The Best Feeling in Bloodbowl

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Re: The Best Feeling in Bloodbowl

Post by frogboy »

rolo wrote:Looking at pictures of frogboy pooping.
Knowing people enjoy this type of thing, maybe I should start charging :orc:

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Re: The Best Feeling in Bloodbowl

Post by Heff »

The only good feeling in bloodbowl is when it is over.
I only have two emotions in bloodbowl
Fear when I am about to make a roll
relief when it succeeds.

Oh and frustrated rage. I have a lot of frustrated rage!

Outside bloodbowl I am pretty placid.

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Re: The Best Feeling in Bloodbowl

Post by Kaiowas »

think the best feeling is when I figure out a way around a difficult problem in BB so that it doesnt require me to roll all sixes

I suppose it feels even better if it succeeds but i still get a kick out of being creative enough when ive boxed myself in to a corner

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Re: The Best Feeling in Bloodbowl

Post by lunchmoney »

Making that final 6+ roll to score and tie the game. :lol:

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Re: The Best Feeling in Bloodbowl

Post by nonumber »

I don't know about best feeling but there have been several nice moments.

I won a couple of awards at the NAF Championship, most CAS one year most TD another, that was nice.

Recently, it's been when my defence works out. Simple, but satisfying.

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Re: The Best Feeling in Bloodbowl

Post by Regash »

That turn 16 desperate long bomb from one orc lineman to another...

Rolling for the pass... 1... Use the last reroll... 6!
Rolling for the catch... 6!
TOUCHDOWN! for a 2:1 win over High Elves! :orc:

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Re: The Best Feeling in Bloodbowl

Post by frogboy »

I played a guy from Essex last year at Dungeon Bowl, he was winning by 1 touchdown. In my last turn I passed the ball with a dwarf to a dwarf runner stood in a tackle zone who caught the ball dodged out and I think went for it over the line to draw. That felt like a victory although my poor opponent could probably describe this same event in the other thread for the worst feeling in Blood Bowl, such a cruel game :lol:

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I'm a British Freebooter, will play for any team including Undead (I have my own Apothecary). Good rates.
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Re: The Best Feeling in Bloodbowl

Post by Digger Goreman »

The Professor's turn 16, tie game against my Necros, Nuffle on vacation, ball knocked loose into one tackle zone, all my players tagged/screened except two zombies, one four squares from the end zone, the other six squares from the ball....

GFI... GFI... Picks up the ball in a tackle zone, No interception, Launches a successful long pass, Ball caught, Zombie shambles in for the win and the only zed TD ever in my coaching career.... :orc:

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Re: The Best Feeling in Bloodbowl

Post by Glowworm »


..... Every year!

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Re: The Best Feeling in Bloodbowl

Post by nightwing »

Making a stupid error and getting away with it- like forgetting an opponent had Pass Block and Catch, but failing the intercept, or forgetting someone has Guard, meaning a 2 Die uphill, but getting 2 Pows on the ball carrier anyway.

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Re: The Best Feeling in Bloodbowl

Post by Itchen Masack »

Rolling Quad 1's as your first move of a match. From there you can relax, cause you know it's not going to be your night :)

(Vamp Blood Lust followed by Dodge)

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Re: The Best Feeling in Bloodbowl

Post by SunDevil »

My best Blood Bowl feeling ever was flying to England (I had never been out of the US and I am terrified of flying over the ocean) and being welcomed/hosted/driven/shown around by the best mates a yank like me could ever hope for - glowworm, nazgob, lunchmoney, heff and EVERYONE was so welcoming and just all around top shelf. I flew halfway around the world and trusted my safety in people I only knew through my podcast and they did not disappoint! It was easily one of the best experiences of my life.

I have GOT to return one of these years...

Side Note - The customs agent at the airport, while inspecting my passport and hearing me tell him I knew exactly NO ONE in all of England, told me, "Good luck" and waved me through. :)

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Re: The Best Feeling in Bloodbowl

Post by sann0638 »

nonumber wrote: Recently, it's been when my defence works out. Simple, but satisfying.
This is a good point - it's an ongoing good feeling when you know you're up on defence. Shame it's not a nice feeling for the opponent!

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Re: The Best Feeling in Bloodbowl

Post by voyagers_uk »

Starting a tabletop league, convincing MTG players to give it a try and still having it going strong 3 seasons later with 12% of our players being ladies. Also having my 10year old be the number one seed gong into our playoffs.

So proud

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Re: The Best Feeling in Bloodbowl

Post by oozeboss »

It lasted for an entire game (and then some).

I was playing in a tournament using Halflings (with no trees), and it was announced that I had drawn a Human team for around Round 4 (of 8 ). My imminent opponent, a kid young enough to be my grandson, immediately bellowed at the top of his voice, "Halflings! I've never lost to Halflings!", and (seriously) laughed out very loud & very long.

The Halflings won 4-0 (and won the Casualty count as well, without any fouling).

But wait - it actually gets even better.

Midway through the 2nd half, his Mighty Zug spies a lonely 'fling miles away from the ball or anything even remotely resembling an assist, and blitzes him. Punk kid rolls Triple Skulls. Zug dies.

After the game, a bloke playing in an adjacent game and sitting right next to the kid turns to him immediately after we finish and says, "Well, look on the bright side - you still haven't 'lost' to Halflings. But you have now been slaughtered by them."

(My Munchiestar United - "the Fed Devils" - went 3-1-4 that weekend, losing only 1 game by more than 1 - and that loss was only by 2. But the memory of that game against Humies still brings a smile to my dial even a decade plus later.)

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