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Still singing the blues... but made a good showing.... My one game, no upgrade, added zombie Undead Reckoning was the only team with enough BALLS to go against the league leading Chaos team....

So here we come in as the 270,000 underdog....

Incentives: Hack-n-Slash + Bribe + Blood Babe

I get the kickoff, but his 3 out of 4 Block embellished CWs make a formidable force, and though I play him tough, it's not enough.... Hack stuns a Warrior and it gives me a little push, but two gfi's by a beastman knocks my ghoul outta bounds and the half ends 0-0... with Hack getting injured....

My one ko comes out w/o need of the blood babe and I kick to him....

His one drive of the half yields benefits as he manages to stun both my wights and the three ghouls can't contain by themselves.... I'm down 0-1 and receiving.... Though my rolls aren't tremendously bad, the double skulls come up often enough, and lack of block, kills all my rerolls for the half.... Nevertheless, I amazingly gather up the ball and make containment on his troops, either tying them up or knocking them down.... He makes more multiple gfi's and I have ONE chance of putting the ball in with a hand-off and two gfi's myself....

The mummy blocks off a pathway and it's down to three dice rolls... or I should say one, as the ghoul drops the ball and the turn/game ends.... :cry:

I suppose there's a "moral" victory in only losing by one TD as such an underdog, but it doesn't feel like it.... :lol:

Pitiful game... NO casualties/tds/completions... MVP goes to a wight with no other points and the kitty only increases by 20k... though finally enough to get my fourth ghoul.... Only cas on his side was against Hack n Slash, so no skin off my bones (literally)....

Again we're beat, but healthy... guess that'll have to do....

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Met the brand-new player/coach/gamer today and we sat down to an awesome game.... In spite of warning me that he didn't understand everything, he played a solid game (he'd only played, like, two games before) and made only one, minor, inconsequential mistake....

His humans vs my Graveside Manor (necros).... He was a slight overdog (40k) with one guard blitzer (never could get to him or make the catchers pay)....

I took the kickoff and the rolls were decent... routinely stunning most of his blitzers.... Through some fearless 1 die blocks he did maneuver a single tackle zone on my wight ball carrier... but a counter, 1 die blitz-off was successful and I scored first!

His reply was to complete a short-pass while starting to dismantle my team (2 zeds bh & mng) and his catcher scooted through my fallen/ing team.... 1-1....

I had to perform gfi's and a perfect hand-off to put a were in position for a 2-turner.... He blitzed 2 dice and only got a push... reroll... push on my doggy.... 1 die, doggy-blitz... 2 pushes... and a dodge(!) put me in the open and in the endzone... 2-1 at the half!!!!

Meanwhile, a wolf and another zed are KO'd and my team is slim... his at full... and receiving....

On the plus side, he kept Nuffling the ball with his thrower and I got a wight tacklezone on the ball and thrower.... He can't get me off... then I made my one BIG mistake.... Should've immediately blitzed the thrower and gone for the ball, but I try something else and have to take a double-down on a player w/o block.... Had I started with the wight, it might've been 3-1/2-1....

By now he's put three players in the hospital (all non-regens): BH Were; BH Zombie and MNG Zombie and a zed and were in KO.... He threads a perfect pass and catch 6+6 and camps near the endzone.... I could've pressured him in and took another chance at a two-turner... but Nuffle clinched on me and the skulls keptta comin'.... He puts it in on his turn 8 for the tie....

This kid definitely has potential!!!!

No perm injuries and I finally got enough to buy my first Ghoul... so "Bone Hellsting" replaces the missing "Plague" for a game and the TV stays down.... Still no improvements in two games, but the SPPs are spread around 7/11 of the team and we should take off soon....

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This weekend saw odd games that, for a folly, would've gone twice my way....

Dead Reckoning (Undead) scrapped heavily with the Predators (Human) and it came down to the second half (scoreless) when Nuffle scotched the dice on three consecutive ghoul dodging turn enders: 1-2, 1-2, 1-2 (it was like a clumsy texas two-step!)....

