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Tyrion's One Blessing

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 5:54 pm
by Stonecloud
Hello Folks, I am full, I mean my name is Hamond. I have been elected mouthpiece of our Lord Tyrion’s One Blessing. He wants us to show the world how men of a certain stature play this game of BloodBowl. We are a rowdy team, paid in beer, wine and food. What a great life. We did realize a little too late he was a short human not a tall Halfling, but he pays good. So we went off to play some dwarves, they said it was a brand new team just rounded up from the mines. Dwarves lie a lot.

Tyrion’s One Blessing VS. Doctors Friend

I have been trying to figure out the name of the dwarf team….I hate doctors. Anyway, we drank a lot before the game, the treemen drank a keg of ale, then realized the keg was made out of a relative and drank more ale to cover the pain. We understood and had a few extra ourselves, Splatt said he won the coin toss. We wanted some time to finish the drinks, so we let the dwarves have it. Our chef made some cookies for the dwarves, only a few ate them I think they knew it was a trick. Anyway so we kick the ball, my foot still hurts.

1st Half
There I was standing in the shade minding my own business, when one of the trees tries to throw me. I landed on my head, couldn’t see what happened. Everyone tells me the dwarves scored. I looked up to make sure Lord Tyrion wasn’t upset. He was gone, and the serving wenches didn’t bring me my ale before kick-off. I wonder where my ale is, I would settle for wine, I am parched. So we get the ball, we slammed against the dwarven wall, and brave Rumtooth showed them he wasn’t afraid. He was stupid tho, the dwarf with the red hair is crazy. The halftime whistle came, we are very happy….food is being served. We are down by a touchdown, but only 3 of our guys are out for the next drive. I wish I could sit and enjoy the game.

2nd Half

We get the ball, man is it a long game getting sleepy. Well our luck ran out, the dwarves didn’t like out cookies again and the three guys we sent to give them the cookies, two of them are in the hospital now. But, the trees seem to be sobering up. Heck they got a dwarf leaving on a stretcher. I tried to use this time to stomp on a dwarf, he giggled. The other tree realized if a Halfling has a mug he can drink it if he picks him up, we lost a couple of good men that way. LORD TYRION IS BACK YAY!!!! The serving wenches have returned!!!!! Wait…damn the ball, they scored again. Well at least we get something to drink. They kicked the ball off again…. No one wanted to pick it up. So I did my hide behind the tree thing. It worked!!!!! Next thing I know the game ends and no one died. I hope Lord Tyrion is happy.


We lost 0-2 but we gained an MVP. Noone died and the dwarves only got 15 or so spp off us including the MVP. I could get nothing going the whole game. I have a lot to learn about the little guys. But we did hurt a dwarf.