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Kingsglade Eagles

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:18 pm
by Basement Dweller
I have been playing in the MBBL (BB by email) for a while and enjoy it more than I thought I ever would. I am now up to 5 teams but can't quite find the all the ones that fit me. The team I like are my ogres (super fun and frustrating...fighting to get back to .500), my high elves (I like to pass so they make me happy and have a descent record), underworld (have tied 5 of 7 games and am really enjoying them), and goblins (just started and haven't really figured them out but have been fun so far).

Now I am trying to find a 5th team that I like and can win with (sometimes at least!). I have gone through amazons, chaos pact, lizardmen, and chaos dwarfs. Either I didn't enjoy them or I sucked with them. I have also figured out that I suck with bashy teams...too many years of stunty and used to running away I guess.

So, now my latest team is wood elves. I like to pass, I seem to do okay with squishy players (snots and gobbos)...they seemed worth a try. I decided to start a blog of them as I am hoping to stick it out with them longer than I have the others...of course this blog could switch to the next team I pick if the woodies don't cut it.

The Eagles roster has been uploaded and sports 2 rerolls, a wardancer, a catcher, a treeman and 8 lineman. I really wanted a treeman so I took him even if not the advised choice. I like mixed race teams and so I maxed out on non-elves :). I read smurf's no-reroll wood elves play book and decided that was not for me...I had trouble just having 2...I like some chance to recover from poor rolling or poor decisions on my part...

The Eagles have been challenged by a TR149 chaos team. Probably not the best choice for a first game but I accepted...I have no attachment to any of the models yet and his team didn't look exceptionally bashy...other than being chaos of course. I will be mulling inducements and hopefully posting about my fantastic victory or horrible defeat (due to the dice of course!) in the near future.


Re: Kingsglade Eagles

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:23 am
by Basement Dweller
W0 - L1 - T0

First game is in the worked over 2-0...casualties 5-2. Of the 5 injuries, 2 were permanent (-1AG, -1MA). These will guys will be working the line with the treeman for as long as they are around. I "earned" 11 SPPs (1 MVP, 2 casualties, 2 completions).

First half the chaos team worked the 8 turn TD to perfection. I think I finally figured out how the 1 turn TD works...but didnt get very close as I knocked down the first guy and pushing would seem to be the key. Ive never seen this pulled off but I think it will work...someday...or least I will get closer so I can see if it will work...

Starting the second half, I still had 10 players despite losing a few elves in the first half thanks to the inducements. Facing the zig defense I figured out a little late that the middle was the softest area...especially with a treeman. A failed dodge by the ball carrier ended my drive and chaos picked up the loose ball and scored again. Had another chance to score before the end but didn't want a mercenary to I hoped my catcher could survive a blitz from the beastman safety on turn 7...he did TD for me.

What did I learn? With 2 rerolls and no positionals (save a catcher) I need to be more reserved with my rerolls. I am used to playing with lots and still burning them too fast...need to hang on to them to help me make those key plays. My defense needs a lot of work...but I've known this for a while :).

The treeman had a terrible first half and a great second half. He spent most of the first half on his back failing stand up roll after stand up roll. He also fell over on his first block. In the second half he killed a beastman and SId another. I like the big guys so I am happy with him. It felt good to be knocking over chaos models a little bit in the game and not just watching as elves got knocked around...

I enjoyed myself despite being worked over and am looking forward to my next game. I challenged a Slann team so I will see if they accept. I will be a slight underdog if they do. I think I am going to try to lay off the star players. More rerolls might be a descent inducement for the them get the SPPs by making those passes and dodges.

It was a rough start for the Eagles but I had fun and that is the main reason for playing isn't it?