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CopiousDude's Naggaroth Open Team Blog

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:42 am
by CopiousDude
Match Reports for my Naggaroth Open teams.

Active Teams

Good Wood (Wood Elf) 10-7-4
Price Is Wrong B (Skaven) 4-1-0
False Gods (Nurgle) 4-1-1
Tits or GTFO (Amazon) 5-0-1
Midgets of Moria (Dwarf) 6-2-0

Notable Players
Ohtacareari (Wardancer: Good Wood) 47SPP, +AG, Mighty Blow, Tackle, 1 Kill / 9 Casualties / 18 KO's / 5 TD's
Darund (Catcher: Good Wood) 30 SPP, +MV, Nerves of Steel, 18 Receptions / 9 TD's
Jabba da Hutt (Beast of Nurgle: False Gods) 11 SPP, Block, 1 Kill / 3 Casualties / 3 KO's
Tim Tebow (Runner: Midgets of Moria) 33 SPP, Dodge, Block, Side Step, 410 Yards Rushing / 9 TD's

Re: CopiousDude's Naggaroth Open Team Blog

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:43 am
by CopiousDude
Good Wood Match Report

Had a weird game tonight with a Necromantic team that was pretty high rank, Sparky Goodboyz.

It started out innocently enough, with me winning the toss and electing to receive. I had 120K inducements and went with a wandering apothecary. The first half went as planned, with the Goodboyz trying to march it down the field and my woodies dodging away to form a double layered wall of GTFO. Goodboyz made good use of a level 5 werewolf, but had to be sure to hide it behind his lines after each blitz, as I was blitzing it with my wardancers whenever it was in the open. The ladies did their work, despite losing the tree to an early injury off a foul. (Which I used the wandering apothecary on so I'd have him back in the second half) The referee ejected the offending zombie, and an early wardancer KO of the unskilled werewolf helped Good Wood hold Sparky Goodboyz scoreless in the first half, when the star werewolf failed the first in a series of nearly impossible dodges right in the teeth of the defense.

That is when all the strangeness hit. Right as I started my turn, the disconnection timer came up and ran for three minutes. As I waited to see if the opposing coach had DC'd himself to avoid the risk of a 5 assist foul on his star player, the timer clicked away, and then all of a sudden my game clock started running. I quickly snagged the loose ball off the pitch with my thrower, passed it to a lineman, and then did what I do best. The lineman dropped the ball at his feat, burning my last reroll with some double one goodness. First half, 0-0.

Then at the very beginning of the second half, my opponent began having connection issues again. In between every move, the disconnect timer would start back over at five minutes and click down for a few minutes. I began to get even more suspicious that the opposing coach had gotten his high rank by forcing everyone to take twenty minute turns when he was losing. Then, after a couple turns of this, he suddenly complained about having connection issues all night, and promptly quit the game.

One of my merc lineman got an MVP and a casualty, so I purchased him at the end of the match. Luckily, he also rolled doubles on his skill roll. (That's THREE so far for those who are counting) I selected Guard, since my tree is my only other player with the skill. I also leveled one of my Wrestle lineman, so he now has Wrodge. I'm really looking forward to testing out my new roster in the next match. Only going to have two mercs this time! That'll be a first since the teams second game, interestingly enough.

Re: CopiousDude's Naggaroth Open Team Blog

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:46 am
by CopiousDude
Good Wood Match Report

So I've had some very interesting games so far this week, and I must say I LOVE those Wardancers. They take up so much of my opponents attention, and 90% of the time they can get out of danger with a couple 2+ rolls. They often mark them with 3-4 players, and still can't keep them contained.

I've had one win and a few ties since the game against the Necromantic team. My ties have been nuffle fests, with my woodies just barely being able to scrape out tying scores at the end. My very latest game was against another Orc team, and ended in a 0-0 tie thanks to both of us rolling double ones and double skulls like it was our job. Also, now that I have accurate I really feel like I should get Sure Hands on my Thrower. Maybe it was a mistake to get Accurate first, but I like to be able to hide him deep and still make a 2+ pass out. I've been starting to run into a lot of Strip Ball players at my current TV however, and Sure Hands would save me rerolls and allow him to play a more effective defensive roll. Combined with dodge (barring an AG or double roll), he should be a very helpful asset for the team.

