Middlesbrough Minor League

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Re: Middlesbrough Minor League

Post by ShriekBob »

Another game between the Green Bay Branchers and The Artless blockers.

The Green Bay Branchers take it 3-2.

The Blockers are clearly at home for this match with nearly twice as many fans in attendance as the Branchers. The Blockers are playing with a few Journeyman, and one of there permanent members is away with Injury for this match. The Branchers are at full strength.

With the start of the first half the Branchers elect to recieve. The Blockers quickly blitz allowing a Bull Centaur to grab the ball in the Branchers half, things go from bad to worse when one of the Branchers Line Elves gets his face stoved in by a Dwarf, KOing him. The Branchers now go, with the free Elves gathering around the ball carrying bull Hemlock speeds down into the elves own half, knocking the bull on the deck to free the ball. Prepping for the play, several of the team move forwards into the Dwarves half. The score does indeed come the next turn with the ball breaking out, a quick pass, a hand-off, and touchdown. The Branchers now kick to the Blockers again, but the team, in bewilderment as to the speed of that play, and how in the hell Fir managed to Injure a Dwarf on the previous play, set up poorly. A little while later and the Blockers once again find there half stacked up with Elves screening off the ball carrying Hobbo. Clearly worried by the advancing horde, he attempts a pass, and maybe in panic flubs it. The ball lands free of a tackle zone, is scooped up, and the score quickly goes to 2-0. The last drive of the first half is a far more interesting play. The Dwarves break through they grab the ball, landing more than a few Elves on there arse on the way. The Bull is 1 turn away from the end zone. The Elves turn comes around, but it is mostly ineffectual due to a 1 to dodge, reroll 1. The bull goes for the finish line, and trips. Larch frees himself up, tries to pick up the ball. The elves, hedging there bets have, as always, left a scoring option open, all it needs is a 3+ pass. 1, reroll 1. The ball is dropped, and the Dwarves pick it up on the next turn. The half ends with the Branchers 2-1 up.

I figure I'll let my opponent correct my first half report, and maybe write the 2nd?

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Re: Middlesbrough Minor League

Post by Scally09 »

Hi all.

It's been a quiet week since bobs last post and I'm not finishing that match report, I can't even remember what happened.

Good news though, all the coaches have met and socialised with each other last night, they've all finalised their teams. The Regular Season starts Friday coming. I've drawn up the match schedule. Every team will play every other team twice, I have 6 coaches (myself included) so that's 10 games each. We have enough pitches and dice so everyone gets a game on a Friday night.
There'll be a mid-season break halfway through, after 5 weeks where we'll have an evening where we don't play and just discuss how things are going and talk about our teams progressions.

After the season, we'll do a Post Season, the top four teams will play off for the trophy (sorry, not a real trophy) and the bottom two teams can play off for a poo award (again sorry, not a real poo!). That will probably be an All-Day-Extravaganza-Event!!! Total time, 12 weeks, start to end.

Hopefully each coach will write at least one match report, I'll certainly write up more than one. So I think I'll leave it there for now.


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Re: Middlesbrough Minor League

Post by ShriekBob »

We're up to week 2.

I believe the results stand as follows: -

Chaos Pact (Darren) 2-0
Chaos Dwarves (Scal) 2-0
Nurgles Rotters (Me) 2-0
Chaos (Bren) 0-2
Orcs (Rachel) 0-2
Humans (Blue) 0-2

I have so far played Blue and Bren, winning both games 1-0. I just bought my 2nd Pestigor. In the first game I got a MA break on a Rotter, in the 2nd game I got a dead rotter. 2nd game also ended in my first Pestigor getting Sure Hands, Rat Bat (One of my Warriors) getting Block, and a Rotter getting Guard.

Current plan is for the Rotters to end up with Guard and Wrestle, the first Pest to be built as a ball handler, the rest to be ball sackers, so Wrestle, Strip Ball etc. I might make one of them a slayer, with Block, MB, Claw, Piling On etc. so that I always have something to do.

I think Bren has some match reports he wants me to post up on Chaos Vs. Chaos Dwarves and Chaos. Vs. Nurgle.

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Re: Middlesbrough Minor League

Post by ShriekBob »

Match report for "The Doomed 11" Chaos Team vs. "The Artless Blockers" Chaos Dwarves as written by Bren: -

http://ce-chaoticevil.blogspot.com/2010 ... ng-10.html

Well, first post of the new year on a new weblog, all about my first M.M.L. (Middlesbrough Minor League) seasonal game of Blood Bowl in many, many years! My newly created Chaos team really lived up to the name "The Doomed 11" because I had nothing but the worst rolls throughout the game. Now don't get me wrong, I didn't except to beat Scal' since he's a more experienced player than myself... But regardless I wasn't prepared for the non-stop fumbling and botching of block rolls that was to come.

However, instead of going over the game myself, I'll let the team's minotaur "Thaug" Thauguan Arg give us his view on the match.

"Thaug think game stunk like Nurgle's nutsack!"


"Need more? Grrr... More then."

"Rain started soon as stunty miserable little dwarves kicked the ball. Wimpy little Hashut kiss-ups! Game hard to see for rain, Thaug get angry and bite head off noisy fan in front.

Thaug feel bit better once screaming stop."

"Doomed warriors try fighting but grotting terrible at it! Don't know right way to shatter dwarf skull, so whole game they just keep doing it wrong! Thaug show them how soon as Thaug offered enough gold crowns to play. Hah!!"