So it's a scoreless game and the turn 8 ender is mine: ghoul dodges into one tackle zone!; picks up the ball in one tackle zone!!; dodges into a tackle zone!!!; fails a dodge into open field, but rerolls!!!! Clear to the endzone, but agonizing and the need to reroll caught me moving my piece on the field when time ran out.... :o :pissed:

Yep, kiddies, the turn was over and the score: 0-0 :blue: *BIG SIGH*


Today saw the Graveside Manor vs an-as-yet-un-named Human team.... While I couldn't injury him for a bribe, I broke armor routinely and rolled at least 6 eights and nines to put him heavily into the KO box.... The ball pinged around and even got thrown in by the crowd (The Wizard of Aahz is the best coach I know), but my Wight recovered and the numbers blasted through his half a team for the score.... 1-0 at the half....

My opponent proceeded to throw 11 out of 12 1-2-3s to get only 1 lineman outta the KO.... :o Languishing in the box were both catchers... one with 4ag....

Even a Necro team can grind down 6-7 players in a half and I turned him over and scored on turn 7....

I fired the MNG zombie (injured previous game) and another who had no spp... and hired my second ghoul....

My crazy team has the following spp scheme: 5,5,2,0,3,5,6,2,2,3,0 with the new Ghoul and one Were have zip! spp....

My Wight took Guard....

1 win, 1 tie, and 1 loss... not the worst record....

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"1 in 36, my Nuffled arse!"
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A Really Strong and Virulent Strain of Botulism!!!!

Post by Digger Goreman »

Played the Predators (Brad's Humans) with the Manor a 200k+ underdog.... Had the devil's time in deciding, but settled on extra training and an Igor (turns out I could've/should've made it 2 babes/rerolls).... I was 2 FF ahead, but lost the dice off... so Brad gets +1 FAME....

Kick goes to me and I did my best to work it against (not discovered till half-way through) Brad's 12 man team (LOL!).... Brad did discover and we randomized between the two linemen he OBVIOUSLY would've benched.... Didn't change anything really... and my ghoul, "Jumpin' Jack Flash", had to pull off a dice-fest to pick up, dodge and run it in on turn 8!!!!

Second half and Brad skillfully took the ball from the middle of the field and broke out deep with a catcher.... One Were jumped in front and the second dodged and blitzed him down with the ball landing one square away.... I dodged and maneuvered good support, and Scary Hairy (werewolf) picked up the ball.... Got waaaaaaay down the field and would've scored, but Brad (again skillfully) sets up a 2d block and knocks Hairy down next to the sideline....

Ball goes outta bounds... but then the fans actually throw it in short and a bit closer to Brad's endzone.... I had a Wight next to, and in-between, Brad's blitzer and the ball.... Brad's turn 8, with no re-rolls, and he has a choice either to take the 1d block, or do nothing and make me roll a dodge in addition to the pickup.... He skulled and went down.... My Wight (having a reroll available) picked up the ball and scored on my turn 8 again!!!!

2-0, Manor over Predators.... Hank Haunt (Wight) skills up with Guard and Botulism (Zombie) gets PLUS 1 STRENGTH!!!!

Edit: Heh, maybe I should put a third "Golem" on the field to represent him.... :wink:

Edit: Brad is the coach with the Stand Firm Catcher who's such a pain.... So, for his Block/Guard Blitzer--- he skills up with GRAB over any other regular choice.... We'll see how that works in the near future....

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Catching up with a couple more Graveside Manor games:

All the other coaches either have very restrictive times or have temporarily dropped out... so it's a continued diet of humies....

Another game against the Predators who are famous for rainy day games... and this one is no different.... The Manor is a 100k underdog and takes the reroll... needed but never successfully used as the necros fiddle-farted with the ball almost all the game... at one time failing four turns of double dribbles and one just oh $h!t turn of not getting the ball.... One necro ghoul goes out early with a niggle and the other finally manages to get half a grip on the ball and in the failing moments of the first half lobs an end over end, wobbly pass that has inaccurate written all over it.... And then, in the first time in all the years I've played BB... the ball scattered back into the receiver's square... and the son of a wight CAUGHT IT!, and glided into the end zone!!!! Holy stake in the heart!!!!

Nevertheless, the dead-uns are gettin' roughed up in the early going of the second half and the humies tie it 1-1....

Again, I can't pick up the ball and the multi-blocking Ogre clears the middle to send humans deep... finally knocking out the ball carrier and converging for a hopeful score in the downpour.... Then the opposition makes a mistake and Nuffle turns his baleful gaze upon the humans.... Having blitzed out the Manor's ball carrier, using BOTH throwers to set up and blitz/block, the Predators coach choked on his mistake... thinking he could also pass with the blitzing player...! Not having thrown dice for picking up the ball, I let him back up the last point of movement.... It now came down to a final lineman.... He dodges successfully... manages the pickup... throws an accurate pass... and the catcher can't convert for beans! The crowd disgustedly tosses the ball back onto the field at the Ogre's feet and the game ends in a tie....

