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Kick-off event: High kick, but landing square occupied or touchback?

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2024 1:09 pm
by jawCross
Couple of niche questions about "High Kick" in Kick-off event table:

What happens if landing square is already occupied?
We have house-ruled that then any player can teleport next to the landing square.

What happens if touchback happens?
We have house-ruled that then no player can teleport.

Re: Kick-off event: High kick, but landing square occupied or touchback?

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2024 2:21 pm
by lunchmoney
If the ball is coming down in an occupied square then no player can be moved to that square - no one moves.

If the ball is out of bounds when High Kick is rolled then the same applies - no player can be moved to the square the ball is going to so no one moves.