went crazy as the muscular werewolf howled loudly into the rain in triumph.

Unfortunately for Sleepy who had been busy tying up the Slammers’ giant toad – Krick, the team mate that Wilhelm had put into the injury box moments prior had been a close buddy of his. Those dark, glassy, round eyes glared down at the innocent scarecrow in malice. With a guttural and ugly bellowed voice, he screamed out to the wooden man, winding up a spectacular slam. “KRICK… STHMAAAAASH!!” And boy did he ever! As that beefy green arm came down upon the unsuspecting scarecrow, it sent splinters flying along with his lower half far across the field, Sleepy laying in shambles, groaning while he began stuffing the muddy straw back into his shirt, his legs loosely quivering several feet away from the rest of him. (Regeneration Failed. Casualty – Niggling Injury.)

It was good planning that Norko always kept a ball of twine around just in case to fix up such injuries on his scarecrow players. He knew it’d be much like fixing up a busted broomstick, binding the two pieces of wood together and such, but inevitably with similarly flimsy results. One thing was for certain, Sleepy just wouldn’t be able to take the hits like he used to. At least not until the offseason when he could undergo proper repairs.

There were still a few precious moments left in the first half for the Slammers to tie things up, but the Treaters didn’t make things easy for them to say the least. Having surrounded their only receiver who could’ve made a miracle play, the Slammers had to clear some space. Jet groaned as he jumped to his feet after taking a recent hit from Lando, sending him close to the sidelines and tieing up the team’s blitzer in the process along with his monstrous, moot buddies. Jet dodges back to get ready for a flying kick at the little wraith, but it was no use. The ground had become far too wobbly for him to properly hold his footing amongst the dead bodies and landed onto Lando’s already waiting fist face first. (Skull. Casualty – Badly Hurt.)

The horn blew through the darkness, signaling halftime. Both teams slugging their way off of the muddy field, a horrific sight to behold as dozens of the recent dead had emerged from their shallow graves beneath the pitch. The halftime show was a resounding success while the Treaters gorged on their candy for a job well done!

The game was far from over, however and Norko knew that it was time to kick things into high gear. Calling Wilhelm over and luring the werepuppy brothers away from their pile of candy with their favorite squeaky toys, he spent the rest of the halftime intermission by walking the lycanthropes through an old and dusty playbook he had been eagerly waiting to use involving strategic plays from the old werewolf teams way back in the good old days when regulation rules allowed such rosters. In this case there were only three of them, but with Wilhelm being a legendary player to balance out the circumstances, that wouldn’t be a problem.

After blowing off a thick layer of dust from the old tome, Norko beckoned a finger closer to himself as his voice became a low whisper, showing the trio what secrets reside inside of those old, dusty pages, their furry ears perked in anticipation. “Listen closely, boys. This particular play is known as ‘The Kennel Club Cage’…”


The whistle sounds and the kick flies high into the raging storm overhead, a hard wind guiding the ball to land directly at Spike’s feet. The little werepuppy tilts his head to the side with an excited growl and reaches for the ball, scooping it up with no troubles at all as a pair of cold, lifeless hands emerged from the deep mud, handing the ball to him from the swampy ground. The little werepuppy paid no attention to what had just happened as he was far too focused on keeping the ball now that he had it to notice the fact he’d literally been handed the ball by the field itself!

Wilhelm and Fido were already swift at Spike’s flanks, matching pace and sprinting up the field together, the two of them weaving back and forth in a synchronized criss-crossing pattern in front of Spike as he eagerly scampered forward, clutching the ball against his soaking wet purple shirt with a howl, the other two joining in the chilling battlecry as it echoed down the field.

Krick and the Slammers’ team blitzer were already on the job and rushed forth to stop the trio in their tracks. Wilhelm growled to his new friend, instructing the puppy to focus on the blitzer. “I’ll take care of the big one, little buddy! AWOOOOOO!!!” Fido had a little bit of trouble putting the experienced blitzer on his back (Re-Roll to avoid failed Both Down), the skilled frogman maintaining his footing and only sliding backwards from the pounce. Krick was busy stomping his way through the line of zombies, tossing them aside like ragdolls through his furious rampage towards the wolves, licking his long, pale pink tongue across those slimy, drooling lips with a raspy breath.