I'm having trouble skilling my catcher, as he's such a big juicy target for my opponents. Trying to work on getting him TD's, but I'll need some better rolls before that starts happening. It will also be helpful when I have two, and I'm only one good gold roll away from picking up my second catcher.

Re: CopiousDude's Naggaroth Open Team Blog

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:47 am
by CopiousDude
Good Wood Match Report

For Christmas, Nuffle gave me a loss and a -st on the level 4 Wardancer. She has since been retired, and luckily I'm only 30K away from being able to replace her.

The loss and -st both came in a game against High Elves. This particular High Elf team had 4 or 5 guards, so it was pretty much tailor made to take on other elves. I fought him to a 1-1 tie for the first half, then had a hell of a time getting the ball loose in the second half with all the guard he had around it. I used the apothecary to save the other Wardancer from death, then the very next turn my Lv. 4 Wardancer took the smashed collarbone. The dice today have just been brutal beyond belief. :cry:

So back to rebuilding. Hopefully I get a decent gold roll next game.

Re: CopiousDude's Naggaroth Open Team Blog

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:07 am
by CopiousDude
False Gods Match Report

I had my first loss with my Nurgle team today. I was playing a Dwarf team by the name of RuinShield, and just got nuffled hard.

First half, I kicked deep and started to go to work. I separated his LOS dwarves from his backfield, and denied the Dwarf Runner most of his support. I managed to get a Nurgle Warrior and a Pestigor deep into his backfield. I had a chance to blitz the runners only support off my Nurgle Warrior, who was then going to mark up the runner to lock in the defensive TD barring any crazy luck. The Pestigor only needed one GFI to make the blitz, I had a reroll available, and the Pestigor had the Block skill as well. That's when Nuffle got involved. My Pestigor rolled double 1's, and his runner got the opening he needed to sprint around the LOS and make a Turn 8 score that required more than a few GFI's.

Ok, I'll just tie it up in the second half and try to get a defensive TD for the win. No big deal. This guys not playing that well, so it shouldn't be too hard right? Wrong! Ruinshield opened up the second half by rolling a blitz on his kickoff and then catching it with his runner. I was unable to take the runner down with my blitz, and it lead to a defensive TD.

I managed to get a TD to prevent the shutout, making the final score 2-1.

Re: CopiousDude's Naggaroth Open Team Blog

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:17 am
by CopiousDude
Quick update, one of my catchers on Good Wood got a +MA!!!!!

One turner here I come! :smoking:

Re: CopiousDude's Naggaroth Open Team Blog

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:59 am
by CopiousDude
Good Wood Match Report

This is quite possibly my most miraculous comeback ever, with any team. I grasped victory from the jaws of almost certain defeat, and man does it feel good!

My opponent this time was a Norse team, Grumphh. They had not one, but two mighty blow/piling on players, and made good use of them in the first half. I won the toss, and elected to kick. The kick was good, but the first block resulted in a badly hurt and the second was a KO. It snowballed from there, and by the end of the first drive I had four elves in the injury box, and two more KO'd. I resolutely set up my five man offense, and gave it a valiant effort with my last three turns. My thrower failed a 3+ pass and a 4+ pass to leave me scoreless in the first half.

Going into the second half down 1-0 and with only 6 players to put on the pitch (thank you sweltering heat), I didn't have high hopes for the rest of the game. My opponent had his full compliment of players, and I could just see a slaughter coming. Then, against all odds, I scored in two turns, tying the game at 1-1. In the following drive, a deep kick and a perfect defense roll helped me to overcome some double ones, and I managed to score a defensive touchdown when one of the Norse failed to catch a pass.