"First half boring... No one die, not enough hitting, no one even score! Thaug thinks Malal be really pissed and angry with this."

"One warrior got right idea, but sent off for stomping dwarf head into mud. Stupid rules!"

"Second half just as bad. Dwarves stopped fighting and kept scoring! Stupid runts! Beastman scored too, just to show 'em! Thaug got bored and fell sleep..."

"Chaos Dwarves win in end. Thaug think game too wimpy for him, team need to kill lots more things before Thaug play."

Yes, well, the bully boy's got it right. The first game really stunk... Just such pitifully bad results on block rolls whenever they cropped up while Scal's were pretty reliably good. My one touchdown pretty much came as a slip-up on Scal's part, either a degree of pity or overconfidence when he realised I had only six players remaning. Truly a miserable outing, hopefully the worst of my season.

Sadly, I suspect the coming friday night will be as bad when I go up against Bob's Nurgle team. While he doesn't have Scal's experience he is a tactical sod and loves control games... So I'm expecting a miserably slow and dull game that ends 1-0 to him. Hopefully I can avoid it, take down some rotters and ruin his plans. Guess we'll see.

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Re: Middlesbrough Minor League

Post by ShriekBob »

Match report for "The Doomed 11" Chaos vs. "Papa Nurgle & The East Street Rotters" Nurgle, by Bren: -

http://ce-chaoticevil.blogspot.com/2010 ... tch-2.html

My second game, and second loss, but much more fun and interesting. We've taken to calling the place Middenburgh, on the untamed borders of the Empire. By a legislative oddity no member of a Blood Bowl team may be confronted by inquisitors, and so Middenburgh is a nest of mad cutlists and chaos-tainted freaks. If the revenue brought in by the league weren't so good, the town would probably take a dim view of things... But gold crowns speak volumes it seems.

Over to "Thaug" Thauguan Arg for a post-match breakdown.

"Thaug much happier with violence in this game."

"Malal's team still lost to stinky Nurglings, but funny moment when beastman headbutted Nurgle daemon made Thaug laugh for long time."

"First half fun! Lots of hitting, smashing and stomping! Thaug approve of stomping lots! Warriors do lots of good fightin', but still let a rotter carry ball to touchdown. Silly, silly warriors."

Second half not so interesting, Thaug nod off... Thaug accidentally fall forward onto halfling couple. Noise of sobbing widow wake Thaug up, Thaug eats evidence and witnesses."

"Game grinds to halt. Violent halt, but still halt. Nurgle daemon still too dizzy to play, but Nurgle warrior slow things down too much. A bit of good clean fightin', but nothing else happens. Thaug go home."

A master wordsmith if ever there was one. Anyway, yes, a much more fun game despite it being my second loss. Breaking through a Nurgle defence is never easy, but chinning the Beast of Nurgle early on and it never recovering certainly made things bearable.

Bob's a good player, and he didn't leave me many openings. I played okay, but come the second half I knew my job was to stop a touchdown rather than to risk one. 2-0 would've been crushing, and if the beast had recovered I'd have likely lost another point... So I tried to tie things up, and with a little help from Bob's fumbling Pestigor I managed that.

Some SSP my way, kill for the team to celebrate and nothing too horrible happened to my guys this time. I can see me coming 4th in the league, hopefully no worse than that, but unless miracles happen I'm not beating the veteran Scal' or Darren, nor the tactician that is Mr. Bob. I just don't have the inclination to read up on the game that much, so I'll get by and so long as I enjoy my games I don't much mind the losses.

Next week I face Rachel. Like me she's lost two games, like me she's beginning to skill-up a player or two and like me she's got a journeyman on the field. Orcs are tough, but hopefully my superior ball-handling (!?) will work out and I can sneak through her defences while weathering the Black Orcs capacity for brutality on the half-way line.

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Re: Middlesbrough Minor League

Post by zedsdead »


I would Just like to say that im really enjoying the league, thanks for the match reports, im afraid I dont think I will do a report though as I cannot remember what happened an hour ago never mind a couple of days.....My Highlight so far (that I DO recall is when My Goblin Finally comes onto the pitch, only to receive a rock in the face, which KO's him, for the rest of the game, and he gets man of the match!!!) :o :D All the games I have had have been played in good spirit, Great stuff!!! :D

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Re: Middlesbrough Minor League

Post by ShriekBob »

I'm thoroughly enjoying it too.

I will do a match report at some point, but I'm aweful at remembering what happens in each match.

So far I'm 2-1-0, with my Draw being against Zedisdead. 1-0, 1-0, 1-1. Nurgle are so far serving me quite well.

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Re: Middlesbrough Minor League

Post by Pipey »

zedsdead wrote:Hi,

I would Just like to say that im really enjoying the league, thanks for the match reports, im afraid I dont think I will do a report though as I cannot remember what happened an hour ago never mind a couple of days.....My Highlight so far (that I DO recall is when My Goblin Finally comes onto the pitch, only to receive a rock in the face, which KO's him, for the rest of the game, and he gets man of the match!!!) :o :D All the games I have had have been played in good spirit, Great stuff!!! :D
Nice one Daz, glad to hear you're enjoying it!

While you're on here go to Tournament Postings Britain and sign up for some more tourneys - Alba Bowl is a good one (me and P-is-for-Porritt will be there) and it's just over the border in Scotland so quite close...

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