B-r-e-t-t-o-n-i-a-n-s, really why not?

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Bretts, really why not?

They don't fit into bloodbowl
They would be too close to a pre-existing team
I hate bretts
They don't fit fluff wise
I wouldn't mind a brett team if it was well designed.
Total votes: 186

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B-r-e-t-t-o-n-i-a-n-s, really why not?

Post by inkpwn »

Yes. Its another brett thread. But what I want to know is really why not? Not a massive free for all like the other threads have been (I know I have been no help their).

Do the bretts just not fit into blood bowl?

Would they be to close to another team (humans for example)?

Do they not fit fluff wise?

Do you just hate bretts?

As long as the team is designed well I wouldn't mind a brett team.

What do you think?[/i]

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Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Post by Wil »

There's already a Brettonian Roster. You can find it under the heading 'Human Team'.
If we really want to pay so much heed to GW fluff, perhaps they should give us more minis to purchase?

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Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Post by Ullis »

I selected the two bottom options. Any team that's well designed is welcome by me.

However, in practice the bretonnian teams always try to work on the concept of knights and peasants. The knights are superblitzers (´cause they're knights and knights are awesome) and the peasants are the equivalent of bad hobgoblins (´cause peasants are stupid and their dental hygiene could use a lot of improvement). That concept just really puts me off. But who knows, maybe living in a constitutional monarchy would help (plasmoid happens to be Danish). :wink:

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Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Post by Darkson »

1, 2 and 4 for me.

And I'm sure we've done this before.... ????

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Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Post by plasmoid »

Letting voters pick 5 options might not be the best idea...
To illustrate:
3 people click: No problem with Bretonnians.
Darkson clicks: 1, 2, 4
It's gonna look like a 50-50 split.


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Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Post by apricotsoup »

I feel we're already over-saturated with similar playing teams and the more warhammery blood bowl becomes, the less blood bowly it feels.

I don't want a copy of every warhammer army out there as a team.

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Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Post by Ulthuan_Express »

You can make a Bretonnian team very easily out of humans just in your choice of name - my Paravon Eagles, for instance, are a Human team from Bretonnia (well duh, being from Paravon!). I don't see the need for them to make yet another Human team*, but if a well-made one came along, I wouldn't be against it.

*There are only too many Elven teams, for instance, because the Pro Elves came to replace the High Elves with a slightly different playstyle, and the fan reaction was against the HElves being removed.

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Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Post by Glowworm »

I selected option 5. they would have to be something special to interest me, however the more the merrier as long as they are thought out and costed correctly

Ullis wrote:The knights are superblitzers (´cause they're knights and knights are awesome) and the peasants are the equivalent of bad hobgoblins (´cause peasants are stupid and their dental hygiene could use a lot of improvement). That concept just really puts me off.
So you see the team as playing out pretty much like Vampires ? with the knights as Vamps with no bloodlust (so slightly better) and the Peasants as Thralls (slightly worse) or are we going down the Errant / men at arms / positionals route (yet again)

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Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Post by Ulthuan_Express »

glowworm wrote:
Ullis wrote:The knights are superblitzers (´cause they're knights and knights are awesome) and the peasants are the equivalent of bad hobgoblins (´cause peasants are stupid and their dental hygiene could use a lot of improvement). That concept just really puts me off.
So you see the team as playing out pretty much like Vampires ? with the knights as Vamps with no bloodlust (so slightly better) and the Peasants as Thralls (slightly worse) or are we going down the Errant / men at arms / positionals route (yet again)
They only need a skill name and description tweak to be Vamps, as I suggested in one of the many promotional/whining threads:
Ulthuan_Express wrote:It's obvious, just use the Vampire team. No? Hear me out.

With the Knights of varying types as Vampires themselves and associated Yeoman/Squires/etc as Thralls.

Hypnotic Gaze becomes Heroic Gauntlet, with the Knight's chivalrous challenge causing the opponent to quite forget himself. Bloodlust becomes You Miserable Peasant, with the oh-so-noble ones enforcing an on-field punishment for some perceived misbehaviour with a good back-hander, or taking their aggression out on a member of the great unwashed sitting in the crowd.

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Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Post by Thadrin »

Wil wrote:There's already a Brettonian Roster. You can find it under the heading 'Human Team'.
What he said.
House rule it if you must.

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Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Post by Long_Bomb »

I agree, a Brettonian team based on the human roster would be fine. I even have about half a team converted from when the first rules came out.

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Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Post by Warpstone »

Arthurinkpen, you're probably not aware of how much hostility there is towards a Bret team. I don't know why it exists, but it's there, so be prepared for a lot of strawman arguments to tell you why they don't deserve a team. The arguments fired against a Bretonnian roster could also be used against our other 24 rosters as a non-starter as well. Most of these arguments just boil down to "I just really hate flouncy Brettonians," not game design.

Just like Norse, Amazons, Chaos Pact Maruaders and Vampiric Thralls, there really is nothing compelling Bretonnians to play like the human team (or any other team for that matter). Also, like every other team in LRB6, they don't have to look identical to their Warhammer army either. There is enough fluff about Bretonnia for an interesting BB team.

I'd suggest you try out Plasmoid's Bret roster. It's been well-tested by some of the same people who helped playtest LRB6 on MBBL. It's well-balanced and very different to the vanilla Human team. If you like it, house-rule it into your league.

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Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Post by burgun824 »

You don't frighten us, Betonnian Pig Dogs. Go and boil your bottoms, Sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you so called Arthur King, you and all your silly Bretonnian kiniggets.

<<burgun824 raspberries at Bretonnians while performing taunting hand gestures>>

I don't want to talk to you anymore you empty, animal headed, food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of eldeberries.

Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.

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Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Post by inkpwn »

Thanks warpstone, I knew about peoples attitude towards the team and I agree. Things like this constant antogniser seems to be every where:

burgun824 wrote:You don't frighten us, Betonnian Pig Dogs. Go and boil your bottoms, Sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you so called Arthur King, you and all your silly Bretonnian kiniggets.

<<burgun824 raspberries at Bretonnians while performing taunting hand gestures>>

I don't want to talk to you anymore you empty, animal headed, food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of eldeberries.

Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.

Never let it be said that burgun824 isn't predictable. As an Arthur (though not king) I shall take my coconuts elsewhere. But I shall return you John cleesey frenchman!

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Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Post by Joemanji »

There is no Empire team. There is a Human team. Most of the new teams (over the original 3rd ed. 12) were added on Jervis's whim, so I don't feel the need to justify their existence. When the calls for a Brettonian roster started years ago, their roots were always built around units in the Warhammer army. Questing Knights etc. This at a time when BB was moving away from the WFB 'Lion Warrior' fluff. I find player types based on units in WFB break the fluff and lack imagination. The Human team does not have Flagellants or Pistoliers for example. It is ridiculous to expect soldiers to walk off the battlefield and start playing BB! BB players are professional sportsmen, totally detached from life as a solider (to me).* Now Plasmoid has, over many years, come around to this view somewhat and toned down the player names in his roster. The roster is fine, IMO it's just a bit dull and I've never been tempted to try it (despite playing in a league run by Plasmoid where it is legal). Normal 'mortal' players who get MA8 in combination with ST3 & AV8 still grates though.

*I imagine cults such as Witch Elves/Wardancers/Troll Slayers have a societal role other than simply providing troops.

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