A ferocious snarl gnashes through clean, white teeth as the mighty wolf catapults himself forward, claws first into the exposed, soft, whitish chest of the colossal toad, sending him to the mud with a splat. A guttural and hideous squeal bellows from those wide frog lips as Wilhelm slashes his bulging throat wide open like a popped balloon. Hot blood gushing from the flapping wound as the ugly thing writhes on the ground in agony. “BWEEEEHHHHHH!!!” (Casualty – Niggling Injury. Apothecary fixes him up and sends him to the Reserves Box.) It would take the rest of the drive for the team’s apothecary to sew Krick’s throat back up.

Slurping at the spattered blood from his lips, Wilhelm takes off like a gunshot downfield alongside Spike, Fido left to deal with the Slammers’ blitzer with the help of his fellow zombies as they stumble back to their feet, meanwhile the rest of the Treaters having joined the party downfield.

A series of low croaking noises belch out from the blitzer, signaling the frogmen closeby to leap into action, so to speak. Several of them, himself included, jumping away from the grabbing hands and paws of the Treaters in order to stop little Spike from winning the game, forming a small, but effective blockade in front of the two werewolves. The veteran blitzer grimaced a toothless smirk in front of the little puppy clutching the bright piece of candy in his paws, ready to tackle him at a moment’s notice should he try and dodge away. (Diving Tackle’s tough to deal with sometimes…) The team’s last catcher closed the gap between Spike and the endzone. Things were looking grim.

Fido could see that his brother was in trouble, whimpering down the field at him and Wilhelm, not at all sure what to do next. Wilhelm’s ears perked up at the whines and barks of the little puppy, clearly struggling to find a way through the rolling scrum in front of him. But all was not lost! Wilhelm had a plan and barked out to Fido, instructing him to run through as soon as he could make an opening for him. The rest of the team began to clear a path down the center of the scrum, several frogmen being shoved out of the way for the little werepuppy. “Fido! Sick ‘em, boy!!” growled Wilhelm as he wrestled a frogman down with him into the mud. (This particular play was elaborate.)

Scampering up to his brother as fast as his little legs could move, he barks at Spike and the brothers both leapt onto the unsuspecting frogman catcher, sinking in their sharp little claws into that soft green flesh and forcing him to stumble backwards out of the clutches of the Slammers’ star blitzer. Spike kicked off of the catcher, sending him to the mud and sprinting his way to victory! Lightning cracked loudly across the sky as the little wolf crossed the endzone, holding the ball high in his gloved paws proudly for all to see. The adoring crowd screamed triumphantly into the night at the game-winning touchdown.

Spike had earned his favorite chew toy early as Norko congratulated his young star on a job well done, sending him to his kennel for the rest of the match. The werepuppy eagerly hopped inside, already gnawing happily on the squeaky rubber.

Even though the game had been lost for the Slammers, they knew that there was at least a chance for them to prevent a shut-out altogether. The monstrous toad groaned as he made his way to center field, a hammy green hand cradling the fresh stitches on his soft throat while he glared at the fearsome werewolf who had cut his throat to ribbons.

The Slammers’ fans were not impressed at the way that the game had played out, taking a sour turn for the worse and leaving many of their favorite players in the infirmary. A handfull of the team’s supporters began to rock a particularly large gravestone out of the softened ground, lifting the monolith high above themselves and lobbing it at poor Herman, cracking him in the back of his flat head. Despite his puny size, he was tough as nails and much of the metal plating that composed the majority of his artificial skull absorbed most of the impact with a loud clang, his short legs wobbling for a moment with a low groan, his eyes rolling backwards before landing himself face first into the mud. “mmmMMMmmmm…” *splat* (Thrown Rock – rolled 8, Thick Skull, Stunned.)

