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The Brusseldorf Bloodsuckers

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 8:50 pm
by juggler434
Just started an 8 team 1 mil league. Matches are assigned every one to two weeks depending on how long people take to get their matches in. I'm running a Vamp team.

Updates in Red

The Brusseldorf Bloodsuckers
1. Gunter-Thrall
3. Hasslefur-Thrall
4. Heinrich-Thrall Wrestle
5. Waldrik-Thrall Wrestle, Niggling Injury
6. Hildemund-Thrall
7. Pieter-Thrall +1 ST
8. Dante-Thrall Wrestle
9. Augastine-Thrall Gaurd
10. Duke Deitrich von Frieburg -Vampire Block Miss Next Game, Niggling Injury
11. Sir Mons von Frieburg-Vampire Dodge
12. Lady Henrietta-Vampire
13. Lord Godfried de la Whyte-Vampire Block

FF 6
1 Apothecary
1 Assistant Coach
1 Cheerleader
5 Re-rolls
Treasury: 140k
Total Team Value: 1,330,000
Record W/D/L: 4/3/1
The Graveyard: #2 Friedrich-Thrall

Re: The Brusseldorf Bloodsuckers

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:03 pm
by juggler434
Match 1:
Opponent: The Wild Hunters-Wood Elves
This game was a comdedy of errors. At the start both teams were working well. The Wild Hunters went in for a two turn touchdown. The Bloodsuckers then also went in for a two turn touchdown. Everything went downhill from there.

6,000 Bloodsucker fans showed up for the match, while 11,000 Hunters fans showed.

The Wildhunters failed a pass that gave the ball to the bloodsuckers. A thrall had the ball and was 4 squares from the endzone, accompanied by the vampire Duke Deitrich. The Wild Hunters managed knock down the poor thall, but the pesky woodelf knocked himself down in the process. All Deitrich had to do was pick up the ball and score, unfortanatly his thirst got the best of him, and decided that it was time for a snack instead. There ends the 1rst Half.

The Bloodsuckers recieved in the second half, but due to a fumbled pass, the ball was dropped and soon recovered by the Hunters wardancer. The wardancer was swarmed with thralls and vampires, and while a he tried hard to escape, the Bloodsuckers stopped the Hunters advance for the rest of the half.

Tie 1-1
20k winnings
FF increased.
No player upgrades
No lasting injuries

Re: The Brusseldorf Bloodsuckers

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:09 am
by Aino
I can only but applaud the team name :D
Go Brussels 8)

Re: The Brusseldorf Bloodsuckers

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 12:40 am
by juggler434
Thanks Aino.

Match 2:
Opponent: The Ka Sabar Scarabs-Khemri

The Bloodsuckers kicked in the first half of the match. The kick was bad and went off the pitch, so the Scarabs gave the ball to one of their blitzers. The rest of the scarabs crowded around the blitzer, and the Bloodsuckers formed a pocket around the scarabs, making sure to keep a little distance between the squishy thralls and the frightening tomb gaurdians. Eventually a vampire snuck in next to the ball carrier, and the ball carrier managed to knock himself over while attacking the vampire. The half ended 0-0.

The Bloodsuckers were emboldened by thier cheering fans in the second half, and added to this they were recieving. Two thralls decided to remain knocked out during the half, leaving the Bloodsuckers side looking a little wanting. The half started well, but things went downhill when a thrall fumbled the ball and the Scarabs swarmed around it. One of the vamps managed to pick the ball up, but was then beat down and the ball went into the crowd. Luckily, the crowd seemed to still be on the Bloodsuckers side, and they threw it far away from the scarabs, and in direct line between and open vampire and the endzone. The game ended 1-0, Bloodsuckers winning.

8,000 Brusseldorf Fans attended, 7,000 Scarab Fans showed up.