Two teams battle it out... and the rain wins....

The Wizard of Aahz, my old mentor, brings forth his human team whom only the Manor has beaten in the past.... We both have to field one journeyman each and we set them up opposite each other.... My journeyman zombie proceeds to MNG both the opposing j-man AND another lineman in the first three turns of the game.... My Mighty Blow FG also whacks a humie good!!!! Nevertheless, the going stays tough and it's tied, 1-1 at the half....

Eleven Manor players to Aahz's six and he starts pulling off extraordinary dice rolls that maximize his dodges and blocks... but he can't put out any of the undead.... Finally, after having to recover the ball twice more from wildly blitzing humans, I had to pull off a no-reroll 2d with a rookie FG... SUCCESS! and the Necros scamper in for a last second, winning TD!

The MVP... you guessed it! The Journey-Zombie!!!! When asked what name to put on his new contract, he spat out blood and said: "Ebola".... So the Manor will be at full strength, plus a zombie, for the inevitable meeting with the leagues Dark Elf coach.... The current roster:

Graveside Manor
3 wins 2 ties 1 loss
10k banked
3 rerolls
7 FF

Zombie "Famine" 4328 Regen 5spp
Zombie "Pestilence" 4328 Regen 5spp
Zombie "Ebola" 4328 Regen, Block 9spp
Zombie "Botulism" 4428 Regen, (+1St) 7spp
Ghoul "Jumpin' Jack Flash" 7337 Dodge (Niggle) 3spp
Ghoul "Bone Hellsting" 7337 Dodge 3spp
Wight "Hank Haunt" 6338 Block, Regen, Guard 11spp
Wight "Tommy Terror" 6338 Block, Regen, Guard 9spp
Golem "Frankie III" 4429 Regen, Stand Firm, Thick Skull 2spp
Golem "Stiener II" 4429 Regen, Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Mighty Blow 9spp
Werewolf "Scary Hairy" 8338 Claws, Frenzy, Regen 3spp
Werewolf "Mr. Fangtastic" 8338 Claws, Frenzy, Regen 3spp

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That looks like a great team waiting to happen - so many players just an MVP or less from skilling up. For team development it's good you haven't done everything with the wolves and have spread the SPP around instead, I don't think I could ever be disciplined like that.

Looking forward to the next update.

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Well we'll see if it is discipline or circumstance... for here comes the seemingly perfect Dark Elf coach, Friday, with his patented winning team.... I need strategy/tactics advice on how to handle them....

To recap:

Graveside Manor Necromancer 1,330,000
3 wins 2 ties 1 loss
10k banked
3 rerolls
7 FF

Zombie "Famine" 4328 Regen 5spp
Zombie "Pestilence" 4328 Regen 5spp
Zombie "Ebola" 4328 Regen, Block 9spp
Zombie "Botulism" 4428 Regen, (+1St) 7spp
Ghoul "Jumpin' Jack Flash" 7337 Dodge (Niggle) 3spp
Ghoul "Bone Hellsting" 7337 Dodge 3spp
Wight "Hank Haunt" 6338 Block, Regen, Guard 11spp
Wight "Tommy Terror" 6338 Block, Regen, Guard 9spp
Golem "Frankie III" 4429 Regen, Stand Firm, Thick Skull 2spp
Golem "Stiener II" 4429 Regen, Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Mighty Blow 9spp
Werewolf "Scary Hairy" 8338 Claws, Frenzy, Regen 3spp
Werewolf "Mr. Fangtastic" 8338 Claws, Frenzy, Regen 3spp


(Some Strange Name I Can't Pronounce) Dark Elf 1,110,000
2 wins 0 losses 0 ties
1 RR
9 Fan Factor

Runner 7347 Surehands, Dumpoff
Runner 7347 Dumpoff
Blitzer 7348 Block
WE 7347 Frenzy, Dodge, Jump Up, Block
Lineelf 6248 LONER
Lineelf 6348
Lineelf 6348
Lineelf 6348
Lineelf 6348
Lineelf 6348
Assassin 6347 Shadow, Stab

I'm hoping this is as easy as it looks and knowing it's not... the guy won his last league without a loss iirc, so he knows what he's doing.... The Wizard of Aahz says the guy's mean for touchdowns is 5 a game! His tactics center around the dodge to get 2d blocks and liberal use of Dump Off to maintain the ball....

