Athelorn´s Avengers GothBowl

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Athelorn´s Avengers GothBowl

Post by SirShadowcat »

Hello all BB fans

I´m about to go to swedens largest gaming con and i´m gonna take part in the BB tournament.
This is my 6 time i´m going to the tournament. I have decide to never play with the same team and i have played Skaven, Necromantic, Lizardmen, Chaos Dwarf and Amazones before. So what should i play this year? The ticket fall on pro elfs this year. The reason was that i was listening to one of the BB podcast were they discuss why you should play pro elves when you can play wood elfs. So sad and done its gonna be the pro elfs this year.

The tournament is this weekend and i gonna do an writeup next week how it go.

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Re: Athelorn´s Avengers GothBowl

Post by GuppyShark »

Elves do seem to be the one type of team you've not played yet. Those are all fast teams except Chaos Dwarves. I think you'll be well suited to it.

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Re: Athelorn´s Avengers GothBowl

Post by SirShadowcat »

Sadly was that my best performance was with the Cahos Dwarfes :roll:

Just hours to the tournament now :)

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Re: Athelorn´s Avengers GothBowl

Post by SirShadowcat »

Report from Gothbowl!

Back to the reality world after a wonderful weekend with 4 great bb-games. The tournament gets bigger for each year wich is great. There was around 30 players who joined this year.

On friday you play 4 games and the top 8 players qualifies to saturday to dungeonbowl in two heats and on sunday it´s the final.

My list was:
2 blitzers
2 catchers
1 thrower
6 lineelfs
3 rr

1 Game:

Team name:Nightmares Team:Dark elves Player:Magnus

I have pl.ayed against Magnus before with his Nightmares. Then i played with necs and loosed with 2-1. The first thing he said to me was that his DE can´t play passing games and that was true. Every time he tried to pass he failed. Still he manage to win that time.

His team was:
4 blitzers
1 runner
6 lineelfs
2 rerolls

He opted to start with the ball. After he blocked a couple of the lineelfs on the los the blitzer created a hole on mine left side and run up through it. I tried to close the hole and send one of the blitzers to hunt his runner who stand in the middle on the DE´s side. He then changed side and tried to create another hole in my right side. A couple of pushes later and my other blitzer had sidesteped so i could in my turn halt he´s advancement. In my turn almost the same thing happend and after a couple of pushes on his elfs the position was almost the same. I did tried to blitz the runner but he succeded to dump off the ball to an lineelf. In hes turn he manage to run up with the ball, hand it over to one of the blitzers and then after blocked an passage run through it. "TouchDown!" Then i mirrored he´s play but instead of running with the ball i passed it down to one of my catchers and scored 1-1 in my last turn.
Second half: The play was almost the same as in the first half with me having the ball and created a hole in the defens on his right side and then run down with my catchers and blitzers. Instead of passing to one of my catcher a passed an blitzers and scored another touchdown. 2-1 to me. He tried to run on my right side after the set up and after he had sent up his blitzer once again he was about to pass the ball. He then said that he shouldn´t do it because his elves can´t pass and rightly so the ball was fumbled and was down in the middle on his side. I tried to catch the ball but after a couple of turns he manage to run the ball to his runner who dodge his way down in his right side. I run after with an lineelf and was about to blitz the runner with one of my catchers only to kill myself :( on an both down. He didn´t manage to pick up the ball in his last turn and with that the match was over. 2-1 and 1-1 in cas.

Magnus is a great guy and funny to play against. He has won the tournament a couple a years ago and is a very skilled player.
I was happy to win the match against him.

About the proelfs in this game.
This game the blitzer didn´t do any real differance to the game. I could have played any other elf team.

More to come.

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Re: Athelorn´s Avengers GothBowl

Post by Akka »

Nice reports! I want to read more.

I heard one of our northern regulars participated in the dungeon bowl on day 2 and won the game turn 3, with one of the four coaches not having rolled a single dice.

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Re: Athelorn´s Avengers GothBowl

Post by duckwing »

Hehe, I was in that dungeon bowl semi final with my slann team. It was probably the biggest anticlimax in all my time of playing BB. I did get to roll the dice once, making a block against a skaven lineman, and one of my blitzers was knocked over by an exploding chest. Then it was all over. The worst part is that the skaven coach stole my thing and won by leaping to a TD!

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Re: Athelorn´s Avengers GothBowl

Post by SirShadowcat »

Second game:

Team: Chaos Player: Didi Teamname:?

Didi is an 40K player but wanted to play BB this time. He had an absoulut wonderful painted chaos team. (I think that he won best painted) He is new in the world of BB so the match was a bit uneven.

He´s team was
1 mino
3 warriors
8 beastmen

First half:
He won the ball and tried to cause as much mayhem he could. Sadly for him he only manage to push me. He pick up the ball on he´s left side. In my turn i manage to take down a couple of beastmen and a warrior. Dodge away from the mino and run down with a catcher and a blitzer towards the ball carrier. He tried to cause the mayhem but didnt succed this time either. I manage instead to knock down the ballcarrier that had run up the field towards the warriors in the middle. On the way there i knock out a beastmen.
I pick up the ball and throw it to the catcher who run against the t-zone. In the next turn the catcher run to the t-zone. 1-0 to the elfs. The Chaos-team tried then to score but there wasn´t time enough and the elfs was in the lead when we went to the second half.

Second half:
In the second half i block open a hole on the left side and run down the blitzers and a catcher. He manage to k:o some elfs this time so i had to dodge one turn before i could make the pass to a blitzer who run to the t-zone. 2-0 to the elfs. On the way there i killed a beastmen. The chaos-team was down to 9 on the pitch while i had 10 players. This time he pick up the ball and tried to box the ballcarrier. The blitzers run down with an lineelf to knock away one side of the box. In chaos turn i could use my sidestep to stand beside the ballcarrier. In my turn i manage to knock down the ballcarrier but i didn´t succed to pick up the ball. Neither of us manage to get hold of the ball a couple of turns. In my last turn i pick up the ball and throw it to my catcher and he run it to the t-zone. 3-0 to the elfs.

TD: 3-0 Cas: 2-1

Didi was a little bit unexperienced so i tried to help him a little bit. The big thing that let me win was that he couldn´t break my armour at all and when i send him to the k:o box or the injury box there was little that Didi could do.

What was the impact of the elf team:
This time there was a couple of turns that both my blitzers and the catchers use their skills.
So i was very happy with the team.

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Re: Athelorn´s Avengers GothBowl

Post by Thadrin »

Wish I could have been there but couldn't make it this year. Played Warmachine the last couple of times I've been to Gothcon so it really is time for me to make a comeback in Gothbowl.

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