Win 1-0
60k winnings
#10 Gained Block
No lasting injuries

Re: The Brusseldorf Bloodsuckers

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 5:55 pm
by juggler434
Match 3:
Opponent: The Wasteland Warps-Chaos

The Bloodsuckers and Warps had the same amount of fans show up, but the cheerleading squad for the Bloodsuckers got the fans on their side and an extra re-roll for the first half. Brussledorf kicked off, and the ball bounced neatly into the hands of a Chaos Warrior. Right off the bat a thrall was sent to the casualty box with a concussion and -1 AV. The excited chaos warrior ran undefended into the Bloodsuckers half, and was pummeled by one of the vamps and the ball was recovered by the Bloodsuckers. After a few brutal turns, the Bloodsuckers scored and kicked once again to the warps. Unfortunately for the Warps there wasn't enough time left on the clock to score, and the half ended.

Brusseldorf was down two players in the second half, and it was starting to show. Despite this, they gave an admirable offense, and managed to score a touchdown, although it was not without cost. One of the vamps, Sir Mons von Frieburg, was given a concussion. The apothecary rushed in, and treated the injury down to mearly missing the next game, and not even the quick healing of the vampire could get him back sooner. The Bloodsuckers kicked to the Warps, and the kick was deep, but still on the field. Out for blood, the Warps continued to pummel the Bloodsuckers and ignored the ball. Seeing an oppurtunity, Deitrich von Frieburg ran up the field with a thrall in tow, and managed to clear an oppening for the thrall to score. Once again, there was not enough time left for the Warps to score, so after a couple of rounds of bashing the match ended.

9,000 Brusseldorf Fans attended
9,000 Wasteland Fans attended

3-0 Win
50k winnings
+1 FF
#4 gained wrestle
#5 gained wrestle

#1 MNG
#3 MNG -1 AV
#11 MNG

2 journeymen hired for next game

Re: The Brusseldorf Bloodsuckers

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:32 pm
by juggler434
Round 4
Opponent: The Skuttlefoots-Skaven

This game was a mess. The match started with a thrall failing to pick up the ball, re-rolling and failing again. Then Waldrik, one of my thralls with wrestle, recieved a niggling injury. Fearing what the Skuttlefoots rat ogre had in store for me, I decided to not use my apo. My lone vampire for the match (the other was missing the game) got crowd pushed and got a Miss the Rest of the Game, but luckily regenerated and was ready for the next drive. After many trials, I managed to score the ball. Kicking to the skaven was not looking good. I managed to force him to make some pretty nasty rolls, but he was making them. On turn 8 he threw a pass to his gutter runner who was in the end zone, and the gutter runner failed his 2+ catch roll...phew. The half ended 1-0

In the second half my superior coaching staff got me another re-roll, but by this time I was down four players on the pitch. so I was not optomistic. After three turns, the Skuttlefoots managed to run in for the touchdown. Now that I was recieving, the crowd rushed the field, ignored my players, but pummeled the skuttlefoots, only leaving four of his players standing. Excited, I went to pick up the ball with my vampire, and he dropped it, even with the reroll! The skuttlefoots players started to recover. My vampire finally succeeded on picking up the ball, and my thralls began to run down field. The rat ogre got up and started charging toward my vamp. Thralls were not open anywhere. The rat ogre charged up...and knocked himself over. By now it was turn 8, it was possible for me to score, but not likely. My vamp threw the ball to a thrall in a tackle zone. He caught it, dodged out and went to hand off the ball to the thrall down field, but unfortunately, it was not caught and the game ended 1-1.

Tie 1-1
80k winnings
FF stayed the same
#5 MNG + Niggling Injury
#3 Fired
Journeyman hired to replace #3
Vampire hired

Re: The Brusseldorf Bloodsuckers

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:24 am
by juggler434
Round 5
Opponent: Des Croakers-Slann

The Bloodsuckers were recieving in the first half, but unfortunately it was pouring rain, making the ball very difficult to deal with. Lady Henrietta, the new vampire on the team managed to pick up the ball, meanwhile the two other vampires punched wholes in the defensive line for some thralls to run down field. On the croakers turn the vampires and thralls were swarmed, but an opening became open in the middle of the field. Henrietta went up to hand the ball to a thrall, but it was to wet, and it was dropped. A huge mess was created around the ball, but a thrall managed to get free and get a hold of the ball. He attempted to throw it down field to Count Deitrich, but the pass was inaccurate, and fell right next to one of the slann catchers. After making an attempt run back down the field, the slann was stopped, and the ball was succesfully handed off the Count Deitrich, who scored. After this the Croakers failed to score in the remainder of the first half.