OK, experts, how do I handle this moldy, cheesy, Elven terror...? Btw: I'll be giving up 220-290k, depending on whether or not he takes the J-Man or goes to the Stars... what should I expect...?

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I'm no expert, but one re-roll, four players with AV7, only 4 with MV7, 2 with block... If possible defend first, use one of Matt G.Slatter's prohibitive defensive set ups, make your opponent burn that reroll early, get the AV7 players off the pitch, gang up on the blitzer, crowd surf his players (frenzy and guard in the wide zones), and watch his crappy linemen try to do stuff against you in the second half.

I suppose his inducements might affect some of the above - but as I said, I'm no expert, so have no idea what he'll take.

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Ugh, the sneaky git got in a game against the current commish and, while the inducements are reduced, the son-of-an-evil-elf rolled a 10 for his runner... plus some other stuff.... :-?

At least it wasn't an 11.... :P

Graveside Manor Necromancer 1,330,000
3 wins 2 ties 1 loss
10k banked
3 rerolls
7 FF

Zombie "Famine" 4328 Regen 5spp
Zombie "Pestilence" 4328 Regen 5spp
Zombie "Ebola" 4328 Regen, Block 9spp
Zombie "Botulism" 4428 Regen, (+1St) 7spp
Ghoul "Jumpin' Jack Flash" 7337 Dodge (Niggle) 3spp
Ghoul "Bone Hellsting" 7337 Dodge 3spp
Wight "Hank Haunt" 6338 Block, Regen, Guard 11spp
Wight "Tommy Terror" 6338 Block, Regen, Guard 9spp
Golem "Frankie III" 4429 Regen, Stand Firm, Thick Skull 2spp
Golem "Stiener II" 4429 Regen, Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Mighty Blow 9spp
Werewolf "Scary Hairy" 8338 Claws, Frenzy, Regen 3spp
Werewolf "Mr. Fangtastic" 8338 Claws, Frenzy, Regen 3spp


Hag Graef's Heartless Dark Elf 1,180,000
3 wins 0 losses 0 ties
1 RR
9 Fan Factor

Runner 8347 Surehands, Dumpoff
Runner 7347 Dumpoff, Dodge
Blitzer 7348 Block, Tackle
WE 7347 Frenzy, Dodge, Jump Up, Block
Lineelf 6248
Lineelf 6348
Lineelf 6348
Lineelf 6348
Lineelf 6348
Lineelf 6348
Assassin 6347 Shadow, Stab

Edit to reflect that the DElf coach didn't play a newbie team as first reported to me... he played the toughest/highest TV team in our league and won 3-0 :o

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HOLY WOW!, if there were a Nuffle Award for best effort in a losing game... I think I just won it!!!!

Delfman takes a reroll and a dirty trick, +2 FAME AND the kickoff... the dirty trick probably winning him the game.... I managed to scrum 'im good, "killing" his assassin with a zombie (apothed to BH) and setting up an "easy" TD with my Werewolf... when a trap door opened below him.... :pissed:

Still, I had held a troublesome team to 0-0 at the half and I'm receiving....

BUT!, he managed to injure two of mine... thank Nuffle's blindness that a Were scheduled for -1ST became my first in the last 7 tries to actually regenerate.... :o 8) My other was a ghoul that BH'd....

Unfortunately I had three in the KO and only my other Were came out....

Down 11 to 7 in manpower, it became a bizarre effort to get the ball anywhere.... The DElfs took advantage of numbers and Nuffle's will to have me miss a gfi to turn the ball over, for the win, in turn 7 of the last half.... :blue:

I did my damnedest and had the dice been a little more kind, or the card a little less sure, it would've been MY game....

The DElf coach was miffed, but gracious... he told me, at the end of the game, that he had played at least 1500 games of BB and that this one had been the most difficult.... :)

My zombie, Famine, rolled 3+3 and took Guard (YEA!!!! :D )
MVP went to Stiener, again.... FG needs one cool cas to skill up....

Nuffle would whiz in me wheaties once more, giving me only 10k for winnings....

Eh, could've been worse... we are now 3 wins 2 ties and 2 losses....

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The Manor gave up 140k to Rob's Humies and he took Puggy Baconbreath.... The little bugger would become the first casualty for the Necros....