After the ball had landed in the Slammers’ half, the catcher hanging at the backfield was having troubles prying it away from an insistent pair of bluish, dead hands that had floated their way to the surface and caught the ball, the stiff fingers unwilling to let go to the unwelcome player treading on his shallow grave below. (Pick-Up 1. Re-Rolled 1)

Noticing the catcher angrily throttling at the lifeless hands holding the ball tightly from him, Wilhelm and Fido ran through a gap at midfield to try for touchdown number three! The little werepuppy grunted as he pried the ball from the cold, slimy fingers, popping it loose, but was unable to catch it when it landed into the mud as the pair of hands sank beneath the surface once again. (Pick-Up 3. Re-Rolled 3.) It was no matter for the little werepuppy as he found a new point of interest, many of his team mates having surrounded a limping lineman for him to play with instead. (Casualty – Smashed Collar Bone (-1 ST))

The catcher seized this final opportunity and snatched the ball away, winding up a spectacular throw to the blitzer who had already been running as fast as he could downfield, catching the perfect pass with ease. Turning back to the rest of the Treaters, he held his thumb to his nose, wriggling his fingers to taunt them with a satisfied cackle, only a few feet away from the endzone when suddenly, a dead foot rose up from the ground swiftly, nailing the frogman right between the legs, halting him instantly and tipping him forward into the turf, cracking his head on a tightly clenched fist waiting for him in the muddy earth, knocking him unconscious. (Go For It – 1. Re-Rolled 1. KO)

The horn signaled the end of the match, blowing a low, dull noise across the field and the crowd cheered loudly for the Trick ‘r Treaters, the little monsters raising their hands skyward, punching the midnight air at their greatest victory yet. Moments later, the sky had rained itself out and the clouds began to separate themselves. A bright, crisp full moon gleaming down onto the saturated field while the dead sank back to their graves to slumber once more.

Soon after the game had ended, a group of large Orcs with dark skin made their way down into the Treaters’ dugout and took Norko by his tiny hand, shaking it graciously and explaining that due to Spike’s phenomenal performance, they wanted to sign him on as a spokesperson for their new line of Orcidas running shoes. Norko was stunned and readily agreed, retrieving Spike from his kennel to sign the contract. After Norko finished reading it over for him, the little werepuppy placed his paw onto an ink pad and mashed it firmly against the parchment as his signature, his tail waggling excitedly. The large Orcs were pleased and handed Spike his first pair of Orcidas. Peering at the paw shaped shoes curiously, he stuffed one into his mouth and began to chew on it happily, sinking his teeth into the clean white leather until Norko had corrected the puppy moments later. “No, Spike! Mine.. Miiine..” Norko tugged the shoes from his paws and put them on his hind legs, lacing them up with the little puppy admiring the new footwear with a smile. (Spike Level-Up – MA9) The big Orcs finished their business with Norko and ascended the stone stairs of the dugout.

“That lucky charm’s gonna make me rich!!” Norko giggled maniacally at his investment having paid off so miraculously well and called his team over to the dugout to congratulate them. “Fantastic work, my boys! Wilhelm! Do you still have that charm I gave you?” “Sure do, coach!”

The big werewolf reached into his pocket to retrieve the talisman and handed it back to Norko who was grinning broadly in eager anticipation. The moment that giant paw opened itself to reveal the golden chain, Norko’s enthusiasm plummeted in horror. The once lustrous and shimmering piece of jewelry had turned tarnished and dull, the emeralds now murky and faded. “Err.. Maybe it just needs a polish! Yeah! That’s all it needs..” His cuff rubbing frantically at the gold to bring back it’s shine, but his efforts were of no use. The magic had inevitably left the talisman as soon as the match had ended.

Moments later, Norko heard a soft, jolly little giggle from outside of the dugout and floated quickly up the steps, having remembered that unmistakable voice to be the little Halfling in the green coat. Once at the top of the steps, he saw a shock of bright orange hair disappearing into the crowd and desperately cried out to him. “Patrick! WAIT!!” But the little man had vanished and was never to be seen or heard from again.

Continued in episode 4…

Re: The Trick 'r Treaters - A Necromantic Team Blog

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:03 am
by GuppyShark

I just had Wilhem on my team running with my big werewolves and I got a taste for what it must be like to have those Necro werewolves in your pocket. You can just wait for an opening and BOOM, they're gone.

You do a great job of setting up the scene, the text is very rich and fun to read.

Re: The Trick 'r Treaters - A Necromantic Team Blog

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 12:59 am
by Cirrus the Blue
I'm so happy you're enjoying it so far! :D And yes, Wilhelm is all kinds of awesome when sided with 2 other werewolves. ;) He didn't even take a hit the whole game! Still working on Episode 4, but it should be finished by the weekend.

- Cirrus