In the second half Brussledorf kicked to Des Croakers. The Croakers caged up around the ball, but after one corner was bashed in, and another hypno gazed, one of the thralls ran in and wrestled the ball carrier to the ground. The pouring rain made the ball quite difficult to hold on to, and it changed hands many times before a bad hand off and a lucky bounce put the ball into the hands of Des Croakers Kroxigor. The Kroxigor handed the ball of to one of the slann linemen, who neatly jumped out of the scrum and down the field, only a few spaces away from the end zone. Unfortunately for the lineman, he stopped a little too close to the edge, Henrietta sent him into the crowd. The crowd happily threw the ball back in, and a circle formed around it. No one could pick up the wet, slippery ball, and the game ended with Brussledorf winning 1-0.

Win 1-0
Winnings 70k
FF increased
#9 gained gaurd

Re: The Brusseldorf Bloodsuckers

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:44 am
by juggler434
Round 6
Opponent: Some Orc Team-Orcs
Gate: 23,000

Brussledorf recieved in the first half. Enraged fans hurled rocks at players from both sides, causing a player from both sides to miss the rest of the game.

The Bloodsuckers got off to a rough start. The orcs were really pushing them around, and Lady Henrietta could not throw the ball to save her life. She ended up fumbling a 2+ pass and a 3+ pass in the same half. After such a horrible series of events, Sir Mons managed to start working his way up the field when some orcs broke free from the scrum and knocked him down. On the last turn of the first half, the orcs managed to pass the ball to a goblin who ran in for a touchdown.

In the second half, Brussledorf kicked to the orcs. The orcs caged up around the ball carrier and attempted to work their way down one side. Brussledorf was ready for this though, and after some careful positioning managed to knock the poor goblin carrying the ball into the crowd. The crowd through the ball closer to the Brussledorf endzone, Sir Mons was there to pick up the ball and start making his way down the field, with a thrall in tow in case he needed a snack on the way. Brussledorf managed to knock a good many orcs into the crowd, and fouled out a pesky agility 4 orc blitzer. By the end of the half there were only a handful of orcs on the field, and Sir Mons easily walked into the endzone.

Tie 1-1
Winnings: 70k
FF increased
#16 missing next match
Bought #13: Lord Godfried de la Whyte-Vampire

Re: The Brusseldorf Bloodsuckers

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:46 am
by juggler434
This match was replayed because of a rules error. All results no longer stand.

Round 7
Opponent-Rocket Bears-Gnomes (Ogre re-skin)

(Note: Gnomes are snotlings and mechs are ogres)

Brussledorf recieved in the first half. One of the thralls starting making his way down field while one of the vamps picked up the ball. One of the mechs with break tackle managed to get behind the defense set up and blitz the vamp with the ball and send him to the ground. A gnome ran to pick up the ball and pass it back, but a thrall intercepted it. The thrall escaped from the throng and started making his way upfield when he was acosted by four of the pesky little gnomes and brought to the ground. Duke Deitrich made his way out of the scrumb and retrieved the ball. A mech pelted a gnome at him, but instead managed to hit three of his own gnomes instead. One of the other mechs hit the new rookie vampire Lord Godfried, and killed him. The apothecary was called in, but he got death as well. Luckily Godfried managed to pull himself back together and regenerated the wounds. Duke Dietrich ran in for the touchdown accompanied by a tasty snack thrall. Brussledorf kicked to the Rocket Bears, but there wasn't enough time for them to score. However a weather change led to a vampire missing the next drive due to heat exhaustion.

In the second half the Rocket Bears recieved. One of the break tackle mechs got a hold of the ball and his team mates quickly surround him. Despite their best efforts, the vampires could not knock over that mech. One turn the opportunity arrised, but a thrall who was supposed to go in and assist the block forgot, and a 1 die block had to be made leaving the attacking vampire on the ground. The rocket bears scored on turn 8 of the second half, leaving the game a tie.