All I clearly remember were the frustrating rolls and Mr. Fangtastic blitzing down the ball carrier.... After more missed rolls and mayhem the half ended, 1-0 for the Manor....

I managed enough hits, I guess, as we were up a few coming into the second half.... By the end of the game, the Harmanz would suffer 3 casualties (2 from Hank Haunt the Wight) and one from Mr. Fangtastic; and give up 3 TDs: one to Ghoul Bone Hellsting and two to Scary Hairy the Werewolf. Mr.Fangtastic surfed an opponent and got surfed in turn... of course the opponent escaped unharmed... Mr. F got a niggling (mng) :pissed:

Bone Hellsting gained Sure Hands and Hairy gained Mighty Blow from a double 4!!!!

Graveside Manor Necromancer 1,300,000
4 wins 2 ties 2 loss
90k banked
3 rerolls
8 FF

Zombie "Famine" 4328 Regen 5spp
Zombie "Pestilence" 4328 Regen 5spp
Zombie "Ebola" 4328 Regen, Block 9spp
Zombie "Botulism" 4428 Regen, (+1St) 7spp
Ghoul "Jumpin' Jack Flash" 7337 Dodge (Niggle) 3spp
Ghoul "Bone Hellsting" 7337 Dodge, Sure Hands 6spp
Wight "Hank Haunt" 6338 Block, Regen, Guard 15spp
Wight "Tommy Terror" 6338 Block, Regen, Guard 9spp
Golem "Frankie III" 4429 Regen, Stand Firm, Thick Skull 2spp
Golem "Stiener II" 4429 Regen, Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Mighty Blow 14spp
Werewolf "Scary Hairy" 8338 Claws, Frenzy, Regen, Mighty Blow 14spp
Werewolf "Mr. Fangtastic" 8338 Claws, Frenzy, Regen (niggle) mng 5spp

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Well, we're doing the happy dance today as only ONE TIME did nuffle double skull me and that was offset by TWO rolls of 6 for a pair of interceptions vs. The Wizard of Aahz's "Humidores", a team that I have inexplicably RULED this season...!

Amazingly, the Manor played a near flawless and luck-enhanced game, making two TDs in the first half and one casualty by the MightyBlowClaws Scary Hairy....

Strong knockouts in the first and second half would give the Humidores a man-up advantage, leading to a TD. The new Humi Thrower would prove the team's undoing... throwing straight to Ebola (zombie) in the first half and Scary Hairy in the second.... Final score: 2-1 for the Manor!

40k in winnings; +1FF; Jumpin' Jack Flash (2+2) Pass; Scary Hairy (2+4) Catch

Compl: Bone Hellsting
Int: Ebola & Scary Hairy
Cas: Scary Hairy
TDs: Jumpin Jack Flash & Scary Hairy

Graveside Manor Necromancer 1,480,000
5 wins 2 ties 2 loss
130k banked
3 rerolls
9 FF

Zombie "Famine" 4328 Regen 5spp
Zombie "Pestilence" 4328 Regen 5spp
Zombie "Ebola" 4328 Regen, Block 11spp
Zombie "Botulism" 4428 Regen, (+1St) 7spp
Ghoul "Jumpin' Jack Flash" 7337 Dodge (Niggle), Pass 6spp
Ghoul "Bone Hellsting" 7337 Dodge, Sure Hands 7spp
Wight "Hank Haunt" 6338 Block, Regen, Guard 15spp
Wight "Tommy Terror" 6338 Block, Regen, Guard 12spp
Golem "Frankie III" 4429 Regen, Stand Firm, Thick Skull 2spp
Golem "Stiener II" 4429 Regen, Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Mighty Blow 14spp
Werewolf "Scary Hairy" 8338 Claws, Frenzy, Regen, Mighty Blow, Catch 21spp
Werewolf "Mr. Fangtastic" 8338 Claws, Frenzy, Regen, (Niggle) 5spp

... and... yes... being only 3 games from post-season I went with a non-traditional pair of skills for my Ghoul and Werewolf this time.... Hopefully the pairing will put an additional threat into my team's repertoire and skill up the Werewolf even faster....

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Nuffle Sucks! I played in the championship against a loaded Chaos team and actually started kickin' his arse around, thanks to my MB Werewolf! Nevertheless, an easy game winning QUICK PASS with skill, turned into a Nuffled deucey-ace and regulation time went 1-1 as a tie....

