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Blocksfam charity initiative '19/'20

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 11:59 am
by Purplegoo
Hi gang,

Once again, I'll be collecting for Blocksfam at the NAFC. The short summary of the initiative is that you donate your surplus Blood Bowl / gaming apparatus and we circulate it around the world to raise money at tournaments that collect for charity. For your kind generosity, you gain entry to an annual prize draw where you can win something cool. Details of the '19 / '20 prize and the '18 / '19 draw for a World Cup pitch will be made available soon.

Come find me over the NAFC weekend to make your donations. I'll make myself obvious! Full spiel below.



While Blood Bowl coaches are perhaps best known for their bloodlust and devious gamesmanship, there’s a kinder side to our community as well. For over the past decade, charitable Blood Bowl tournaments have raised more than $50,000 and £30,000 for a variety of good causes, including several types of medical research/treatment, support for disabled veterans, funding for family shelters, and even veterinary aid. In most cases, these funds are raised through both ticket sales and the raffling of Blood Bowl merchandise.

The NAF is often approached for assistance in these efforts, but we don’t have much in the way of physical prizes to donate. Instead, we are going to act in as facilitators, gathering gifts from donors and then supplying those gifts to tournaments in need of them.

Here’s how it works:

- There are 4 designated tournaments at which you may donate items: The NAF Championship (UK), Chaos Cup (USA), the World Cup (Dornbirn) and Dungeon Bowl (Germany). Just show up to any of these events with a bundle of Blood Bowl stuff (or general-purpose gaming gear that might be of genuine interest to Blood Bowlers). If you can’t make it to any of these tournaments, you could ask someone to donate on your behalf, or otherwise please get in touch to discuss the possibility of other options.

- Hand your loot over to a representative of the NAF, who will give you at least one raffle ticket in return. (If you bring a massive pile of things or items of particular value, you might get more than one.)

- The NAF will distribute these donated items to charity tournaments all over the world.

- Prior to each NAFC, beginning in 2019, we will hold a drawing to select one raffle winner from those coaches that donated. This person will receive some sort of fancy gift (in 2019 it will be a Dornbirn World Cup pitch, which you’ll be able to preview at this year’s NAFC). If you can’t make it to the NAFC, the prize will be shipped to you free of charge.

Easy enough, right? Thanks in advance for helping with this initiative and for encouraging your fellow Blood Bowlers’ philanthropic efforts.

Re: Blocksfam '19/'20

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 1:05 pm
by lunchmoney
Evidence of copy/paste ;)
Purplegoo wrote: - There are 4 designated tournaments at which you may donate items: The NAF Championship (UK), Chaos Cup (USA), Eurobowl (UK this time) and Dungeon Bowl (Germany).
A wonderful initiative and an easy way to support good causes all over the world :)

Re: Blocksfam charity initiative '19/'20

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 2:03 pm
by Purplegoo
Good point, I have amended. That is text from last year as you point out; Jamie may add to the list, I don't know.

Did you make this an announcement? Feels a bit odd being higher up than the actual tournament thread, but thanks. ;)

Re: Blocksfam charity initiative '19/'20

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 2:29 pm
by lunchmoney
Purplegoo wrote: Did you make this an announcement? Feels a bit odd being higher up than the actual tournament thread, but thanks. ;)
Global Announcement, so it's seen everywhere. Sharing the news :)
I'll drop it back down to regular post in a few weeks.

Re: Blocksfam charity initiative '19/'20

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 8:28 pm
by Purplegoo
New news!

Thanks to the genius of Blocksfam supremo Jamie / ForceCommander, your donations this year will be rewarded with this snazzy patch. Please forgive the less than snazzy photography!

Re: Blocksfam charity initiative '19/'20

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 8:06 am
by Maverick
On phone so maybe me but no image ;-)

Re: Blocksfam charity initiative '19/'20

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 8:14 am
by Purplegoo
Via the link?

Re: Blocksfam charity initiative '19/'20

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 7:14 pm
by Maverick
hmm no link appeared on phone -- looks good on desktop :D

Re: Blocksfam charity initiative '19/'20

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 12:29 pm
by Purplegoo
Seems to work on mine, but what I'll do is edit in a proper photo of one in the hands of a smiling Blocksfam supporter after the weekend. Thanks for the feedback!

Re: Blocksfam charity initiative '19/'20

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 2:47 pm
by lunchmoney