GW asking for feedback re: NAF tournament rules

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Re: GW asking for feedback re: NAF tournament rules

Post by Loki »

Has anyone mentioned that this mirrors real sport?
Whether accident or design the fact that one race is not expected to win is exactly the situation in many sports (ironically not American Football with its 'Any given Sunday' ethos) but for example no one expects Chelsea, Spurs or Man City to routinely lose to Hull, Middlesbrough and Sunderland (no offence intended to anyone just Top and Bottom 3 of English Premier League as it stands!).

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Re: GW asking for feedback re: NAF tournament rules

Post by frogboy »

Id be happy to write an artical in White Dwarf but they'd have to pay me lots of gold bribes ;)

I wrote the Foul Bowl rules persifically to give lesser teams a chance of wining the main prize. You might argue that teams with Higher AV have a better chance of winning but their players are not also the cheapest, hey i couldnt afford a wizard so made up my own maths.

Yeah so like i was saying, Foul Bowl encourages people to foul in order to win the lions share of prizes. You dont have to be the best player in order to do this although getting in a favarable position to stick the boot in is sometimes more of a challenge than them number crunching panzies on the interwebs will give you credit for.

So at Foul Bowl you can bring what you like, theres loads of different prizes to suit anyone playing in any style. Most Touchdown award, most Casualtys, Stunty Cup etc etc.

The rules are still developing going into the second year but holefully it brings something a little different.

If Gee Dub really want to know what its like then they should send out some of their Games development gits to different events to experience the carange first hand. There more than welcome at Foul Bowl...


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Re: GW asking for feedback re: NAF tournament rules

Post by Hobnail »

frogboy wrote:Id be happy to write an artical in White Dwarf but they'd have to pay me lots of gold bribes ;)

I wrote the Foul Bowl rules persifically to give lesser teams a chance of wining the main prize. You might argue that teams with Higher AV have a better chance of winning but their players are not also the cheapest, hey i couldnt afford a wizard so made up my own maths.

Yeah so like i was saying, Foul Bowl encourages people to foul in order to win the lions share of prizes. You dont have to be the best player in order to do this although getting in a favarable position to stick the boot in is sometimes more of a challenge than them number crunching panzies on the interwebs will give you credit for.

So at Foul Bowl you can bring what you like, theres loads of different prizes to suit anyone playing in any style. Most Touchdown award, most Casualtys, Stunty Cup etc etc.

The rules are still developing going into the second year but holefully it brings something a little different.

If Gee Dub really want to know what its like then they should send out some of their Games development gits to different events to experience the carange first hand. There more than welcome at Foul Bowl...

Can you please spell check this mate? Before El Presidente sees it and the vein on his head goes pop!

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Re: GW asking for feedback re: NAF tournament rules

Post by sann0638 »

Too late :)

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Re: GW asking for feedback re: NAF tournament rules

Post by frogboy »

Spellin gud iz not one of me bess point :orc:

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Re: GW asking for feedback re: NAF tournament rules

Post by Glamdryn »

"Persifically" is now my most favorite word evers!

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Re: GW asking for feedback re: NAF tournament rules

Post by plasmoid »

Hi all,
this probably isn't exactly the right place for this. I was looking for a facebook thread, actually, but haven't found it yet.
I hope you will bear with me all the same.

GWs recent willingness to make tweaks to rosters - most notably tiny buffs to the tier 3 rosters - and some ensuing discussion about what might make tier 3 teams "too good", has prompted me to post the following bit about my experience with tweaking tier 3 teams.

I used to run a rather large TT league for 10 years, where my co-commish and I messed with a lot of things.
Later on I continued some of the same ideas with the NTBB house rules.
I can't prove that any ideas would work. I'm just saying that I and others have actually tried them. Quite a bit. And things are going well. IMO.

So: My NTBB rules tweak just under half the rosters, including Gobbos, Halflings and Ogres.
The ambition is not take make them as good as the tier 1 teams. And to the best of my knowledge, that hasn't happened.
I've gives some notable buffs to each tier 3 roster - on top on some further stunty-friendly general rules, and they still aren't equal to the other teams.

1. Potential changes
a) One of the simplest ways to buff a team is to create some overly powerful coaching staff. Personally, I think that it is a sloppy fix, that isn't particularly enjoyable for either coach. I've played halflings some - and it felt really bad that so much was riding on the Master Chef roll, with nothing either coach could do about it. I wish Master Chef was 2d6 and worked for each 2+ - but that is beside the point. I hope GW doesn't add more sideline solutions like that.

b) I'd love to see a new modifer to the TTM landing rol: +1 when not carrying the ball.
One of the unique things about playing stunties is the stuff you can do with TTM. I don't want to make it overly easy to do an OTT with TTM - but I do want to encourage all of the other clever stuff you can do with TTM.

c) Speaking of TTM. In my old league, we allowed TTM Hand-off actions, just like TTM passing actions. Possibilities were endless. And fun. It would be simple enough to amend the TTM skill description to allow that.

2. Relevant general rules we're using
a) We've buffed fouling and nerfed PiOn. BB2016 did the same thing (differently).

b) We allow Right Stuff players (gobbos, halflings, snotlings) to ignore Tackle when blocked.
The rule was controversial when instated. Forum commenters were worried that Right Stuff Blodgers would become impossible to manage. It didn't turn out to be a problem. It lets the tier 3 teams keep up with the arms race that occurs when opposing players get to their 2nd and 3rd skill, and start getting really deadly.

c) Sneaky Git has been rewritten, to allow a KO-recovery style 4+ roll to recover frem being sent off. (For the record, the Grotty Little Newspaper has published an in-depth analysis of just how useless the original SG is. Worth a read). This is another buff to fouling. But it is also a buff for Gobbos, who can easily have everyone and their dog sent off by half time. Before anyone cries "Deathroller = Broken", we have a world class coach who played dwarfs and got doubles on his roller. He still preferred something else over SG for it.

3. The roster tweaks
NTBB trolls for gobbos are lonerless. And get Thick Skull and Foul Appearance for free(!)
For the purpose of this discussion, forget about TS and FA. Lonerless trolls does not break the roster. It is not 'too much'. I mean, we've added quite a few other bonuses, and it still isn't too much.
Makes sense too. The trolls aren't loners - because there are 2 of them. Like Halfling team treemen and Ogre team ogres.

We let the team have 0-4 halfling catchers with AG4 for 50K.
This is a nod to 2nd ed., where halfling catchers were the most agile players in the entire game - though admittedly that didn't translate to better passing and catching - just dodging.
I find that this does not push the team into a different tier, even if it is very useful.
I do think that this can make them a bit TTM-centric (in uninspired hands), and perhaps a different statline would be a better choice. But they're still a challenge.

We've changed snotlings from 5135 to 6136. And they're still terrible.
In addition, we've reduced ReRoll price to 60K and Ogre price to 130K - which cuts about 10(0) TV off a developed team - which means that they don't feel quite as terrible for their TV.
Even so, the team remains the weaker of the 3, so I'm very happy with both changes.

Cheers all,

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