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZ second half expected as I was up 9 players to 6....

Yeah, right....

First I Nuffled the kick off table and lost a reroll even with +1 FAME....

Two easy game winners: a sure hands pick up in no zones... 1 come 1.... later a dodge into the open with skill... 1 come 1....

Opposing coach played his game well enough... but I lost to dice rape....

*Sigh*, some days are like that....

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New season and it's different.... We had a meeting and the populace favored a no playoff season with "knock-out" tournaments every few months....

So winning isn't quite as important as anyone can tourney.... 'Course doing one's best in pursuit of team excellence remains important....

Darned good thing as the Zen Dice Master sought nirvana in new team "Grave Danger" 's first outing... a 1-1 affair against "AN Ogre Team" (one Ogre and 15 snotlings!)....

Good News is almost every player stomped a snot or two and Cyanide (Werewolf) scored a TD & MVP, rolling 3+3 to get Mighty Blow as a first skill...!!!!

For all you Necro Player/Coaches out there: As much as I tried to fiddle with Werewolf advancement by taking catch before block and tackle.... Never again!!!! The wolves went down so many times that it was routinely cardiac arresting.... Catch only resulted in one TD by pass for the season.... BLOCK is the all-time king of skills and lack of prevented the advancement I enjoyed with Graveyard Gothika....

Sad that catch, a one-time included skill, will sit as a third/fourth choice....

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2nd game, today, against a 3 game Khemri team with

4 Guardians (one w/Guard)
2 Blitzers
1 Thrower (other mng)
3 Skellies
1 J-man


5 Zombies
2 Wights
2 Flesh Golems
2 Weres (one w/Mighty Blow)

Nuffle Sucks!

Even more so for Khemri this time.... While I boned out 3 critical times in last league's championship, Ed did the same in his fourth game....

Times would start out good, if difficult, for the Fumbl Bumbl Ras on turn two with a non-regenned -AV swipe at Flesh Golem Venom.... Another hot swipe at a zombie would, of course, be regenned.... Nevertheless, the Dangers would push and slap around just enough to coast into the end zone in the last turn of the first half and be receiving the second half. Sarin scored a cas on a blitz-ra (of course HE regenned) and Strychnine the TD. Second half looked good as only 1 of 3 Ra (it would have to be the thrower) came out of knockout and all but the aforementioned Venom came out for the Dangers....

Dangers receive and it looks good till I make the crucial positioning mistake... and it nearly cost me the game: I moved a ball-carrying wolf one square too much, allowing a Guardian to blitz him down... stunned (whew, scary, but could've easily been worse!) Naturally things degenerated into a scrum, favoring the Khemri.... The game came down to my throwing ill-fated dodge rolls or iller-fated blocks.... At least the dodges sometimes worked.... To even have a chance, the Ra had to try an illest-fated pick up roll with Guardian... to no avail, even with reroll.... A blitzin' Zombie, against a Guardian, freed a werewolf who managed a pickup and hauled furry butt down the sideline with another zed tryin to block the way.... All w/o rerolls.... Single GFI sealed the deal.... *sweating bullets*

I don't know what Ed did to gain Nuffle's Ire, but he set up on the last turn for punishment against my three zombies... and... rolled... double skulls on the first block.... I hate to get scragged, but that's just not right!!!

Welllll, here's the part I need suggestions/arguments/advice on:

1) I'm missing my FG (of course he got the MVP) with a doubles roll to work out.... So what do you get the recovering Golem who literally has nothing...?

2) One Wight now has guard... no need for discussion....

3) Which one, or the something else, is best?
a. Take my 140k winnings and buy two ghouls, avoiding the need for j-man... or...
b. buy a badly needed third reroll... or...
c. something else explained in your response....

4) Provided I take the two ghouls (my favored option right now), would you fire the one zombie w/o spp... or keep him for reserve?

The team will look something like:

GRAVE DANGER (Necromantic)
2(or 3) Rerolls

Belladonna 2spp
Nightshade 0spp (fire 'im?)
Arsenic 2spp
Anthrax 2spp
Ricin 2spp


Strychnine 7spp Guard
Hemlock 0spp

Flesh Golems
Venom 7spp (double roll for skill) MNG
Hemlock 0spp

Sarin 5spp
Cyanide 8spp Mighty Blow

Reason: ''
LRB6/Icepelt Edition: Ah!, when Blood Bowl made sense....
"1 in 36, my Nuffled arse!"
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