Tie 1-1
40k winnings
FF decreased
#10 gained dodge
#11 gained Block
#12 gained +1 MA

Re: The Brusseldorf Bloodsuckers

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:50 am
by juggler434
Round 7 was the last round of the normal league.
Next round is the start of the Dungeon Bowl. We are using the Dungeon Bowl rules written up for third ed with our currently existing teams. The tournament is going to be single elimination with the winner get all the glittering prizes from LRB 5.

Re: The Brusseldorf Bloodsuckers

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:07 am
by juggler434
Rematch: Opponent: Rocket Bears-Gnomes (Ogre reskin)

Because of a misuse of Break Tackle, my game against the Rocket Bears was to be replayed.

The match started with it raining. Rocket Bears were recieving in the first half. The kick went off the pitch and was given to an ogre.

Turn 1 a mech (ogre)runs up and hits a thrall and kills him. Being a completely rookie thrall so early in the match, the team apothecary was not called in. Thanks to some bone head and Hypnotic gaze, a vampire was able to get next to the mech with the ball and bring him down. It was a long struggle from there, one vamp bit a thrall and sent him to the casualty box, but the mechs were not passing their bone head rolls and at the very end of the first half Lord Godfried de la Whyte ran in for the touchdown ending the first half 1-0 in favor of Brussledorf.

In the second half Brussledorf recieved. Once again the dice were against the poor mechs as they could not pass a bone head roll. Waldrik was blitzed by a mech and a both down was rolled. He chose to wrestle the mech to the ground fearing the consequences of Might Blow, but was then gang fouled by the gnomes, causing him to miss next game. In three turns Brussledorf had scored.

Down 2-0, the gnomes were out for blood. The mechs starting pounding into the poor little thralls, and a gnome ran up and picked up the ball. Duke Deitrich managed to get over to the gnome, but only succeeded in pushing the little guy who easily slipped away. A mech ran up the the gnome and chucked him downfield where he ran in for a touchdown.

With only one turn remaining, Duke Deitrich passed the ball to build up his passing stats, and the thrall on the line scurried away. A mech ran up and blitzed one of the thralls, sending him to the casualty box, but with no lasting injuries.

Win: 2-1
60k winnings
FF increased
#7 Gained +1 ST
#10 Gained Dodge
#11 Gained Dodge
#13 Gained Block

#2 Died
#5 Missing Next Game

Re: The Brusseldorf Bloodsuckers

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 3:58 pm
by Overhamsteren
Nice resumes, it's a nice length to get a good idea of the match but not get bogged down in words, and vampires are cool, me like! :)

Re: The Brusseldorf Bloodsuckers

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:20 pm
by Axtklinge
Nice reports juggler!
Your team seems to be doing quite well.
Perhaps you could once in a while post a table with your league standings.


Re: The Brusseldorf Bloodsuckers

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:57 am
by juggler434
Thanks for the comments guys. As requested, here are the results at the end of our firs league before we go into the dungeon bowl.

1. Brussledorf Bloodsuckers-Vampire 4 wins/3 ties/0 losses
2.Skuttlefoots-Skaven-4 wins/2 ties/1 loss
3. Wildhunters-Wood Elves 4 wins/1 tie/2 losses
4. The Ka Sabar Scarabs-Kemri 4 wins/0 ties/3 losses
5. Some Orc Team-Orcs 3 wins/2 ties/2 losses
6. Wasteland Warps-Chaos 3 wins/2 ties/2 losses
7. Des Croakers-slann 1 win/0 ties/6 losses
8. The Rocket Bears-Gnomes (Ogres) 0 wins/ 0 ties/7 losses

First round of Dungeon Bowl coming soon. I drew The Rocket Bears as my first round opponent.

Re: The Brusseldorf Bloodsuckers

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 3:48 pm
by Axtklinge
Congrats on that impressive stats your Bloodsuckers have!

Good luck for you DB round!