I couldn't believe it! Up 2-1 with four turns left, I set up very conservatively. I again rolled a few double ones, and my opponent again dropped a catch, leaving the ball loose at midfield. I iced the game with a final score in my turn 16, and started celebrating my 3-1 comeback for the ages. I have never rolled that many double ones and still won the game. This is one replay I'll be sure to keep!

Re: CopiousDude's Naggaroth Open Team Blog

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 5:04 pm
by CopiousDude
New Years Match Reports

I played tons of games over New Years since I was home sick. I'm really enjoying the new multi-team matchmaking. Makes for some quick games, and lots of variety since I'm constantly spinning with four or five teams at a time. I just play whatever comes up. Interestingly enough, this has led to some really great skill rolls and a nice win streak.

For starters, my Amazon team now has two +AG Blitzers. I'm guessing this is going to allow me to open up the passing game a little bit more, and it makes for some very mobile blitzers. My +MA catcher on Good Wood rolled a double for his second level, so I gave him Nerves of Steel to make him extra hard to stop. My Dwarf Runner got ANOTHER set of doubles for his third skill roll, so he is now a blodging side stepper. So ya, I'd say it was a productive and Nuffle blessed weekend.

I am getting better at recovering from bouts of poor luck. For instance, my 9th win with Good Wood came after my opponent took an early 2-0 lead thanks to a failed 3d tree block, and a succession of double ones. I fought my way back and finished the game with a 3-2 win.

The highlight of the evening had to have been one of my Amazon team's games. I was playing a Skaven coach with two Stormvermin that had both Mighty Blow and Piling On. One in particular was on a rampage, and had injured three of my zons and knocked out a few others. He finally used Piling On away from support, and I Badly Hurt the Stormvermin with a five assist foul. He actually had the nerve to get angry that I had removed his killer from the pitch, despite the fact that it wasn't a serious injury! I guess he couldn't handle his own medicine. :roll:

Re: CopiousDude's Naggaroth Open Team Blog

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:47 pm
by CopiousDude
False Gods Match Report

It's been quite a while since I've posted a match report in this thread! I have been playing lots of games though, just no time to post match reports.

My Nurgle team, False Gods, has been having some great games of late. One of the more noteworthy ones was a recent game against a Skaven team with not one, but TWO one turner Gutter Runners, one of which had AG5 to boot. I was very worried about taking a beating in this game, as I wasn't sure Disturbing Presence would do me much good against all the speed my opponent could put on the pitch.

I won the toss and elected to kick. The first two turns went about as expected, with my Skaven opponent easily scoring on his second turn with one of his Gutter Runners while I tried to get some casualties on the line. I lined up conservatively for my drive, trying my best to prevent any Skaven Blitz cheese should the kickoff go badly. Luckily, it didn't, and I caged up to beat on the Skaven as best I could while I drove down the field. The effort went well, as I was able to get a couple KO's on Linerats and a Badly Hurt casualty on one of the one turner Gutter Runners. Despite some heroic efforts from a Dauntless Gutter Runner, I scored on Turn 8, and entered the second half tied 1-1.

The kickoff to start the second half again went off without a blitz, and I caged up against a slightly depleted Skaven team in an effort to seal the victory with an eight turn drive. Again, my efforts went well and I KO'd the second one turner Gutter Runner on my way to a T16 score. The Dauntless Gutter Runner pulled off some crazy Blocks, including two separate 2d against blocks on my Beast that resulted in double defender stumbles, but it wasn't enough to stop the Nurgle pain train. The one turner remained KO'd for the Skaven T16, and I kicked it deep, preventing any last turn miracles and walking away with the 2-1 victory.

Skaven teams scare me, particularly Skaven teams with two one turners. All it takes is one or two blitz kickoff results and the game can get out of hand very quickly. I'm pretty happy that I got a win on this one, and I hope I don't run into that particular Skaven team again anytime soon.

Re: CopiousDude's Naggaroth Open Team Blog

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 6:50 pm
by SunDevil
Great reports - keep 'em coming!

Go Nurgle!